Darkness consumes the Light

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I land on the ground but saw two people in cloaks. "Why hello there"

They didn't say anything and lunge at me.

"Well thats just being rude" I jump up and dodge them. "Its not polite to not greet someone" I land on the ground and blast fire at them.

They split, running on both sides of her and they taking out weapons. One of them jumps and lands in front of me but I stumbled back and go into close-combat.  "You might be a worthy opponent." I stomp on the ground and send wind and two rocks to one of them and they got knocked back but came back like it was nothing.

The other one came up behind me silently then kicked the back of me head sending me flying across the ground. "Impressive but I have a trick" Both my eyes turned purple and I lunge at them which I run then jump on the ground and lifting my hands to send lava erupting from the earth. "Lets turn up the heat shall we?" I thrust my arm toward them sending a wave crashing down but they jump outta the way. "You guys are like cockroaches that need to be put in place!"

I use my left hand to try and bind them down and use my other hand to control the lava but one of the guys knee me in the face. I see something on the their cloak it looked like....a symbol I stare at it but tumble across the ground again. "Ow thats gonna sting" I surround myself with powerful winds as the others soon follow.

They guys look at me as they dash toward me, zigzagging their way like the ways a DNA strand would go. I blast water and fire at them but they dodge barely and jump up but I hurl rocks and air at them sending one tumbling to the ground. "You can't win!!" My hands tremble as I feel more power....I felt unstoppable...but I had to much power and my body start shutting down but the evil aura in me kept me going.

One of the figures look familiar, they feel like.....family. I kept my eye on them but I felt an embrace the moment I look down I saw that one had hugged me but the other one punched the side of my head and I fell to the ground. I felt the figure hugging me tighter and tighter when it said in a calmly voice. "Yuki....stop..please" it sounded familiar, my eyes stopped glowing and I spit out blood.

"W-what....happened....?" I said but it I lied so I look down at the person hugged me but he looked up and removed his hood.

The boy had black hair and amber eyes. "Yuki.....its me, Damon...do you remember me?"

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