Chapter 14

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In all the madness, why the hell would I want to follow a killer? I mean sure, he did save my life a couple of times but who knows who else he knows. I put my hand on the cold wooden door, it smelt of well wood. I took in a deep breath, i am such an idiot. I slid my hand down the door to the door handle and flung it open.

This is something Jason would do, why was I doing it? Then again playing it safe never got me anywhere so this was a chance I was willing to take. I looked out into the yard looking for Jeff, I saw him walking into the woods. I ran out after him.

As he made his way into the peaceful, scenic woods, I quickened my pace so that I wouldn't lose him. When I reached inside the woods I slowed down to look at my surroundings, the woods were actually very beautiful. I've been in here before but I was always on a mission, I never had the time to appreciate it.

The further I'd walk into the woods, the more peaceful it got, for a moment I had forgotten what I was doing here in the first place. Then I heard muffled voices coming from deep within. I looked up at a large tree in front of me. There was a large branch higher up, it got me thinking if I was on a CpH, didn't that mean I could jump up onto that branch.

I bent my knees slightly, putting my hands out in both sides of my body and looked up at it. I jumped up, it was as if I had jumped on a trampoline, I flew in the air up near the branch. I stretched my arms out and grabbed the branch. I pulled myself up onto the branch and got onto my feet. From the height I saw two figures standing a little bit further away from where I was.

I saw another branch and jumped onto it, I slipped slightly but managed to stick the landing. Now I could see the figures, it was Jeff and... Sampson? I slipped slightly from the shock and held onto the tree trunk. I leaned in closer in to hear what they were saying. "Seriously Jeff, I told you to stay away!" Sampson hissed.

"She deserves to know, besides I her." Jeff growled. "No! You know she wasn't supposed to know for her own safety. Look what happened to her brother, I've already lost him don't you dare do anything to get her taken from me too." Sampson yelled. "Watch me!" Jeff growled, he then began walking away from Sampson. Then there was a sickening crackling noise that came from Sampson, Jeff turned around with the look of terror on his face.

Sampson twisted and shifted and mutated into someone Sampson had rarely mentioned but still scared me right to the point of peeing my pants. Standing in the place of the man who took me in and raised me as his own was non other then Slenderman himself. He used one of his tentacles to grab Jeff and lift him off the ground.

I was so shocked that I tried walking backwards, I then realized there was nothing there. I plummeted out of the tree and onto the snow covered ground. I looked up at the tall pale figure, my eyes widened and my breath started going extremely fast. They both looked at me, I couldn't read slendermans face because he didn't have one. "(Y-Y/n)" Slenderman stuttered, dropping Jeff. Jeff landed on the ground with a thud. Slenderman took a step closer to me.

I used my elbows to shuffle away from him. "I'm sorry (Y/n), please let me explain at least." Slenderman pleaded. "All I ever did was protect you from them okay, you know I love you and your brother!" He explained. "N-no, we are one of them, why are you protecting us from our own kind?" I said in a shakey voice.

"No (Y/n), your parents asked me to, they are the ones who killed them in the first place. They cut your parents break-line." Slenderman argued. I stayed silent, still laying on the cold ground. "Your parents turned on the CpH and partnered up with us. When they got killed I took you in as my own, I love you (Y/n) I promise." Slenderman said in a safe tone.

"Is this what you call love? Hiding us away and lying to us?" I said with tears now streaming down my face. Jeff was now standing behind Slenderman with his arms folded. "And you!" I growled while pointing at Jeff. "You knew! You knew all along, you just wanted to get in my pants." I said in a slightly angry tone. "Listen (Y/n), I knew about your parents but I didn't know you guys were super human killing machines. I didn't use you!" Jeff protested.

"Save your breath, I'm done here..." I said in a low monotone voice. "Wait,(Y/n) I know I lied about who you are, that's why I could never read your thoughts, you are some sort of super breed, better then any of them even better than your brother. If they get to you, they're just going to make you go against your parents beliefs." Slenderman argued.

"I said enough." I shouted, getting up and running deeper into the woods. When I heard footsteps behind me, I made a jump for the trees and escaping into the woods.

I think I need to give props to xXLunaNovaXx  became she already called what happened in this character!!! Well done friend!

Till the next chapter/(.-./)

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