Endgame pt 1

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Damon and Carla were sitting on the boat with Max while Lily was bit her lip as she was driving. The wind was blowing as they only heard the roar of the engine as they came upon huge cliffs. Max sniffed the air then the peace of clothing, they were getting close.

Lily looked at Max then at Damon. "I think he has something bro" she looked forward and they were getting close to the cliffs and she saw a little shore. "Lets try there" she pointed to the small island.

Damon nodded. "Maybe we can ask someone if they've seen her" he wondered as he  looked at the island. "If anyone is on the island." He sighed

Carla scratched Max's ear so he turned to her and licked her cheek leaving slobber. "Ugh" she shivered a little. "This is why I have a cat" she smiled a bit and looked at him. "You're cute I guess" She saw that they were getting  closer and closer to the island and Max got up and put his front paws on the boat and his tongue out as the wind blew through his fur.

When they got close enough, Max jumped off and swam to the shore. Once he did he shook his fur out and started barking and jumping, his tail wagging with excitement then took off into a dash and tackled me.

"Max!" They watched him tackle me but stopped the boat on the shallow water then they all hopped off and ran toward us. "Max! Get off" Damon scolded but his eyes widened once he saw me. "Yuki!" He smiled and exclaimed happily.

"Don't yell....I'm right here" I stood up and instantly hugged him. Tears running down my cheeks but when I pulled away I wiped them so it wasn't noticeable. "What took you so long?" She smirked and punched him in the arm. Roku and Chloe were behind me.

Damon smiled as he blushed a little. "Why does everyone have to hit me this week" he rubbed his arm.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him. "You took way to long to find me" I smirked and stepped back then looked back. "Guys, this is Roku and Chloe. They helped me out when I was unconscious on the island" I smiled. "Roku, Chloe, this is my best friend Damon and.." I looked past him. "wait a minute....Lily, Clara..?" I smiled brightly. "You've guys got big since the last time I saw you."

Clara and Lily smiled. "It's good to see you too" lily waved and laughed. "When I saw you, you were so little." She sighed. "I can't believe you're in high-school, you look all grown up."

Clara folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "Now that we find you, can we please get outta here so we can figure out what the hell is going on around her" she scoffed

Damon nods. "Clara's right. Let's go" he grabs my hand and turns around.

I turn my attention to Roku and Chloe. "You guys wanna come with us?" I said warmly and flashed a quick smile.

"Sure" Roku looks at Chloe and takes her hand. "Wanna go on a little trip?" The ground started shaking which made the sand sink and the water crashed again their feet, almost knocking them down.

"What's going on?" Chloe bent the water so they would get soaked or washed away.

I help bend the water. "Darkness...." I said like I was in a trance. "We have to move....fast" I looked at all of them then saw the speedboat. "Everyone in the boat"

Damon whistled Max and they jumped on the boat with Clara, Lily and Roku so me and Chloe were the last to go so were pushed the water against the boat to make us going faster. "Hang on tight" we blasted huge waves of water.

The sky was getting grayer and grayer with thunder and lighting booming through the sky with terrible flashes and sparks that came down. "Woah.." I looked up but it became so windy that I could barely open my eyes. The wind howled as the rough waters were hard to control but we made onto land. "So much power..." I could feel a tugging sensation but it turned into a violent stabbing that sent goosebumps down my spine.

"Uh....this looks bad. What the what is that?!" Lily pointed to a big bundle of clouds that went in circles but on the rim it was more of a greenish/black color.

Our eyes widened and Clara scoffed. "It's obviously a giant meatball that has gone bad with mold stains on it-what does you think it looks like" she snapped and flicked her head. "What that thing is...we have to get rid of it" she sighed. "It's too much work"

"You got a better idea" Damon glanced at us and we start walking but the ground shook, causing the earth to crack and split. "We'd better be careful" he kept walking but put his hood up with it came with a mask that he had in the coats. Lily and Clara did the same. "See if a-" he stopped as he saw a shadowy figure jump down in front of them.

"Hello" his voice was deep and it sent chills down my spine. His dark, blue hood covered his face, he looked up and he soulless, dark eyes locked onto to mine and an evil aura surrounded him. "Well well well" he walked forward but with every step, the earth would float a bit. "We meet again and I must say I was a bit surprised you survived" he smiled crookedly.

My eyes widened once I realized who it was. "Ryyu...." I felt a stabbing sensation then remembered what happened. "You're not gonna get away with this." I felt scared. Really scared but I hid my hand that was trembling. "How does he have that much power?..." I thought

He laughed. "I already have" his voice was devilish. He sent a wave of dark energy toward us.

We dodged it and Damon, Clara and Lily ran toward him but suddenly we hear people screaming along with explosions.

"Guys, I'll handle it take care of the people" I narrowed her eyes and watch them all go then turn my attention to Ryyu. "You won't win"

"We'll see about that" he shot a wave of darkness at me. He ran full blast at me then kicked my stomach

I dodged the darkness but I get kicked in the stomach but tried to sweep his leg finally blowing air to send him flying back. "You're never getting away" I slammed my foot on the ground making the ground split and collapse on itself.

He got sent flying back but went on a higher ground. "See, your problem is that you're too hot-headed" He took off the hood off revealing a hideous scar going down his left eye, to his cheek which started to glowing with power. "You become scared. Scared that you'll fail and you cover that hot-headedness" He jumps down and walks toward me with a psychotic grin. "You. Will. Die!" He eyes glowed purple and ran at me reeling his arm back to deliver a punch.

My eyes glowed white and I do the same thing.

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