Chapter 13

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Jeff bolted off me and went to his hoody and pulled out his beloved knife. Jeff quietly waited by the door. Slow footsteps could be heard , making their way up the stairs and down the hall towards my room. The footsteps came to a hult at my door, then the door handle began to slowly open, Jeff stood ready to strike. The door slowly creaked open, revealing that the face behind it was Justines.

"What are you you doing here?" Jeff growled, getting ready to pounce. Justine put her hands in the air , slowly moving towards us. "I-I promise I'm not here to fight, I'm here to help." She said while looking down at the floor. "And why should I trust you?" Jeff growled. "Because I know where your brother is." Justine said as she looked up at me.

Could it be? Was it hope? I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I took a step forward towards Justine but I felt jeffs strong arms hold me back. "What do you think you're doing getting close to that lier?" Jeff asked angrily

"She knows where Jason is Jeff!" I said as I pushed his arms off of me. Jeff furrowed his eyebrows, he roughly grabbed my shoulder, his long , sharp nails dug into it, making me yelp a bit. "Don't you ever listen you idiot?!" He yelled as he dug his nails deeper into my skin. "I'm glad you think I'm such an idiot Jeff, but if there's a chance to find him then I will take it." I yelled in a cracking voice.

"I didn't mean to-" Jeff started. "No, you've made your feelings clear." I said in a low tone to avoid hearing the cracks in my voice. Jeff grunted in frustration and roughly tossed me onto the bed. "Fine, be that way!" He growled. "Speak, witch." Jeff huffed, as he threw himself onto the bed and folded his arms.

"Oh u-uhm, okay then." Justine stuttered. "Well, when your brother started searching about us, one of the men found out. We have been searching for you guys. If... if I knew it was you guys we were searching for I would have warned you (Y/n), I swear. Justine said as a few tears spilled from her eye. "Wait, why were you searching for us?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. Justine sloppily wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Well because of who your parents were?" She said while looking at me as if this was information I was supposed to know from the start. Jeff looked back at me, his facial expression, shocked. "You know my parents?" I asked as I got up off the bed. "Well, yeah they were one of the best leaders of the CpH, (Y/n)" Justine said as if the information was old news to her. "Which makes Jason and I-" " CpHs', yeah (Y/n). You guys are pure bread CpHs', who are born to end Creepypastas" Justine said, completing my sentence.

Jeff growled, he was a creepypasta after all and something like that would upset him. "And being children of the two best CpHs' in history would make the two of you, Hybrids." She said as she looked at me as if I were a celebrity. "Which makes you and your brother ultimate killing machines, the two of you could probably wipe out all the pastas if you wanted to." Jeff said in a lower tone than usual.

Jeff hit his head with the palm of his hand. "That's why." He whispered as he looked down at the floor. I was in shock myself, but not so much so that I didn't see him do that. "Why,what?" I asked while looking at him. "Uh, nothing..." he said while shaking his head slightly and looking up at me.

"And how is she gonna get to see her brother again?" He said, trying to change the subject. "Well, you see, that's the tricky part. You are gonna have to join us, it's your destiny... you're the chosen one." She said excitedly. "Join you lunatics!?" Jeff barked as he bolted off the bed. "I'm not exactly too keen on the idea either but I'm glad I can reunite family." Justine argued.

"Reunite or brainwash?" Jeff growled. I just raised my eyebrows, the shock was completely overwhelming, I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. "Get out before I make you Go To Sleep." Jeff said, pulling out his trusty knife. "Think about it (Y/n)..." Justine said as she walked out of my room.

"Lock all the windows, I'll lock all the doors." Jeff instructed before he ran out the door. I just stood there, the information was simply to much for me to handle. How could we have been CpH, we never showed and signs of it.

But if I thought about it logically I have. The fact that I was always fast on my feet, that I could always take it when Jason rough houses with me. In the woods when I saved Jeff from the arrow, that was strangely athletic for any normal average joe. I raised my eyebrows and looked down at me bandaged arm.

With shaky breaths, I slowly unwrapped my arm, expecting to see the 'useless' wound but when the bandage came off there was nothing, not even a scar. Which means they really did have Jason, they could be torturing him or worse but the question that bothered me the most was the question, who cut my break line? "(Y/n)? Did you do what I told you to or... never mind I'll do it myself." Jeff said frantically.

Jeff pushed past me and went straight to my window, he moved the latch ensuring that it was securely locked. "Hey, Mrs Day dream." Jeff said mockingly. I looked at him with the same heartbroken face I've had since Justine had told me all the information. Jeffs expressions softened, he obviously felt some sort of sympathy towards me, which surprised me since he was a cold hearted killer.

Jeff looked at my unwrapped arm and raised his eyebrows in surprise. I know he couldn't believe his unblinking eyes but he shook his head and grabbed a hold on my wrist tightly. He pulled me quite roughly out of my room and down the stairs to the back door.

"Listen here (Y/n), I'm going to leave now and you are to lock this door behind me and not leave until S...Sampson comes home, am I clear?" Jeff told me, he stood patiently awaiting my response. "But-" "Did you hear me?" He threatened. "Yes,sir" I said in a sigh. "Good!" He said, he let go of my wrist and head. He took one last look at me then pulled me into a kiss, he used his free hand and put on the back of me head. He then let go of me and walked to the door and out of it, closing it behind him.

I held my now red wrist, rubbing it lightly as I looked down at the door handle. He told me specificallyto lock the door but where was he going? Why was he leaving? Then the thought came to me. I could lock the door or I could follow him...

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