Chapter 8

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"You nearly fucked that one up (L/n)" Jeff said. "How did you know I was here?" I asked him. He licked his knife and walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. "I've been watching you. Now come on, we have to get out of here." He said as he dragged me to the window. He let go of my wrist and jumped out, I followed him and sat on the windowsill. Jeff grabbed my wrist and helped me down.

I was confused, why was he protecting me after all these years and why was he so interested in my parents. All I cared about was finding Jason but what was Jeff so determined to find? "(Y/n)! Are you listening? We need to get the fuck out of here now!" Jeff shouted. I took my keys out, fumbling as I did so. We ran to my car and both got in.

"You were following me... Why?" I asked as I clutched the steering wheel. Jeff put his knife against my neck, his expression angry even with his smile. "Stop asking questions and drive before I kill you!" He growled. I started the car and drove away, the screech of tires were loud and almost ear piercing.

He took his knife away from my neck and looked out the window, I took a breath of air. "To make sure you're safe." He mumbled. I looked at him, why would he want to keep me safe? "What?" I asked. "You heard me! Watch the road!" He said aggressively. I turned my head back quickly, I was a very good driver even better then Jason was but with Jeff in the car I was so nervous.

I kept my mouth shut, trying not to look at the killer who sat next to me. "I need you alive, okay?" He said again. I didn't react immediately, instead I sat quietly stopping the car at the traffic light. "I just want to find Jason." I said in a shaky voice. "How do you expect to do that to do that if you get yourself killed?" He growled. "Why do you even care? If you didn't leave that stupid message he wouldn't have gotten obsessed over it and he would still be here." I yelled through my tears.

I pulled off fast, driving way past the speed limit. "Stop the car."  Jeff screamed. I hit dead breaks, the roads were empty so it wasn't as if anybody was going to get hurt, well except for us. We both jerked forward, Jeff hit his head on the dash board.

I knew he was angry because I could hear him growling. "Are you some sort of an idiot?!" He barked. "How do expect me to react when you're screaming at me to stop? If anyone is an idiot it's you!" I yelled back. Jeff snapped at me, wrapping his fingers around my neck. "Don't you ever speak to me like that again or I will kill you where you stand!" He said in a low growl. "Do it!" I dared him, my tears flowing down my face and onto his hand. He stared at me, I could see the shock in his unblinking eyes.

"Get out of the drivers seat, if you drive while crying like a two year old you'll kill the both of us on these icy roads." He stated. He opened his door and grabbed my forearm with one hand and put the other under my leg, he got out of the car and as he did he picked me up and put me in the passenger seat. He closed the door and walked around the car.

"I don't know why I do this to myself." He mumbled as he came to the drivers seat. He opened the door and climbed in. "Put your seat belt on." He instructed. I raised my eyebrow. Why was he so worried about car safety all of a sudden but I obeyed his instructions. When he pulled off it was was as if he was driving a race car. My body flew back and my head hit the head rest as we sped through the streets.

When we pulled up to the house, we both got out and he threw the keys. I walked into the house while Jeff disappeared into the backyard. I tiptoed into the house and into Sampsons study, he was mumbling in his sleep.

I tiptoed out of the study and up to my room. When I got inside of my room Jeff was already in my room waiting for me. How did he even get into my room? I sat down on my bed, I was just about ready to pass out. "So what did you find out?" He asked while looking at the papers still splayed on my bed.

I picked up the papers and arranged them in order. "When we finished cleaning up the mess you made." I yelled looking up at him, he crossed his arms and had a frown on his face. I giggled at him, he grabbed my ear and pulled it.

I let out a high pitched yelp and got off my seat. He guided me to the spot he was standing then took the papers away from from me. He sat down in the spot I was sitting in, I tried to punch his upper arm but he grabbed my fist. He pulled my arm behind his back, which caused me to fall and sit next to him, very closely.

He pointed at the papers in his hand. "Tell me." He instructed. "Okay, okay. Hold your horses Jack..." I said while folding my legs, one leg on his leg. We were so close that I even saw Jeff look down at my leg, he then put a hand on my knee as if it were for support. I blushed slightly, the only boy I was ever so close to was Jason.

"Okay so this this article from the day of our parents death, we payed the man who checked the car out a visit. He was the one who told us about the CpH..." I told Jeff as I took the papers I was done showing him out of his hand, exposing the next paper. I shifted a bit, trying to straighten my legs but then pulled me onto his lap. I felt my heart race a bit, why did I feel so weird around him? He was mean and rude and not to mention a killer!

I cleared my throat. "I've heard... er... him talk about it, I need to know who they are? They are  the ones who took your brother." Jeff stated. "Well, that was as much information that Jason and I got together. That night Jason went online and got pictures of our past home, it was burned down by a fire, no one knew how it started. He also spoke with a mysterious person who claimed to know about the CpH, this person told him to go to a party in the woods. That's when they took him." I concluded, sounding bleak.

"I knew they were after you two but why?" Jeff asked as he stroked his chin. There was a knock  on the door. "(Y/n), I...I have some last minute work, I'm going to go out for a while. I'll be back tomorrow morning,okay?" Sampson said from behind the door. "Okay Sam." I responded. "I'll see you later" Sampson said, then he walked away.

I looked at Jeff who had his hands against his ears with his teeth clenched, he was sitting as still as he could. "What are you doing?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. " I have to go." He said, he tossed me off his lap and onto the bed. He got up quickly and walked over to the window, I scrambled off the bed and followed him. I heard a shuffle in my pocket I reached into it and took out the paper I had stuffed in there earlier.

"Wait, Jeff!" I yelled, he already had one foot out of the window then he looked back at me. "What?" He asked, a sense of urgency in his voice. "I forgot to tell you about the letter I found earlier." I said, holding it up. Jeff came back into the room and grabbed the paper from my hand roughly then walked towards the bed. I followed him like a little puppy, standing on my tippy toes because he was much taller then I was. When we looked at the paper it read.

"Ew lhals teafed mhet lla!
Texn geetinm lilw eb no eht tighn fo eht texn lulf noom. A reminder fi uoy dinf eht lirg raptuc reh dna grinb reh ot eht sldere.
Remember, yhet era eht snemiee. Ees uoy noos"


We both couldn't understand what we were reading. Jeff handed the paper back to me. "We'll investigate this tomorrow, I have to go." He said then he ran and jumped out of the window. Was he going to help me more? Well if he was I was going to need it, there was something very fishy happening here...

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