Chapter 6

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I sat on the kitchen eating a bowl of (Your favorite cereal), exhausted. I didn't get much sleep last night because of Jeffs visit, I was to deep in thought. Jason came trotting down the stairs with a pair of glasses on his face, reading a piece of paper. In his other hand was an article of clothing covered in plastic like you get from the dry cleaners.

He placed the clothing next to me and sat down in the chair opposite of mine. "What's this?" I asked. "Your costume " He answered plainly. "Costume for what?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Jason put down the paper he was reading which seemed to be a flyer for a Halloween party not to far from us, it was in the woods next to the road not to far from the house.

I picked up the paper and looked at it, has Jason lost his marbles? "What the hell Jason? You know we can't leave the house until tomorrow " I reminded him. He looked at me as if he was carefully piecing his thoughts together. He took off his glasses, his grey eyes sparkled in the morning light.

"I was up last night looking at our findings, then I got a message on my computer. It was from an unknown user, they said they knew about the CpA and they would like to share their their findings with us. They told me that we should meet at this party." He explained while pointing at the flyer

I looked at the paper again, since when does Jason ever trust anybody off the internet? " I don't know Jay, sounds dodgy." I said looking up at him with my eyebrows raised. "Don't worry sissy, I'll be going as a baseball player so that I can beat anyone with tricks with my bat. Besides only Mr Johnson knows that we know the CpH so this anonymous person probably means business." Jason explained.

I blinked at Jason a few times, deciding if I should go with him. He was my big brother after all and he was always right about these things so I was going to do what I always did...  trust him even if I did have an unsettling feeling about it. "Fine but we shouldn't stay long." I agreed. "Great! We won't I promise " he said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "When did we have time to go buy co- what the hell Jason a sexy cheerleader?" I yelled pulling out the extremely revealing outfit.

Jason couldn't help but laugh at me reaction. "What? We need to fit in!" He explained. I looked at him with a face of disgust. "Don't worry, I won't let any boy come within a 10 foot radius of  you okay (Y/n/n)." He said  taking a sip of coffee. What the H is wrong with him. It's as if the whole thing was scrambling his brain. I want to know what happened as badly as him but I was being cautious about it.

As soon as the sun has set we got into our costumes. I put on the blue and gold costume, I felt uncomfortable in mine. The skirt barely covered my butt so I guess I won't bending tonight. So to finish the look I put on a pair of grey paladiums. I pulled my (H/L) hair into two ponytails. I left the Pom poms because I was not in the mood  to be carrying that around all night.

When I stepped out of the room Jason was already done and waiting for me by the door. He looked handsome in his (F/c) uniform and base ball bat. I smiled at him and he did the same, he looked really good. "You're driving " he said while tossing me my car keys. I took a coat because it was still snowing outside and I didn't want to freeze to death.

Jason and I both got into my car and I pulled out of the driveway. I continued straight and passed a few stop streets. Then the party came into view, there were dozens of cars parked in the street. I found the closest parking spot and parked my car. We got out of the car to be greeted with loud music, I locked my car and walked over to Jason.

When we walked into the party, it was crazy. There were so many people dressed as so many things. Ghosts, witches, gremlins, I even one guy dressed as a bowl of cereal. There were colourful flashing lights and the air was heavy, Jason and I walked deep into the party and deeper in the woods. "Oh My God Jason!" A voice called from the crowd. When I looked to see who it was ,it was some girls from school. Jenna, Emma and Ragan (if any of those names are yours feel free to change it!) they all three were dressed as sexy somethings. Jenna was dressed as a nurse, Emma was a cat and Ragan was a angel.

They all looked ridiculous, I mean aren't they getting cold? It is snowing after all people! They all came up to us and hugged Jason. "So who are you here with?!" Emma asked in a high pitched voice.

"My sister." Jason said pointing at me. Oh my god I have to activate fake mode, they all smiled simultaneously and hugged me. "What are you supposed to be, a detective?" Jenna asked. I unbuttoned my coat revealing my... well revealing costume. They all three gasped "Well,well,well looks like she's finally coming out of her shell." Ragan said as she looked at me up and down.

"Com'on you have! To dance with us!" Jenna said pulling me away from my brother and towards the dance floor. I looked back at Jason and he gave me that warm smile. "Don't worry, I'll be right here." He assured me. They led me to the dance floor and began dancing. "Com'on (Y/n) let loose! Dance!" Emma said as she bumped me with her hip.

I gave in and started dancing too but not that weird, twerky, sexy way they were doing it but the normal way any non slut would do it. When I looked back at my brother he was talking to a man with a plain white mask. They both nodded and began walking deeper into the woods. I tapped Ragan on the shoulder and she stopped dancing and looked at me. "Hey, I'm going to see where my brother is going!" I yelled.

Ragan smiled then continued dancing. I followed Jason and the man. The deeper into the woods we went the quieter it became. As it became dead quiet I started to run towards them, I was about to call out to Jason but I immediately covered my own mouth.

The man with the mask turned and injected Jason with something, my eyes widened  as Jason fell limply into the mans arms. I gasped as a white van skidded into view in front of them, I moved my hand away from my mouth and began to run towards the van. I started picking up speed but then I tripped over what I assumed was a branch but was too soft to be one and landed in the snow. When I looked up I saw two more people get out of the van, they both had the same masks as the man who had Jason in his arms.

One of them opened the van door and the two loaded Jason into the van. When they finished loading Jason into the van they all went to the front of it and got in. "Jas-" I started screaming but someone put a hand over my mouth. The men drove away, into the night."

Hot tears started streaming down my face and onto the snow. First my parents died and now Jason was gon too,I was all alone now. In all my grief I had forgotten that someone had their hand over my mouth, I slowly looked up to see Sampson. He looked enraged, a look I had never seen on him. He roughly helped me up and dusted me off. "I told you not to leave the house ! Now look!" He yelled.

He took my hand and quickly led me back into the party then back to my car. He opened the drivers door and lightly shoved me in. He then got into the passengers seat. "Drive!" He instructed. "What about Jas-" I started "I said drive (Y/n)!" Sampson shouted. He had never yelled at me before, that's how I knew he meant business. I quickly started the car and drove home.

When we got home Sampson led me inside. "I told you not to go! Now your brother is gone forever!" Sampson yelled frantically. I couldn't help but start crying, he was right, I could have stopped Jason. I could have told him no but I didn't and now he's gone. Sampsons scowl was replaced with a look of sympathy. He opened his arms and embraced me. It was just me and Sampson now...

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