Endgame pt. 2

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Damon, Lily and Clara ran toward the explosion but more keep popping up all around. "What are we going to do?!" Lily looked at the explosions.

"What we were born to do" he looked around. "Lily and Clara split up and go to two of the explosions and try and get people to safety" he whistled for Max then looked at him. "You go with them, bud" he looked back at them. "Split up and be safe"

They all nod at each other and dash off in separate directions, Max following the girls. Damon jogged when he heard crying and saw a little girl crying and hugging a broken stuffed rabbit in her hand. He ran toward her and puts up his mask so she wouldn't get scared "everyone's gonna be ok" he saw a rock hurling toward them he picks her up and runs but got knocked down but the impact. "Where's your parents?" He looked at her but she kept crying. "Ok uh...um...hm.." He got up and ran as far away as he could that sat her down in a house. "Stay here" he lowered his mask and started sprinting back.

Lily and Clara both ran and see if anyone needed help and Max sniffed the air but dashed off. "Max wait!" Lily cried and ran after him followed by Clara. Max ran and jump over rumble, barking and digging the ground. "Max, what is it?" Lily stands over the dog but hears a noise then starts moving then ruble. "Clara help me!" She shouted while trying to  move rocks outta the way.

Clara helped her move the ruble outta the way.  A mother and her baby were stuck under there so they tried to get  them out. "Come on"  Lily pulled the mother's hand and they got out and ran out with her baby to safety. "Phew I thinks that's all of them. Let's start heading back."  They started to jog back but they heard yelling.

I was rushing at Ryuu blasting fire and hurling rocks at him but I got thrown back harshly by dark energy

"You are weak" he hissed  then started to twist my body so I couldn't move. He then manipulated the dark energy to slowly consume me, as it goes up my legs, to my waist and up my arms. He smiled but got tackled by Max.

It starts to disappear and I weakly turn my head. "M-Max...." I tried getting up but everything hurt and was really weak and heavy like stone.

Max chomped on his arm but he got thrown to the ground, he was whinnying and struggled to move. Ryuu laughed. "You think this animal can save you" he lifted his arm and I heard a loud whimper. He twisted  the dog's body like a rag doll. Each bone that cracked, a very loud whine escaped from the poor dog's mouth until he stopped moving so he placed the dog on the ground. Everything went in slow motion.

Damon, Lily and Carla run to the scene only to see that and they all came to a halt. "MAX!!" Damon dashed to the body and slides to his knees while hugging the dog, weeping loudly. "no no no!" He turned to Ryuu and charged at him in anger.

Lily and Carla both narrowed there eyes and out of rage, and rushed at him but their anger was hidden behind their masks.

Roku blasted a few fireballs and Chole shot streams of water but she ran toward me to help. "Yuki.." She helped her

Ryuu smirked as he pushed his arms out and a strong wave of pure darkness that blasted all around him knocking everyone back that putting his arm toward Chloe. "You think you can save them? Ha!" He started closing his hand and laughed when she shrieked.

"Let her go!" Roku got up and shot fire but get knocked back but drops Chloe and flings her harshly to the ground.

Lily and Clara run at him and try to land a blow but Lily got corrupted and fell to the floor. "Ah!!!!" She screamed in pain as she curled up and twitched. "IT HURTS!!" She shrieked but passed out from pain.

He knocked Clara out and went after Damon.

Damon punched Ryuu in the face but he got his arm twisted then got elbowed in the jaw. He stumbled back and tries to jump up and kick him but missed a failed miserably.

"Now I got you pests outta the way" he walks to me and grabs my throat and started sucking the life outta me. "Finally" He was about to end me but he got pulled away.

Damon tackled him and punched him in the face but got stabbed with darkness.

"Now, you can watch your precious Avatar die" he smiled crookedly and grabbed my neck. Darkness crawled up my body as I screamed in agony.

Damon struggled as he looked up but tried to attack him in his critical state. He slowly got up, sweat pouring from his face as he had a dagger in his coat so he took it out and breathed heavily. He put his mask on to hide his face while gripping the dagger and slowly walked; he then started walking faster and faster as now he was jogging. "......" He plunged the dagger to slice his arm but Ryuu grabbed his arm.

"You are foolish, boy" he looked at me but his voice sounds intertwined with a dark force when he was talking to him. He twisted his arm the one way and swung me over to him. "This world will feel my wrath" He pounded on the ground sending a violent shockwave that made everything crack and destroyed.

He grabbed Chloe. "I want you to see this" he looked at me. He sent darkness to her body making her fidget and yell for someone.

"Help, Roku! Yuki! Somebody!! It hurts!! She had tears in her eyes but looked at Ryuu but couldn't bend so she just wiggled around. She looked at me right in the eye with pain and sorrow. After a few minutes, her body turned pale, her eyes closed and she didn't move.

Roku had tears in his eyes and so he shot fire through his fingertips and large fireballs at him out of anger. He jumped up and tried to punch him. "You...." He didn't saying anything after that then he ducked

He smirked and laughed. "Don't worry, you'll see her again. He sent blasts of dark energy.

Damon cut in and flipped over Roku then side kicked Ryuu smack in the face then punched his stomach. "You're not gonna hurt anyone again"

I slowly stood up but my body hurt so much. My vision was blurry so I all could see was Chloe on the ground, Roku and Damon fighting Ryuu but they fell in defeat. "No..." I regained my focuse and my eyes widened. "Chloe...."

Damon was caught off guard and got hit with darkness. "That's not..good" he fell back on the ground and grunted. Darkness was slowly crawling up his body but he forced himself up through the pain. "It'll be fun they said, you'll get to enjoy it they said" he said through gritted teeth. "Liars" he fell on one knee.

Lily slowly awoke and stood up but she felt...different. She looked at Ryuu and opened and closed her fists but got in a position then sprinted toward him. Her eyes shined bright, electric blue through the eyes of the mask so she jumped up and did an upper-cut with lighting speed. "Try picking someone on your own size" her voice was calm but had a threatening tone"

We all looked shocked.

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