Chapter 9

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So quick A/N here
I would just like to thank everyone who takes the time to leave comments and votes...

Please don't hesitate to tell me how you feel about the story so far and don't forget to vote!

I love you reader-chan and no not that other guy but specifically you! And that's why the updates are coming in a little faster because of my love for you!

Enjoy /(.-.)\


Have you ever had that feeling where you look at something or you thinking about something that makes you miss that feeling or time so you just feel sad because no matter how much you wish for it, it will never be like that again.

So you just sit there with a sink feeling in your chest and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears wishing you had never thought about it in the first place. "Dude are you okay? You've been staring at that piece of paper for the past 15 minutes." Justine stated, giving me a worried look. It was the paper I'd found yesterday, I was trying to figure it out when my mind drifted off.

"Oh yes, I'm alright. I was just trying to figure out what this stupid message is saying." I told her stretching in my seat. Justine grabbed the paper from my hand, I was ready to grab it back. I wasn't ready to let her know about anything.

"We shall defeat them all, the next meeting will be on the night of the next full moon. A reminder, if you find the girl capture her and bring her to the elders. Remember, they are the enemies. See you soon
CpA." Justine said, she was reading the letter.

I was dumbfounded , she understood the letter. "How did yo-" "Simple really, you just swap the first and last letters around on each word, it's actually kind of stupid." She said, interrupting me. She handed the letter back. "Where did you get a CpA letter, those people are really dangerous." She said, worry lacing her voice. She knew about the CpH? I needed to ask her about them I just don't know how.

We had gotten up from our seats and started walking to the hall, past many doorways and dark unused halls. It was always like this during lunch time. "Oh I uh-" I started when a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a different hallway, their hand clamped on my mouth. "You what (Y/n)?...(Y/n)?" I heard Justine ask, she continued walking properly thinking I had gone to class or something.

I looked up to see who my captor was, it was non other then Jeff himself. He took his hand off of my mouth and whipped it as if he had just touched filth. "What do you want?" I spat, his actions upsetting me slightly. "We have investigating to do, lets go." He said turning and walking to the nearest window. I walked after him. "I can't leave school, can't we do this after?" I whispered. "No idiot, your precious 'sammy' is guarding you to closely." He growled.

He had a point, Sampson was always over protective especially after Jason was taken. Hell he wasn't even keen on letting me go to the shop to often. Jeff grabbed my upper arm and pulled me towards the window. "Can you stop being so useless and get a move on, before they catch you!" Jeff ordered, pulling on my arm even harder.

Maybe I was useless, so useless that my brother had been gone for two years and I picked now to start looking for him. For all I know Jason was killed that same night and I have neglected to try and find him sooner. I was useless because I'm so lonely and can't even make more then one friend. In fact, I was so useless and worthless that I would hurt myself just to feel something else other then heart ache.

Jeff pushed me towards the window and I snapped out of my trans, I slowly descended out of the window. I never actually noticed how high the window was until I was falling out of it. I fell onto the freshly laid snow, which cushioned my fall to an extent because I still had whiplash from my impact. The icy coldness of the snow sent a shock through my body but I still just laid there. It was as if the snow had frozen me in that position because I didn't bother to get up. Jeff jumped from the window, grunting slightly as he landed. I felt his hand on my upper arms, he picked my almost limp body off the ground and onto my feet. "Hmph,useless..." he said as he dusted me off.

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