Chapter 10

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I drove back recklessly, tears clouding my eyes. My sleeve still rolled up revealing the wound the three girls had just given me. I pulled up into my driveway and parked the car in the garden, all I wanted to do was go home into my room and be by myself. I walked into the house and slammed the door behind me.

Sampson, Ozzie and Jane all sat inside staring at me in surprise. I rolled down my sleeve so that they couldn't see the cuts, my tears streamed down my (s/c) face. "My god (Y/n) what is wrong?!" Sampson asked worriedly getting up from his seat. "Nothing ,just leave me alone okay!" I said in a high pitch cracking voice. I stormed up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me. I took bandages out of my draw and took off my jacket and long sleeve t-shirt until all I was wearing was a short sleeve vest.

I wrapped the cuts so they were unseen and kicked off my shoes. I flopped into my bed and curled into a little ball, then there was a knock on the door. "Child, may I come in?" Sampson asked. "Yes." I replied. He walked in and sat down on the edge of my bed, his back facing me and his hands together.

He then turned and looked at me. "What's wrong child?" He asked sincerely. "Nothing." I answered with a sniff. He sighed and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm sure by now you can tell that I'm very good at... reading people. I could always tell what was bothering your brother... but when it comes to you I...I just cant read you, I was never able to. It's days like these that scared me the most because I don't know what's wrong and I-I-I don't know what to d-" he explained, he stopped when I put my head on his shoulder.

He was surprised at what I just did, I felt bad for him. He seamed so genuinely freaked out about it, like he just didn't know what to do anymore. "It's okay." I said softly. "What's wrong?" He asked, resting his head on my head. "They spoke about him, I just... lost it." I lied. "I miss him too child." He replied then he sighed. There was a moment of silence. "I had a business call to go take care of out of town but I'll stay here for you." He said as he stood up. "No, you can go." I said smiling weakly. He smiled and gave me a wink. "I will be quick child, I promise I'll be back tomorrow." He told me then left my room.

It waited a moment, listening to every footstep that came from the house, then it went quiet. I dug In my pocket and took out the picture of Justine, I looked at it closely and got off the bed. I got onto my hands and knees and looked under bed, then took out the shoe box where I put everything I found. I sat down on my lower legs and feet, still on my knees and opened my shoe box, throwing the photo in.

"What's that?" A voice asked. I jumped up slightly in fright it was Jeff he had his hands in his hoody pocket. I looked at him then picked up the photo. "Do you remember that girl that figured out what the letter was saying?" I asked him. "I didn't ask for a fucking back story you useless cunt, I asked what that thing in your hand is." He growled. I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly got up off the ground and walked up to him.

"Can you stop being an asshole and listen to me for once! My friend, she's one of them Jeff!" I shouted. "What?! You're friends with one of them? Are you stupid? They'll kill you!" He yelled. "I didn't know she wa-" I started but stopped when my gaze fell to the window, standing just before the woods was Jason. He wore the CpA clothes and looked... empty. He was just staring up into my window, the way he looked didn't matter because he was home! He found his way home.

I pushed Jeff out of the way, slamming the door open and sprinting down the stairs and out of the house. I didn't have any shoes on or a jacket but I didn't feel the cold. As I ran out into the yard, Jason turned and walked out into the woods. Why was he leaving? Why would he leave me again? I yelled his name out, hoping he would stop but nothing.

I ran into the woods after him, trying to catch up with him. The further into the woods I ran, the further away Jason got until he completely disappeared. My heart dropped and I fell to my knees and started crying. I started to feel the cold, I was freezing. How did I run out so far without a jacket or even shoes? I stayed on my knees, weeping, my bandages had fallen off onto the ground. I heard footsteps in the distance, in front of me someone was approaching me, hiding in the shadows.

I waited silently, staring ahead. Then someone grabbed my shoulder earning a silent jump and yelp from me. I turned quickly to see who had given me a fright, it was Jeff, he was sporting a nasty frown. "Why the fuck would you run out here? It's not safe!" He yelled. He grabbed my upper arm and tried to pull me onto my feet. When I got onto my feet, I fell back onto my knees and started crying again.

I covered my face with my hands, taking deep gasps of air. "I thought I-I saw him." I said through my sobs. I tried to wipe tears, sniffing. Jeff stayed silent, he just looked at me. Staring at me seriously, despite his carved in smile. I just looked down,shivering, my teeth chattered as I froze on the ground.

I felt fabric over my head and torso, it took me by surprise ,when I looked up, Jeff was on his knees, putting his hoody on me. He held up the end of the hoody for me to slip my arms in. It smelt just like him, it smelt like flower scented fabric softener like it was just washed, the perfume or whatever it was and also had a slight metallic smell to it, just like blood it was also so warm. All he had on was a white vest, his slightly toned pale arms on display. He picked me up bridal style and started walking back to the house. I put my one arm around his neck and looked at him as his unblinking eyes stared straight ahead.

When we had gotten home he took me into my my room and into the the built in bathroom, he put me down and told me to take a bath. When I got out of the bath and gotten dressed, Jeff was waiting outside the bathroom looking out the window, I gave him back his hoody. "Who did that to you?" He asked. I looked up in surprise, fuck, how could I forget. I walked to my draw and wrapped it up and ignored his question.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled, I jumped slightly, his sudden outburst giving me a fright. "I-I g-gave it t-to myself." I stuttered, he turned around and looked at me. I could see the rage in his unblinking eyes. "What do you take me for? I know your (Left/Right) handed, you couldn't have possibly done it so perfectly by yourself!" he yelled again. I just looked at him in shock, then furrowed my eyebrows and looked down at the ground.

"It was those girls that were so gaga over your brother, wasn't it?" He asked bluntly. I kept my eyes glued to the ground, not saying a word. "Answer me!" He growled. "Why do you care? I'm too useless to care about, right?" I blurted out in a shaky voice. "Right Jeff, right! I'm useless!" I repeated. Jeff walked up to me, watching my tears role down my face.

He took a fist full of my t-shirt, it took me by surprise but I still continued repeatedly saying that sentence. He roughly pulled me closer to him and surprisingly kissed me, the kiss was not rough but soft. His lips were were dry and rough against my supposedly soft lips. He put both of his hands and pulled me more into the kiss, he bit my lip slightly causing me to gasp then he stuck his tongue in my mouth. Breathing fast and heavily, as he kissed me passionately. My eyes were wide open staring into his eyes. I closed my eyes slowly and kissed back. His kissing came to an abrupt stop, he kept his hands on my head but moved to arms length of me.

"That's why I care (L/n)." He said, slightly out of breath. I just looked at him and softly touched one of his hands with my own. My heart fluttered in my chest, I would never have guessed that he felt this way about me. I couldn't believe that he was my first kiss either, he quickly let go of my head and walked over to the door. He let out a deep sigh and looked at me. "You're not useless (Y/n)..." he said, then there was a long pause.

"I uhh... I have to go do some things and uh... think..." Jeff said awkwardly. He then walked out of the room, leaving me on my own. I was shocked, I couldn't believe he kissed me. I shook the thought out of me head and went to the kitchen to make some food in advance for Sampson.

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