Chapter 7

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It had been two years since Jason had been taken and two years since I last saw Jeff, for all I know Jason was dead. Ever since that day I fell into depression, Sampson even started spending as much time with me as he could. I did however make a new friend. Her name is Justine , for some reason I found myself strangely drawn to her.

She was like me, she wasn't into the idea of having friends yet here we are. We were best friends actually but I didn't tell Sampson about her. Ever since the day Jason was kidnapped Sampson has been over protective over me, he wasn't even a fan of me going to school so you can imagine how he would react to a new friend.

I appreciate the company Sampson keeps me. Right now we were sitting in his study, he was busy with paper work. I sat on the same desk Sampson was working on, sipping on a warm cup of hot chocolate. I swung my legs back and forth, humming (Favorite Song). "You've been lonely lately." Sampson said as he looked up at me. I didn't look at him but I just raised my eyebrows. Now would be the best time to tell Sam about Justine, then maybe he would let her visit me. Sampson got out of his chair and walked towards the door.

"I might need to work a bit more you see (Y/n) and I wouldn't want you to get lonely." Sampson said, he then walked out of the office. "Actually Sammy I've been meaning to talk to you about that." I yelled. When Sampson walked back in he was not alone, there was a girl with him. She had a white feminine mask on with black long hair and a black beanie.

"So I got you a friend." He completed his sentence. I got up off the desk and walked towards them. "(Y/n), this is Jane. Jane this is (Y/n/n)." I hope you two can be good friends." Sampson said. Did I really seem so lonely that Sampson got me a friend and a weird one at that. Like what the hell? I didn't even hear her knock. "Nice to meet you." She said, extending her hand. I shook her hand and smiled at her, Sampson put his hands in his pockets and walked back to his desk. "You girls go to (Y/n)'s room." Sampson said as he took a seat.

"Okay Sammy, I'll be down to make you dinner in a few." I told him. "Thank yoh child." He said. I walked out of the study and up the stairs, Jane followed quietly behind me. When we got to my room I opened the door for her and she walked in. I walked in after her and closed the door behind myself.

I did not know what to do or what to say. The only people I really talk to are Justine and Sampson. I sat down on the bed and looked at her, she was walking around and inspecting my bedroom. "So uhm... Jane... what's with the mask." I asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation. Jane walked over to a picture of me and Jason and picked it up.

"She started giggling. "What's with the hot boyfriend?" She asked. I felt like my face looked like a cartoon character when she said that, with the large sweat droplet on my forehead, my mouth open and my eyes gone milky white. My eyes would have black lines coming from them. "That's my brother." I said awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "Oh, which means I can get a piece of him." She said in a sexual voice. "He's gone, he's been missing for the past two years." I said in a grim tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. Sampson told me about him. I guess curiosity does kill the cat." She said, putting the picture back in its place. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked gruffly. "You know that saying, don't go sniffing around where you shouldn't." She said while looking at me. What does mean by that and how does she know Jason was looking for something?

As much as I hate to admit it, Jeff was right. I needed to find out what happened to my parents, no matter how scared I was. I needed to do this, for Jason. I felt a surge go through my veins, at first I couldn't figure out what it was but then I realized that it was determination. "Well I wish I could stay for dinner but I must me on my way. I hope I see you soon... friend." Jane said before she left the room.

I listened to her walk down the hall and out the front door. I booted out of my room and straight into Jason's room. It hadn't been touched since he was taken. It felt as if my heart broke, being in his room brought back memories but I had to keep my head straight, I needed to find Jason.

I looked under his bed and pulled out a shoe box. I took the lid off and looked inside. All the evidence we had collected was in here. I closed the box and took it back to my room. I took a seat on my bed and layed the papers all over my bed.

I looked at every piece of paper but one in particular caught my eye. It was a picture of the house Jason and I grew up in. It was semi-burnt down, attached to the photo was a newspaper article. It said something about a family of three dying in a mysterious fire. In the picture there was a small sign on the wall. It was the CpH sign.

I need to go to this place, it must have some answers in it. I got off my bed and took my coat and keys. I walked downstairs into Sampsons office, he was fast asleep on his chair. I hated to leave him like that because I knew he was going to wake up with a bad back but this was probably my last chance to go any time soon.

I quietly left the house and went to my car. I pulled out of my driveway and began my trip to my childhood home. It was a far drive if I went the regular speed limit but that wasn't my plan. Luckily it was just after sunset and there wasn't much cars on the road.

After the ride I pulled up to the old house, I was surprised to see that after the fire it only suffered minimum damage. I walked around to the side where the picture was taken , I could see the sign on the from the window. I walked up to the window.

I climbed into the house, being careful not to disturb the place. The whole interior was charged and chilled, every step I took had an audible crunch to it. I walked over the the red sign on the wall. I took my phone out of my pocket and took photos of the sign. When I was done I put my phone back in my pocket and sifted through the rubble.

There were red spray paint cans on the floor. When I walked further into the house, I found something peculiar on the floor. It was a letter, it wasn't burnt which means it was left there after the fire.

I picked up the paper but then there was the sound of foot steps. I put the paper I my pocket and started at the window. When I turned the corner two men appeared. They both had that plain white mask on, the kind like the guys who took Jason had on. I started backing up slowly, they were after me now. I am Absolutely. Absolutely. Screwed 

Then there was another set of foot steps coming from behind me. Then a dark chuckle followed. The guys in front of me even seemed confused which made me even more scared. "Go To Sleep." A voice said from behind me. The person ran past me and started murdering the two men.

I was relieved to see that it was Jeff killing those people. When they were both dead Jeff looked up at me. "You nearly fucked that one up (L/n)" he said whipping some blood off his chin.

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