Chapter 3

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I saw something in Jason's eyes, something I had never seen in Jason. It was pure rage, he frowned, his right eye twitching and his breathing became fast and heavy. Then he did it, he snapped. He was always such a happy person and i'd never seen him get angry or upset but I knew he always kept a positive attitude for me.

I guess every dog has it's day and today was Jason's. The tears were welling up in his eyes, I knew he couldn't believe what he just read. "What the hell? What the fucking hell! " He yelled, slamming his hands on the table.

He slowly got up, his breathing got even more heavy. He started screaming, throwing the chair into the air. I flinched, in my whole life I have never seen Jason get this upset even when we found about our parents passing he held his chin up high and comforted me.

I was scared of how aggressive he was starting to get. He walked over to a shelf of old heavy books, flinning and throwing them in every direction he could. One hard cover came flying at me. It hit me right in my face, the impact was soso hard it snapped my neck back so far that I was looking up at the ceiling. Jason didn't even notice that he had hit me with a book.

The back of my neck hurt as I slowly started moving my head back down. I felt something warm trickle out of my nose and down my lips and chin. The liquid dripped off my chin and onto the ground. I lightly touched my lips with my fingers then looked down at them. My nose was bleeding!

I gasped in surprise, springing from my seat, I know Jason would never hurt me on purpose but it still surprised me, not to mention the immense pain he caused. Jason stopped his fit and looked at me, his tears running down his face like delicate waterfalls.

When he saw my bloodied face his expression changed to one of pure horror. It was as if he ,himself could not believe what he had just done. He put on his brave and walked over to me, he pulled me into a tight hug. He didn't care if the blood was getting onto him, he just hugged me.

"I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry." He whispered as he stroked my hair. He let go of me with one hand, tapping his pocket with his free hand. He dug into his pocket and took out a piece of tissue. He whipped my face placing the tissue on my still dripping nose.

He picked up the chair he had thrown and put it back in its place. He lead me to the seat and let me sit down, kneeling before me. He bowed his head down in front of me, his black hair hanging down slightly, it wasn't that long but it was long enough.

"I'm just s-so-" he started but I cut him off. " I know Jay, I know. This Just means you were right" I said softly trying to comfort him. He lifted his head, his grey eyes cloudy with tears. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to me, he put his hands together and pressed his index fingers against his lips. "Jason, what are we going to do?" I asked his in a shakey voice.

Jason looked up, he had a glimmer in his eye as if that question had sparked a flame within him. He picked up the newspaper looking at it with a huge grin on his face "We're going to pay Mr Johnson a little visit" he hummed, his voice was smooth and dark.

Jason got up as fast really fast, still grinning at the newspaper. He helped me out of my seat, holding my hand and gently leading me towards the front of the library. He stopped at a photocopier machine and placed the artical on to it to be copied. As soon as he got a copy we made our way back to the car.

There was only one mechanic in the town, obviously Jason and I have never seen him due to the fact that we were never allowed out of our home. Apparently James was a beloved men because he had been working in the town dor so long.

Pulling up to the mechanic Jason seemed to have this drive in him one that resembled insanity. We both got out of the car, jason seemed to run towards the mechanic, I however hobbled as fast as I could after him.

Mr Johnson was a very short old man with a white mustache, he was balled too. He had a little pot belly kind of like Santa Claus. He even looked jolly just like santa. As we walked into the shop we saw him tinkering with a red car, I wasn't sure what kind of car it was. His head was down looking at the engine of the car.

He didn't notice us come in, we walked and stood right behind him. Jason cleared his throat, Mr Johnson turned around and looked up at us. Mr Johnson smiled brightly at us, Jason smiled back but not his usual warm smile but the one that looked almost insane.

"New faces! What brings you here kids? Do you need an oil change?" Mr Johnson said in a cheerful tone. He grabbed a dirty rag from his pocket and whipped his hands off. "Yeah, an oil change" Jason said in a rather low tone, the insane smile still on his face. "Do you kids live here?" Mr Johnson asked "Yes, we live up by the woods" I answered.

"Oh, so you're the kids that live with Sampson" Mr Johnson said slightly less cheerfully. Both Jason and I picked up on his change of tone and exchanged looks. "Where's the car that needs the oil change kids?" Mr Johnson asked looking and Jason and then at me. "I'll go get it." I said then walked out towards the car as I left I heard Jason say "So Mr Johnson, you know something I want to know."

I walked up to Jasons car and tried the handle, but it was locked. I realized jason still had the keys. I walked back into the workshop to fetch them, when I got back Jason had Mr Johnson up against the wall by this neck. Mr Johnson was struggling at Jasons grip but he had him firmly against the wall.

I ran up to Jason and tugged on his jacket. "Jason!" I yelled trying to pull him away from Mr Johnson. "Jason what the fuck?" I yelled again. "He knows (Y/n/n)! He knows and he won't tell me" Jason screamed, his grip on Johnson's neck tightened. Mr Johnson looked like he was on the verge of passing out.

I held onto Jason's head making him look me in my eyes. "Jason, let go." I said calmly. I saw the tears tharting to well up in Jasons eyes. I have never seen him with this kind of aggressive behaviour he's been showing lately. "Jay, stop!" I said again whipping the tears away from his face.

Jasons' grip on the man loosened and Mr Johnson fell to the grounfd gasping for air. I put a hand on Mr Johnsons' shoulder. "So is it true?" Mr Johnson asked asked through his gasps. "Is what true?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

The man got up onto his feet, looking at me in the eye. "That you're (father's name) and (mothers name's) kids?" He asked inspecting my face, I looked back at jason who was frowning at Mr Johnson, I turned back to look at him. "We are" I replied blankly

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew that they had children, now I can finally tell somebody about it!" Mr Johnson said joyfully. I once again looked at Jason who looked as confused as I did, I could tel he had no idea what this man was talking about.

"Come on children!" Mr Johnson said walking deeper into the workshop. I started walking after him but was stopped in my tracks by Jason's arm. "Where do you think you're taking us exactly?" Jason spat.

Mr Johnson turned around and looked at us, he looked around at his surroundings first then back at us. "Why, to tell you the truth about your parents accident of course."


If there are any mistakes please feel free to let me know so I can fix it, I didn't have much time to edit my work I was in a rush unfortunately (/._.)/


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