Chapter 16

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I took in a deep breath, the back of my head throbbed. Something was different here though, instead of the icy cold snow I had fallen into countless times the past few hours, I was now in a extremely cozy bed. It was at this point I realized that someone had to have taken me in.

I used my elbows to prop myself up in the bed. I was in a small room, the walls were made of wood. There were two beds against the corners of the room, they both had blue covers on them. The door was in the middle of the wall opposite of the beds.

A small window with white curtains by the bed opposite to the one I was laying in. On top of the bed next to me was a pair of black skinny jeans, a green jacket neatly folded and on top of it was the CpH mask. Under that was a pair of black high top all stars.

Next to it was a pair of black ripped tights, a long sleeve white shirt  there was a black zip up hoody and a black coat that looked to be thigh length, the shoes were spiked lace up boots that went up past the ankle. It was pretty obvious that I wasn't back at home but where was I.

It was clear that the green jacket outfit was CpH so did that mean Justine took me in? Just as I was pondering over who took me in, the door opened. Three men walked in, it was Masky, Hoody and someone else. I think his name was Ticci Toby.

"I knew they were Slendermans proxies. I could remember from the stories Slenderman told me back when he was Sampson. "I see you're finally awake." Masky said calmly. I used my hands to push myself into an upright position. "If you're wondering why your here, we found you in the woods. You hurt your head really badly and your clothes were wet. So we took you in, fixed your head and I borrowed you my hoody." Hoody explained.

It was then that I realized Hoody wasn't wearing his hoody on and instead I had it on. I had no pants on and w was wearing fresh white socks. I blushed slightly at the thought of any of them seeing me almost naked. I looked up at the clothes on the bed. "W-we f-found you with the CpH uniform, we know w-we c-ca-an't make th-that d-decision for you." Toby said. Then there was silent in the room.

"He's worried about you, you know..." Masky said as he took a seat next to me on the bed. "He's a liar, you're all liars." I said as I shifted away from him. Hoody turned his head and looked at the window and let out a sigh. "He really does love you if he's letting you believe that." Hoody said.

"Believe that you didn't kill my parents, that you hid me and my brother from our people. Keeping me from my brother!" I said, raising my voice angrily. Toby snorted then laughed. "You r-really d-don't know d-do you" Toby said in laughter. Madly scratched his head.

"Y-yeah, your 'p-people' are the ones w-whom-killed your parents." Toby snorted. "W-what?" I said, cursing myself mentally for stuttering but I still knew it was all a trick. "Your parents turned on them you know, on your people because the only reason they kill us is because some of us were once human and we are all not quite human. They just want to be the main killers. Your parents told Slenderman to keep your brother and you safe if anything happened to them." Hoody explained.

I refuse to believe a word of it but who do I believe? The people from whom I originate or the people they strive to terminate. "No! I don't belie-" I started protecting. "You can take our word for it or you can look at the footage we found after the accident." Masks said as he handed me a video camera.

"Madly stood up then went to the door along with Hoody, Toby walked over to the bed with clothes on it. "Slenderman left you the black outfit, wha-at y-you ch-choose is up t-to you,that's why H-Hoody lent you his h-hoody. Slenderman w-will r-resp-pect whatever your decision is." Toby said as he walked towards the door where Masky and Hoody were.

As they were all about to leave I yelled. "Stop." They all turned and looked at me. "Do you have matches?" I asked. Masky put his hand in his pocket then took out a lighter. He tossed it over to me then they all turned around and left me by myself.

I switched the video camera on then went to the side files. There was only one saves file which had the date was outside our home at the time. The video began as I stayed still and watch the video.

I continued to watch the video and as it came to an end, my enemy was clear and so was my choice. I ripped the blanket off myself and chose the clothing of the side I picked and quickly dressed myself. As wrong as the choice may or may not be, it felt so right.

I then proceeded to jump out of the window onto the soft snow, then walked to the back of the cabin. I laid the clothes of the other side onto the ground and set them ablaze. Then I watched the hot fire destroy something familiar yet so new.

I walked back into the cabin to the guys. They all seemed to notice me the instant I set foot in the cabin. I know that they noticed was the polished mask I wore. They all got to their feet and nodded in approval, for the polished white mask I wore was not on my face but strapped to the front part of my thigh.

It was not a symbol of being in the CpH but rather a symbol of my parents wishes. The black outfit Slenderman had given me along with the mask of my people showed the birth of a new me. My new mission was to end the CpH and get my brother back.

Hidden (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora