It's a Trap!

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Yuki told everything to Damon. How I'm the avatar, how I had a spirit that gave me the power. "That's basically it" I bit my lip and knew that he might think that I was crazy. "You think I'm crazy, don't you" I looked down.

"Wow...." He looked at me. "That's...just-wow. Ok, so you got struck by lightning, been in a coma for about a few hours, figured out you had these bending abilities, you made a deal with a spooky ghost-thing, you're parents are wrongly arrested, you went in some kinda psycho mood and destroyed-ish a part of the town?" His eyes were widened. "Damn"

I didn't look up so I just stared at the ground. "Yeah..that's the whole story with it's your turn" I looked up at him.

"Ok, so we were hanging out but you left early and went I home. I got on my computer but got a text from you saying that you wanted to see me-"

"I never texted you" her eyes narrow

"I know but when I went there, I got a sag pulled over my head and when they took the sag off it was nighttime and I didn't know where I was....I was scared. Then, a man unloaded me and basically told me..."

"He told you what?" I crossed my arms.

"He told me died..." He voice was low and shaky. "I-I believed it..."

My eyes widened and I dropped my arms to my side. "S-so you thought that I was dead..."

His eyes locked on to mine. "I tried not to believe it but the guy told me and tortured me so many times and that I finally believed and then forget but now that I've seen you after all these years brought me to back and so I remembered."

I looked down. "I'm so sorry...." I put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault" He stood up and grabbed her hand then pulled her up. "Let's go to somewhere more safe" he starts running, pulling her along to his house a few minutes later.

We get to his house and I look around. "Nice place"

"Thanks" he smiled and gestures for her to sit down. "Take a seat. Do you want anything?"

"No problem" she takes a seat a looks kinda tense. "Some water please and a sandwich please"

"You got it" he walked over to the kitchen then came back with a cup of tea. "I might have thought tea would be better. "He handed it to me and smiled

I took it gratefully and sipped it. "It's good" I smiled back at him warmly and watched him walk back to the kitchen. I drank some more tea and the warm, bubbly sensation on it going down my throat and the smell of it makes my feel that I'm making hot chocolate with my mom and dad.

I tapped my foot from nervousness and boredom but I heard a voice. "Make sure you punish those who wrong you..make them suffer" the voice ringed in my head as I saw the figure of a young girl who had a black dress, white hair and a small white dot on the top of her dress. I paused for a minute and tried to say something but then another girl appeared slowly but she had black hair, a white dress and a black dot on the corner of her dress.

The two girls looked at me and one of them smiled. "Hello..." Her voice was very fragile and barely above a whisper. "We were looking for you..."

I paused and my eyes were widen. "" I looked at the cup of tea then set it down quickly and closed my eyes then opened them but when I did, the two girls where gone and Damon was standing there.

"Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He sat down next to me then looked at me.

I blink but looked at him. "I'm good...I just was zoning out a bit.." I yawned a bit

"Sounds like you're ti-huh?" He stopped when he saw my eyes closed and I was leaned against him, he smiled warmly and wrapped his arm around me. "Get some rest"

The next day, my eyes fluttered open as I looked up and I saw him sleeping but his arm was around me so I became nervous but slowly slipped from his grip. I got up and stretched. I looked over at him but saw him waking up. "Thanks for letting me stay"

He yawned and stretched then looked at her. "Oh! I wanted to show you something" he stood up and quietly walked out with me, looking around cautiously. "You're kinda being hunted so we have to be careful."

"Yea I got that" I looked around and kept up with him but I heard screaming and yelling, it sounded like a little kid. "Did you hear that?" I look toward the sound.

"Yea." He walks toward the sound as it lead him to a lobby in a big building. He saw a little recorder in the middle of the floor with speakers on the sides. "What is this?" He looked around and walked toward it curiously. 

"Aren't we getting sidetracked?" I asked getting a bit creeped out.

"Yea, sorry about that?" He got up and slowly started walking about but he gets tackled. "What the-" he couldn't move that much.

"Damon!" I run toward him but I feel two people grab my arms. "Let me go" I tried to make them let go but I didn't want to use my bending.

"Well well well" a husky voice said and walked toward Damon but then I saw Ryyu and Kat standing a few feet away from the man. The man grabbed his hair and pushed it into the ground. "Thank you for bringing her here" he smiled

"Stop it! Let him go...." I looked and Ryyu and Kat. "Y-you guys...."

Kat bit her lip but Ryyu spoke in a calm voice. "I'm sorry....he told us he could help you get rid of your destructive powers..."

My mind was wandering into so many scenarios that could happen which made my panic and I thought of when I first came to the school and when I met them but I realized that I was living some sort a dream where everyone would turn out ok but no. It didn't. I blinked and saw Damon getting beat by the man harshly.

Tears streaked down my face but I saw the spirit again in front of me. "Well you seem to be in a slight pickle again" she sighed. "Should I let you save them or should I help you?" She folded her arms. "You better make it quick"

I closed my eyes and yelled. "STOP IT!" I opened my eyes but all I saw was darkness but I saw a figure in front of me but I was bounded by chains. "W-what's going on"

The figure squatted down. "Are you gonna let him die? Are you going to let yourself die?"she said in a stern tone.

"N-no...I'm not letting anyone getting hurt....not me....not him" I felt the Sam tugging sensation, it was dark and I felt this rage boiling up inside.

If you had a second chance before all this happened would you do anything to protect them? 

"Yes I would" I had my head down.

"Even if it meant losing everyone and everything?

"If it had to protect them yes"

Even if it meant killing?" She said

"Even if it meant that" I looked down

Even if it meant giving up your humanity?

if it meant that!" I snapped and didn't want her to talk. "Shut up"

The figure smirked as she touched my forehead and said soothing. "I'll keep you safe. I promise" she smiled wickedly as everything turned white and I was suddenly back to reality.

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