Girl Meets Dangerously Handsome Guy.

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I was leaning on the counter of the Gas-n-Sip where I worked.  It was late and because of a call out I ended up doing a double shift.  Afternoon through the overnight.  It wasn't a glamorous job, nor did I need it, but I took it anyway.  On the plus side I got free coffee.  No one ever complained about free caffeine.  I yawned as a customer stood in the bakery aisle perusing the selection. We really didn't have much that was good.  I tilted my head while watching him. He wasn't so bad to look at.  Kind of rugged looking.  He donned a worn pair of jeans and a jacket that covered most of his flannel shirt underneath.  His hair was well maintained, a sort of dark, sandy color.  He grabbed a pie from the shelf and strutted up to the counter.

"Long night?" he asked.

"You don't even know," I said scanning the pie, "that'll be 3.99."

He handed me a crumpled five dollar bill.  I put the amount into the register and tapped a button.  The register sprung open as I grabbed his change.  I dropped it into his hand and thanked him.  I returned to my leaning position and yawned again.

"You know, it can dangerous at night.  You shouldn't be working alone," he said.

"Well, when you're understaffed and people call out to go to parties, you just don't have a choice," I said with annoyance in my voice.  I didn't want to be here, but I was the only person who could cover the shift.

"Don't you have parties to go to?"

"Nah, that's not my style.  Anyway you must be new to town.  This place is boring.  I will be fine this isn't my first overnight.  You get the occasional drunk guy,  but that's about it."

"There are other things to be scared of."

"Oh, like what?"

"Maybe a dangerously handsome stranger interested in your number," he said with a cocky tone to his voice.

I straightened up and looked into his eyes.  They were a hue of green no one should rightfully have.  Mainly because I could feel my heart flutter slightly looking into them.  I then leaned across the counter as I smiled.  It was written on his face. He thought he had me.  I curled my right index finger inviting him closer.  He leaned in with a smile, let me reiterate, he was really good looking.  I just hated guys that acted like he was acting.

"I'll let you know if I see one," a smirk danced across my face as I retreated across the counter.

"Ouch. Witty and beautiful.  Maybe I will extend my stay a few days."

I chuckled as he grabbed his bag and headed toward the door.  He smiled once more before exiting.  I watched as he looked back stealing glances occasionally.  My laughter erupted through the quiet store as he ran into his car unknowingly.  It was a nice car.  Definitely older, but it was hard to get a good look at it in the dark.  The lights turned on as the engine rumbled.  He took off shortly after.  Nothing happened over the next few hours.  It was about three in the morning when I familiar figure shuffled to the door.  It was Mr. Jacobs, an older man from town.  Aside from drinking too much he wasn't too bad.  He walked inside and stood at the door.  Great, he's wrecked. I went and grabbed a coffee and made it for him.  Two sugars and three hazelnut creamers.

"Mr. Jacobs," I said, extending the coffee, "why don't you have a seat and drink this?"

His hand reached for the door.  He locked it from the inside as I paused a few steps away from him.  I called his name again, but received no response from him. His body turned on his heel slowly.  A gun drawing from his pocket as it suddenly aimed toward me.  An unsettling grin crept across his face. He raised his lowered head. And with a blink his eyes were completely black.

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