Chapter 2

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Jason immediately searched his pockets, he pulled out the new IPhone Sampson had given him last week. He unlocked it and went into the camera. He took several pictures of the scene.

I couldn't understand why he would want to save this grosome scene. When he was done taking pictures he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "Go get the the cleaning supplies from the closet and clean up the wall, I'll take care of the dead cat" Jason instructed.

We both hurriedly left the room, Jason ran down the stairs and out to the backyard. I went to the supply closet, fetching some cloths, cleaning liquids and a bucket. I rushed to the kitchen sink and filled the bucket with warm water and cleaning liquids.

As I finished filling the bucket with water, Jason came running into the house with a shovel. He ran up the stairs and I followed slowly being sure not to spill the water and cause a bigger mess.

Before I made it to the room Jason was already running out, the cat was at the end of the shovel. I walked into placing the bucket on the floor. I dipped the cloth into the soapy water.

I squeezed out the access water, moving quickly I put the cloth on the wall cleaning off the blood. I finished whipping up the last of the blood on the wall, when Jason came in with a black plastic bag.

He picked up the blood soaked pieces of paper that the was laying on off of the desk. He tossed them into into the plastic bag, the blood dripped off the desk and onto the floor. I whipped the blood off the floor then the desk.

When we were done cleaning we went to put the supplies away and threw away the black plastic bag in the outside trash can. We slowly made our way into the house and up into Jason's room.

When we both walked into the room, Jason quickly locked the door. I walked to his bed and took a seat, waiting for him to say something. He remained silent, slowly pacing up and down in front of me. "What does it mean?" I asked breaking the silents, Jason stopped and looked,as if he were trying to think of the perfect response.

"Honestly  (Y/n), I wish I could tell you" he answered. "Well maybe someone is playing a trick on me, you know they don't like me. The kids at school" I said. I sighed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

"Hey whow... who says they don't like you?" He asked sympathetically. "Oh c'mon Jay, you know the only reason people hang around me is because they want to be around you!" I pointed out.  "Don't say that! You're an amazing person and people would kill to be your friend" He said raising his voice.

My brother was a very smart and caring person and I love him with my whole heart but he was very nieve. He never really saw the bigger picture and that was people would do anything to be around him, even pretend to like me. "Then why would they kill a cat and write that on the wall? My wall!" I snapped flinging the pillow to an unknown corner. "Because it's a message (Y/n)-" "then why didn't they do it on your wall?" I asked cutting him of

"Because they knew if they did it in your room I would be pissed and determined to get to the bottom of it! Even if it killed me. You knowI would do anything to keep you safe (Y/n)" he yelled-whispered the last part. He walked to the bed and sat next to me. I put my head on his lap, he stroked my hair lovingly creating a sense of comfort.

"Well then, what does it mean?" I asked softly. "Well the message said ' the accident was no accident...They're coming' so we need to think of an accident that has happened to us. Only problem is we've never been in or experienced an accident" Jason said. I knew he was deep in thought,racking his brain about what the message could have ment.

I had no idea what it could have possibly ment, since I was eight I was always safe, since that day. Then it hit me "What if it's not an accident that happened to us, what if it was the accident that killed mom and dad?" I asked getting off the bed.

It was the only logical thing I could think of, obviously we haven't experienced anything after that. "Of course! (Y/n) you're a tenuous!" Jason exclaimed, jumping off his bed and placing a kiss on my forehead. He walked to his his desk and chair where a big black coat hung, he took the coat and put it on. "C'mon! Let's go!" He said grabbing a set of keys off the desk.

"Where are we going?" I asked him trying to keep up with him as he rushed out of the bedroom. "To the library " he answered,  running down the stairs. "But you know we're not allowed out without telling Sampson!" I said as I grabbed his arm.

"He's not even here, we won't be around for a while. "Come on (Y/n) what he doesn't know won't hurt him, we won't be gone long" he said grabbing my hand, leading me out the front door. Both Jason and I had cars even though we weren't allowed to go out much. I've always loved big big cars and Jason never really cared.

We hopped into Jason's car and sped over to the local library, it was a bit of a long drive because we lived a far way from town. When we had gotten there the parking lot was empty, it was always empty. Nobody ever liked spending time there esspecially on a Sunday.

Jason and I walked into the quiet library, it was almost completely empty except for three or four students silently studying. There was an old women behind the desk, she had long grey hair. Her face was leathery and wrinkled. She had a thin face with laugh lines and chocolate brown eyes.

We walked over to the women, she looked up from whatever she was busy with and gave us both a big smile. "Hello young ones, it's so nice to see young people in the library. How may I help you?" She asked in a cheerful tone. Jason gave his signature smile to the women.

"Hello ma'am, would you please direct us to a newspaper from November 20th 2008?" He asked politely " Oh, of corse dear I would love to" she answered. The women came our from. Behind the desk, leading us to the newspaper. She lead us to the back of the library. It smelt of old books and dust.

It seemed that the further back into the library the women would take us, the darker and scarier it got. It looked like a place where teenagers would hide and make out or where hobos would take an afternoon nap.

The women stopped at a newspaper rack, it had many old looking newspapers. The women sorted through the newspapers, then stopped at one specific paper. "November 20th 2008, here you go kids: she said handing Jason the newspaper. She gave us another smile tgen walked back to her desk.

Jason and I walked to the nearest table and chairs and took a seat. Jason looked at the newspaper, analysing it. He starting paging through it. Up until now I had no idea why Jason had dragged me to the library in the first place. "Jason ,why did we come here and what's with the newspaper? "

"(Y/n), what do you know about that accident?" He asked not taking his eyes off the paper. I thought for a moment, to think about it I didn't know much about what happened that day. It wasn't a topic that was up for discussion in our home, it would always make us uncomfortable so no one ever brought it up.

"Only what Sampson has told us..." I admitted. "Exactly and he hasn't told us very much information now has he? So we are ganna have to find out for ourselves " he said throwing the newspaper onto the table. It had a picture of a silver car that was so badly mangled that I could barely even tell what kind of car it was. The headline read "The first snow day in 15 years, a chilling day indeed"

"On a very special and happy day for the citizens of (Hometown) tragedy struck. Snow fell for the first time in years and a poor young couple fell pretty to the icy roads. The car of (Fathers name) and (Mother's name) lost control and crashed a wall and theyboth died on impact. Mechanic James Johnson took a look at the car that they had lost control of and confirmed this statement. Due to the fact thatthey had no immediate family all their position will be sold at a local auction.

I couldn't believe my eyes , I read over the last sentence at least five times before I could finally comprehend what was really happening. "No immediate family or children." As much as I wanted to deny it , Jason was right,  something was up and someone was trying to warn as.

Question is, what was really going on here?

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