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I crashed into the sea so I swam up best I could but everything hurt and my head banged against a rock knocking me out.

Damon scrambled to the edge and look down at the crashing waves. "YUKI!" he screamed but he got picked up by one of the guards but he put up a struggle until the guy knocked him out and dragged him away.

He woke up strapped to a chair, with a struggle he tried to get free but he was exhausted. "...." He looked down and clenched his fists. "She saved me...." He thought as he struggled again. "She's not dead" He kept saying that over and over in his head but that only made him worry more. "Gotta get outta here.." he looked around and at the ropes that bound his hands and feet, he saw that they were poorly tied.  "I really hope this works." He broke his thumb so hopefully it could slip through, which it did.

He slipped his hand free then tried to untie the other hand finally going to his feet and undoing the knots. His back hurt because of the blade but that didn't matter to him right now so he looked around and didn't see anyone so he dashed into a sprint out the the door being oblivious to everything around him. Suddenly, Ryuu punches him in the face then beats him while he was down.

"You will not escape from me, boy" he spat and threw him to the wall. He smiled and pounded the ground making them crumble down on Damon. "I will end you right here along your pathetic excuse for a girlfriend which I'll track her down" he walks to him and picks him up from his collar. "You're a weakling" he threw him toward a machine. A murderous aura surrounded him.

"Damn..." Damon groans as he struggles to get up but looked at the machine then gets an idea. "Damn you to hell you little mutant" he smirks

"What did you just call me?" He got angered easily and lunges at him. "You will die!"

Damon smirks and rolls outta the way.

Ryuu smashed the machine but looked at him with total anger now.

He looks at the machine and two big tubes on each side of it. "Electricity powers it?" His eyes widened. "Its risky but its worth a shot" He thought. "Restraint...if I can break it he'll go outta control" he whispers and made fun of him. "Even the Yuki did a better job" he stuck his tongue out

Ryuu anger skyrocketed and he yelled. Lunging toward him. "Do not compare me to her!" He lost control

He dodged the outburst at the last second and smiled

Ryuu crashed into the machine and got electrocuted but gritted his teeth and looked at Damon right in the eye before passing out.

"Deep" he said as he walked toward the door. "Glad thats over" he walked outside but his sees Yuki fall again as a flashback. "Shes gonna be ok. He started walking to his house in one of the cars.

One of the guards rushes to Ryuu's side with a medical kit and carries him to a table and puts an oxygen mask that was hooked up to a weird gass. A few minutes later, his eyes cracked open.

The ElementOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora