Hidden (Jeff The Killer x Reader)

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"It's okay to be scared, it only means you are about to do something brave"

"Never let the pain of your current crisis lead you astray from your path, rather let it motivate you to go further then you would have ever gone"

Snow,it was such a rare experience. Where I come from snow was near to impossible yet here it was falling from the sky like a miracle from the heavens above.

Jason, my brother, was pulling on my hand quite roughly so that I could witness the beauty of nature for myself. It was beautiful, I'd never seen something so pure before.

The air was so cold and crisp, the snow looked like a blanket of powder had been layed on the floor by angels. I just couldn't believe my eyes , that was until I felt something hit my face.

It was so cold it almost felt sharp against my face yet it gave me a feeling of joy and excitment. Then I felt it again this time with great force. I looked around to see where it came from and what this phenomenon was. My eyes landed on a smiling Jason, in his hand a ball of snow. Jason was a very handsome young boy with pitch black hair and grey eyes. Mom always said he was going to be a very handsome man when he grew up and the ladies were going to swarm over him. I tilted my head slightly, studying the object in his hand. He moved his hand back behind his head tgen threw the object at me. It hit my face again creating the same sensation as the two objects before it.

I was never a Tom boy nor was I a girly girl either but I could take it when my brother rough housed with me. He would never take it to far though,he always knew his boundaries.

As soon as he knew he had my full attention he motioned for me to come over to him. He lead me to a patch of untouched snow. I, of course, walked behind him because even though I found everything my brother did exciting and adventurous but I was always careful.

He turned around and faced me, he still had the warm smile on his face. He spread his arms and fell back onto the snow. Then he did something I have only seen on Tv,he was making a snow angel. I was over come with excitment, all my life I wanted to do it but I was never given the opportunity.

I mimicked Jason's actions and soon we both layed on the floor making snow angels. Jason got off the ground then helped me up. He put an arm around me as we admired our work. Then they came out , our parents. Their smiles were bright and warm ,there was nothing I could asked for. There was nothing more perfect then my family.

That was 6 years ago, all of it a distant memory. I'm 16 years older now and Jason is 18 and ever since that day it snowed every winter. The sight of the snow was not as exciting as it was when I had first seen it all those years ago, it just brought back the feeling of longing and emptiness. They were gone, both of them, they left us alone...

Just after my parents came out that day they told us they they needed to go to the store. They told us they were going to leave is at home, Jason was old enough to look after me for 10 minutes, he was 2 years older then me after all.

They left and never returned, when our family friend Sampson knocked on the door with the look of pain and saddness on his face, we knew our lives would change forever. He said there was a horrible accident, they weren't used to driving on the roads while it was snowing. Since that day we've been living witg Sampson.

Sampson was a very wealthy man but very busy. Nobody knew what he did and nobody ever asked. He was a very tall,skinny man. He was very pale as if he had never seen the sun. He had black short hair and deep blue eyes and was always well dressed, well whenever I did see him.

He was rarely at home but whenever he was around he would either bring Jason and I gifts or retail us with a scary story by a campfire. They were always so real and graphic but I loved hearing them.

To go with his somewhat odd appearance he did have a weird yet beautiful home. A almost secluded mansion right by the woods. The place was old but it was an architectural marble, with a huge backyard that spread into the forest. What was odd was that Sampson never let anybody come to the mansion, no visitors or maid or gardens but the place was always neat and clean and well... beautiful inside and out.

So you can imagine how lonely it was in the house. It was always just Jason and I all the time it would be logical to spend our time with friends or just out in general but it wasn't that simple the first reason being that even thought Jason might have been the social butterfly I was very introverted, Jason is my only friend. Secondly even though Sampson was a very kind and caring man, he did have his rules.

He told us that he couldn't leave the house without his permission and that was always hard to get seeing as he was never around. So we would always just go to school and come home.

We were never allowed to bring anybody over, but to be fair nobody never came around. His most important rule was to never under and circumstance, go into the woods,ever. We were allowed in the backyard thought.

This is where I loved spending my time and today was the first snow day. It was very quiet, the air had a white tint to it which made the scenery even more beautiful. The forest was at its most beautiful but I've always wanted to take a look deeper in the forest.

Then I felt it, the icy cold sting on my face. It snapped me out of my daze, I knew it had to be a snowball. I looked to see where and who the snowball had come from. Standing to the left of me was Jason, he was very handsome just like my mom said he would be. He had a warm smile on his face, the smile that could make me smile even in my darkest days.

In his hand was another snowball,he would his arm back back ready to strike again but I had already picked up some some snow and shaped it into a snow. I wound my arm then flung the snowball at him,hitting his upper arm.

A chuckle erupted from the back of his throat, it was very gruff. He wound his again ready to strike, then a horrible screeching noise broke through the air like the sound of a dying animal. Jason walked over to me immediately and stood in front of me protectivly.

The noise came from inside the house. Sampson had been gone again which ment that only Jason and I were at home. We needed to check out who or when was inside the house.

Jason walked inside and followed close behind him. After a thorough check of the downstairs of the house, Jason and I went upstairs to check every room except my own. Jason walked up to my room slowly with his arm outstretched in a protective manner.

He slowly opened the door, it creeked as it opened. I heard Jason curse under his breath when the door opened all the way. I felt the bile rise up in my throat, what I saw made me physically sick.

It was a black cat, its stomach was cut open from it's chin to it's groin and it's internal organs spilled out. It layed on the desk I had that rested by the wall and above the desk on the wall there was something written in blood of the deceased cat. "The Accident Was No Accident, They're coming"

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