Chapter 19

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"Now my precious sister, let go of that... monster and come with your brother..." Jason said in a soothing voice. I moved my head to the side to look at Jason, my head still resting on Jeffs' stomach. "C'mon (Y/n/n), come to your brother. You know it's the ONLY place that you're safe!" Jason said in a hushed sweet tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows, true Jason was once one of the two people I felt safe around but that all changed. Sure Jeff was unpredictable and reckless but I always felt safe around him. "No." I said in a soft, shaky voice.

"What?!" Jason barked in surprise. I sighed and looked up at him. "You heard me, I said no." I said again in a more confident tone. "Don't tell me you've bonded with this...this freak!" Jason growled. "Didn't you hear sir, she loves him." One of Jasons' goons said.

No sister of mine will love a boy I don't approve of and she sure as hell will not love a creepypasta." Jason growled. Jason tried to kick the arrow with the tip of his shoe but I grabbed his ankle. "I love Hoody and Masky and even Toby. I love Sam... uh... Slenderman because they are all family. I especially love Jeff, he is the man I love him in the...more then friends kind of way." I said in a growl.

Jason pulled his leg back and growled at me. He was clearly outraged and also surprised that I could stand up to him. I was always his obedient baby sister who would follow him to the ends of the earth.

"How could you love the monsters who killed your parents (Y/n)?!" Jason spat. I shook my head and let out a small chuckle. "They really got you brainwashed don't they Jay. Yeah your 'people' are the ones who killed mom and dad!" I pointed out.

"Lies! You're the brainwashed one here! Now you better come join us before I make you!" Jason threatened. I was no longer scared of Jason at this point, I was my own person. I had chosen my side whether Jason liked it or not.

I looked at Jeff, he was still unconscious but his heart beat was getting stronger. I smiled, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be strong enough to stand up for myself. Now I was going to fight the monsters, even if I was technically one of them.

I got onto my knees and released Jeffs' hoody, then got to my feet. I clenched my fists and puffed my chest out in confidence. Jason and both his men took a step back and all growled. Until this moment they had not seen the mask on my thigh until I stood up.

The CpH mask is probably one of the most important and sacred things to them. So having the mask in my thigh was a huge dishonor to them. To me it symbolizes the fact that I am one of them but I was going to kill every single one of them except Jason.

"You can try, after I kill every single one of your friends." I said confidently. Jason grinned, the evil toothy grin, then laughed as if the the idea was hilarious to him, his laugh got more sinister and and as he did so CpH members started appearing.

They were appearing in the trees, behind the rocks and they were all behind Jason. They did not have their weapons drawn but they all looked like they were ready to strike at Jasons command. "Oh yeah... you and what army?" Jason asked in a raspy, cokey voice.

"This army." A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around quickly, to see who was behind me. Slenderman was standing in the place where Jeff was laying and Jeff was nowhere to be seen. Behind Slenderman was every creepypasta in existence.

Everyone from Eyeless Jack to Laughing Jack, even Jane was here. "The proxies told me where you were, we're here to help child." Slenderman explained. I gently turned one corner of my mouth to form a soft smile.

For some reason being on the side of the Creepypastas just felt right, it felt fulfilling. This was something my parents fought for till the bitter end and seeing the people they had loved stand behind me, gave me all the confidence I needed. I turned back and looked looked at Jason with a bigger smile and my eyebrows furrowed.

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