My Almost Lover

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The two brothers sat in the waiting room.  There was no word for hours.  Sam couldn't even get Dean to talk.  He looked at the paled face of his brother with concern.  His eyes stared blankly ahead.  Sam shifted in his seat before touching his brother's shoulder.

"I'm going to get some coffee, want anything?" Sam asked quietly.

Dean shook his head.  He was still trying to process what happened. Sam got up and walked away.  Dean intertwined his hands.  His body slumped into the chair.  He caught the gaze of a doctor walking toward the waiting room.  They looked at him solemnly.  Dean immediately stood up.

"You brought the girl in, correct?  Miss Daniels, was it?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah," Dean replied.  He didn't give her real name, but the fake one she used when they met, "how is she?"

"What was your relationship to her again?"

"We're engaged."

"How about her family?"

"Unfortunately they passed in an accident.  I'm all she has, aside from her uncle who lives out of state."

"Has she shown signs of depression before?"

"She didn't do that.  She was attacked," Dean said forcefully, he wouldn't accept that she did this.

"Why do you say that?" the doctor raised an eyebrow at the sudden conviction in his voice.

"Because, I know she wouldn't..."

"It's sometimes easy for people close to those who attempt to take their own lives to miss warning signs.  Sometimes people are so broken down it is easy to put on a strong facade until they break down.  Of course, when she wakes up, if she does, we will have her speak with-"

"Woah, woah, what do you mean if?"

"She must have hit her head.  There are multiple contusions and brain trauma.  I can take you to her room, but again, I can't say with certainty she will wake up.  Her shoulder was dislocated and the bones completely shattered.  That arm may never properly heal.  It was a lot of blood loss and we can only hope for the best."

"Just take me to her."

Dean followed the doctor down the hallway.  His heart pounder against his chest.  What did he even mean she might not wake up?  He was an idiot.  All doctors were.  Of course she would wake up.  The doctor stopped and motioned to the room.  Dean nodded curtly before walking in.  His heart immediately dropped again.  Bandages covered her lower arms.  Her head was propped up by the flimsy hospital pillows. A bandage was on her forehead.  Her skin was so pale.

"I should have stayed.  If I was there this wouldn't have happened," he paused while taking a seat in a chair he pushed closer to the bed, "you know, while we were gone I had this amazing dream.  You and I had a normal life.  Normal.  Your family was there, and my mom was alive.  Apparently Sammy and I didn't get along, but we could have worked on that." His hand clasped around hers.  His eyes suddenly watered as he felt the ice-like feel of her skin. "It wasn't really a dream.  I kinda got jumped by the Djinn.  I wanted to stay.  I wanted to see you happy like that.  This wasn't you, right?  I know you've been struggling, but you wouldn't-"

Sam knocked on the door getting his brother's attention.  Dean wiped his eyes and sat up, letting go of her hand.  Sam leaned against the wall holding a coffee.

"So, what's the news?" he asked.

"Doctor thinks she won't wake up. But she will, she's strong."

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