Chapter 2

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


We made it to the beautiful city of Denver at 1:20 and headed straight to the hotel we were staying in. "Jon, are we there yet?" He leaned down to kiss my forehead and rested his head on mine, sighing. "Almost, baby. Don't worry." I rested my hand on his and rubbed it. We pulled into the parking lot of our hotel and I yawned softly, getting out with the guys. Joe went to check in as Colby and Jon got the bags. "Baby, let me take mine." He shook his head and glanced at me. "The only bag my wife is gonna be holding is that purse and the diaper bag when we have our babies." He smirked at me and I walked closer to kiss his cheek. "I love you so much." He winked and leaned in to kiss me as we approached the doors. Colby opened it and I walked in first, followed by Jon and then Colby. Joe walked up to me and smiled. "We're all set. Colby and I rooming, as usual. Your room is right next to ours. Just don't make too much noise." Joe rolled his eyes playfully as we headed towards the elevator slowly. "Hey, guys!" I looked up and saw that red headed Barbie eye down Joe. "Goodbye, bitch."

I said and scoffed as she licked her lips at Jon. "I'm too tired for this. I'll break her in half. Oh my gosh." I yawned and leaned my head against Colby's shoulder. They laughed and walked out of the elevator, heading to our rooms. "See you guys later! I love you so much, Joe and Colby." They kissed the top of my head and went into their suite. "Jon, I can't keep my eyes open anymore." He let me walk in first and put our bags in the room we were sleeping in. I landed face first onto the bed and felt Jon taking off my shoes, pants, and socks. I turned over and groaned as I took off his hoodie. He took it from me and laid it on the chair by the balcony door. "Why are you so good to me?" I got under the blanket and relaxed. "Because you treat me like I'm a king." I propped myself up on my elbow and stared at him as he stripped down.

He kissed me and got in next to me. "That's because you are a king. You're my king and I love you. You're so amazing and I'm lucky to have you. I've never loved another human being so much." He smiled and wiped the tear that rolled down my face. "Don't cry, baby. You're gonna make me cry." I laughed and sniffled as I laid my head on his chest, playing with his wedding band. "I've always wondered why you do that." I smiled and kissed his hand. "It's funny how you turned this mean, cruel guy into a big softy. Well, only for you." He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I looked up and slowly leaned in to kiss his lips. I straddled him and placed my hands in his messy hair. "Do you want to do this, babe? I know you're tired." I nodded and went back to kissing him.


I woke up at 8:00 and noticed that Jon was still sleep. I carefully moved his arms from my waist and grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra for my shower. "Nice ass, babe." I looked at him and started laughing extremely hard. "Come here. Give me my morning kiss." He said in a very sexy and raspy voice. I strutted over to him and he pulled back onto the bed and kissed me roughly. I pulled back and kissed his nose. "I'm gonna go get breakfast. Just wait here. I'm gonna cater to you today." He smiled and kissed me. "You do this everyday, baby." I smirked and kissed his cheek. "I know. It's my job as a husband to take care of my wife." I played with his wedding band again and smiled. "Putting this ring on your finger was the best decision of my life." I looked up at him and he had this glint of happiness in his eyes. "I love you, Jolie. You make me so happy. I can't live without you." He choked out the last part and turned his head away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned his head to face me. "Hey, baby. It's okay to cry." He sniffled and wiped his eyes, standing up and putting on his boxers. With that, he walked into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. "What did I do?" I said to myself and groaned as I sat back.

I opened the other closet door and pulled out a towel and washcloth, also taking yoga pants and a half top out of my suitcase. Jon walked out and put on a black v-neck and camouflage cargo shorts with black hiking boots. He looked over at me and smiled softly. "I'm sorry about overreacting like that." I nodded and smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. "I'll be back, baby. I love you so much." He kissed me again and left. I blushed like a teenager and picked up my phone to text Brie, asking if she wanted to go out for coffee. She replied and said she'll be over at 9. I brushed my teeth and took my shower and thought about Jon and I. My thoughts were interrupted by Jon walking in and peeking into the shower to kiss me. I turned off the water and got out, putting on my bra and panties. I left my hair slightly wet and went to put on my clothes. "Babe, have you seen my dog tags?" I shook my head and sat down next to him. "This looks amazing, baby. Thank you." I kissed him and started eating with him. "So, what are you doing today?" He sat back and grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna hangout with the guys. What about you?" "I'm going to get coffee with Brie and Nikki. I'll be back soon after. Maybe we can have a workout, too."

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