Chapter 5

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Brother. The word rang through my head like a school bell, did Sampson really call this man his brother? It made sense, they did look very similar. "Brother?" I said in surprise, snapping out of my trance. I squeezed Ozzies hand and turned to look at Sampson.

"Yes (Y/n), he is my..." "Jason, come hear, here in your ear here" I yelled cutting Sampson off. There was was a bang and a thud and then the sound of running coming towards us. Jason ran up to me and held the side of my head. "Are you okay? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Jason asked frantically.

"Jay, this is Sammy's brother!" I said excitedly pulling Ozzie closer. "What?" Jason asked laughing slightly. "This is Jason,brother, (Y/n)'s brother" Sampson said. "Ooh 'brother' " Jason repeated "Com'on Brother! Dinners ready!" I said in an English accent. "But of course brother" Jason answered in the same accent. We hooked arms and skipped to the kitchen.

**Time Skip**

It was after dinner now Ozzie had the same food as Sampson, I guess they like the same kind of meat. Sampson had started a fire and sat down in his chair Jason fetched a blanket and we cuddled on the floor next to each other. Ozzie had stood behind Sampson with that smoldering smile on his face. I looked away turning bright red. As soon as we all get comfortable, Sampson began to speak.

"Now children, I have told you about creepypastas correct?" He asked us. Jason and I just nodded. I've told you about Masky , Hoody and Ticci Toby. About how Eyeless Jack loves kidneys and how Laughing Jack tortured his best friend Isaac right?"

Jason nodded and I motioned for Sampson to continue. "Well I have a new one for you and his name is Jeff the Killer. Now to cut his back story short , he was bullied, burned and lost his mind. He cut a everlasting smile into his face , he burnt his eyelids off and killed his family. He then carried on killing people and that's how he became a creepypasta." Sampson told us. "Dude, why the hell would he burn his eyelids off?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

"He said he never wanted to stop looking at his smile but he couldn't because he kept getting tired so he burnt his eyelids off." Sampson explained. "I'm going to tell you about one of his kills... so get comfortable children" Sampson instructed. Jason put his arm around me and kissed my head, then we we waited.

"There was once a beautiful girl around (Y/n)'s age. She had blue eyes and blond hair, she was (Y/h) (Your Height) and she was a very sweet girl. She had a very unhealthy obsession with creepypastas but particularly Jeff. She would read Jeff X Readers and 'lemons' and fantasized about meeting and falling in love with each other. Her name was Haily (If that's your name, 1: you have a really nice name and 2: you're welcome to change it)

One night while the girl was taking a shower , Jeff decided to pay her a visit. He knew she wanted him and he found it really amusing. He snuck up into her house while she was in the shower. He opened the shower door and pulled her out of it by her hair and tossed her onto the bed. He made her dream come true, he  slept with her. It was her first time doing it and her last because the hours of rough love making ended with him holding his knife over his head and saying his signature phrase. "Go To Sleep" then he plunged the knife into her heart and ending her life, the poor, stupid young girl. " Sampson ended

"I wonder where he got the sex drive from" Ozzie asked, while smiling at me. Sampson let out a deep sigh. "Probably from the wrong person" Sampson mumbled. "Well... when I break my vir-" I started but Jason covered my mouth with his hand. "Listen, when you turn fifty we can talk about your virginity and when you can lose it. " Jason stated blankly.

"I agree, Jason" Sampson said. "Not you too Sammy!" I poured. I got up off the floor and Jason did the same. "Well children, unfortunately I must leave you. Have a splendid Halloween and remember! You are not to leave this house from 12 o'clock midnight till 12 o'clock midnight, you can get some ice-cream after school the next day okay?" Sampson instructed.

"Okay Sammy, I'm off to bed anyways. Have a good time and please don't forget to eat!" I told Sampson. "Don't worry, he'll eat plenty." Ozzie said, putting his hands on Sampsons shoulder. Sampson put his hands on my head and kissed my forehead. "See you soon child" he said. I walked over to Ozzie , he grabbed my hand and and placed a kiss on my hand and smiled that heart melting smile. "Until we meet again my sweet" Ozzie said. Jason turned and looked at us, his eyes wide with shock and a touch of anger.

I went red at Ozzies actions, Sampson and Jason both simultaneously cleared their throats. Jason put me over his shoulder and walked to my room. When he got to my room. Before he opened the door he yelled. "I'm watching you (L/n)!" I opened my door and laughed out loud enough for Jason to to hear me.

I clapped twice, turning the light on and watched to my bed. I stopped in my tracks, standing by the bed was a tall figure. He resembled the person from Sampsons story, it was Jeff The Killer. He had his knife in his hand and his head was tilted slightly. We both stared at each other, I was frozen to the spot but he just seemed to stand there motionlessly, it was as if he was waiting for me to make a move.

I needed to get Jason, he would protect me. I took a deep breath then bolted towards the door. Just as fast I had ran, I was pinned against the door. His free hand had my hands pinned up above my head and the other was on the door handle. His body was pressed up against mine, so much so that my feet were barely touching the ground. His forehead was on mine and his nose touched mine forcing me to stare into his eyes.

He took his forehead off mine and looked down  at the door handle, his face was so close to mine that the cuts on his cheeks brushed my check, there was a click of the door , he locked it. "Oops" he grunted, his voice deep and rouged. He turned his head and looked back at me. His nose touched my nose again and he leaned onto me even more.

There was a knock on the door, " (Y/n/n), I heard a bang and I just wanted to check if you're okay..." Jason said. Jeffs put his knife up against my throats and put his mouth near my ear, his scars scratching my cheek. "Tell him you're okay or I'll slit your throat" Jeff whispered. "Uhm yeah J-Jay, I fell and hit my head" I tried to say without sounding scared.

Jason laughed " Just like you to hurt yourself (Y/n) , be careful and get some rest" Jason warned. I heard him walk away and close his bedroom door. "I know you know who I am, I heard him tell you tell you. What's his name?" He asked, holding my wrists tighter. "S-S-Sampson " I stuttered. He pulled me by the wrists towards the bed and threw me onto it.

He laughed and plopped down onto the bed. "S-S-Sampson" he mocked. "You sound like fucking Toby" he laughed. "But in a serious note he really went with Sampson " he laughed. What does he mean by that? He moved closer to me on the bed. I sat up as fast as I could and moved away from him. "You're not going to do to me what you did to that girl" I huffed. He quickly moved over to me and grabbed a fist full of my hair from the back of my head.

He pulled my hair down forcing me to look up at him. He brushed my lips with his own. "If I wanted to, I would of had you moanin a long time ago babe... but! That's not why I'm not here" He said letting go of my hair. He got up off the bed and walked around it to the desk, he picked up a piece of paper on the desk.

"You see, I left that message for a reason" he explained while looking at the paper. "Wait a second, you were the ass hat who fucking killed the cat?!" I asked, knitting my eyebrows. "Yes" he answered blankly, tossing the paper on the floor, he turned and faced me putting his hands in his pockets. "Why?" I asked. "You see, I know as much as you do. About the accident and about CpH and I need to know more." He explained. "I need to know what the CpH is, what you and your parents have to do with them and why he keeps you hidden here." He explained further. "Wait, who is HE, and why do you need to know?" I asked. "He doesn't want to tell us, he doesn't want to tell you so why not work together... it's a win, win don't you agree? You find out about your parents, I find out what I need to know" he told me.

He took his hands out of his pockets and walked to the window. "I will be back , I hope there will be new information for me." He threatened. He then turned around and jumped out of the window and disappearing into the night and leaving me shocked.

There was a question I could not get out of my head. Who is HE?

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