Chapter 14

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Jon Good


 Jolie is about five months pregnant and we get to find out the gender today. She's a little nervous, but she's so excited. "Jon, are you dressed?" I sat on the bed and put my shoes on as she finished curling her hair. She looked so fucking gorgeous. "Yeah, baby. I'm just putting on my shoes. I can't believe Maddox is finally one." She sighed and sat next to me. "Just yesterday, he was newborn swaddled in a baby blue blanket. Now he's running things in this house." She laughed and shook her head. "He's such a great kid. I just hope he knows that we still love him and a new baby won't change that. He's our first born." Maddox stumbled into the room and latched onto my leg as I stood up. "Not again, Maddox." He giggled as I walked to the door and Jolie followed behind, laughing with our son. "He's not gonna let go, babe. You know what that means, right?" We made eye contact and looked down at Maddox. "Oh, no! Maddox!"

I picked him up and started tickling him. His laughter filled the room and Jolie smiled as she walked outside with the keys. I stopped tickling Maddox and kissed his forehead while walking out, closing the door behind me. "I'm driving, babe. Let me carry out my husband duties until I leave." She nodded and kissed me before opening the backseat car door for me. "Thanks, baby." She smiled and got in the passenger seat. "I think it's a boy." She looked back at me and nodded. "You think so, Jo? I would be happy with a girl and a boy." "Twins?" I nodded and she scrunched up her face. "Double the kids, double the pain." I made sure Maddox was securely snapped in and headed to the doctor's office. "I'm so eager about having another baby! It's been super active and I know it's gonna be just like Maddox. A big ball of energy that hates to sleep. Bring it on, little one."

She touched her stomach and looked at me with a beautiful smile on her face. "You're so gorgeous, Jolie." She tucked her hair behind her ear and grinned at me with a wink. "Thanks, you sex god. You're the only man I know that can get his wife pregnant right after she had a baby." I laughed and parked the car. "Well, you're right and you obviously aren't complaining." She scoffed and got out with Maddox's bag. "You're so rude! I'm gonna go sign in. Loser." "No, I'm definitely a winner. I have the most beautiful wife and the most handsome son in the world." I winked at her and put Maddox down. He grabbed her hand and they walked in the building. I closed the car door and joined my family inside.

Jolie Rotunda-Good


Well, we're having a boy! Moxley Callihan Good is his name. Jon was so happy to hear his heart beat. I know my parents wanted a girl, but I want to have a bunch of boys. "Jon, are you okay?" He's been smiling since we left the doctor's office. "I'm ecstatic, babe! We're having another boy! I think we should move into a bigger house. I mean, our house now is great. I want us to be able to have more children and not have to worry about rooms or whatever." I nodded and squeezed his hand. "Maybe I can handle that while you're away. I think I'll make a good choice." "Five bedrooms, three bathrooms. Is that good?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that's perfect. As long as you're happy with that." "Your happiness matters the most. If you love the house you pick, it's ours." He looked over at me and smiled. I touched his cheek and ran my finger over his dimple. "We should tell your parents. I'm sure they'll be excited." I nodded and he kissed my hand. "I love you, baby." "I love you more, Jon."

I felt butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks heat up. I looked back at Maddox and he started smiling. "Hey, baby!" He laughed excitedly and squealed. Jon laughed and pulled into my parents' drive way. I got out and walked in with Maddox. "Hey, guys! We have some very exciting news!" We walked into the living room and they turned to us. "His name is Moxley Callihan Good!" My dad jumped up and hugged Jon before kissing my forehead. "Another boy, huh?" He picked up Maddox and looked at my mother. "Moxley Good. Well, I'm extremely excited about having another grandson." I looked up at Jon and he kissed me. "I'm gonna go lay down. Are you coming?" Jon nodded and followed me to my old room. "DX? Lita? The Hardy's?" He remarked as he looked at my posters. He picked up a very important picture to me and smiled. "You, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit? This one is pretty cool." I sighed sadly and sat on the bed. "Yeah, they were my mentors when I entered the WWE. They trained me." "I never knew that. Wow. I knew you took their deaths hard, but now I know why. You never told me." "I hate talking about it. That's why. Getting those phone calls from Chavo really killed me. I didn't want to live. They were my heroes. And now, you're my hero." He put down the picture and looked at me with sincere and loving eyes.

"You really mean that?" I nodded and smiled. He walked over to me and sat down. "Look, I'm a  screw-up. I don't think you want me to be your hero." "If you haven't noticed, I'm just as crazy as you are." He chuckled and I laughed while leaning my head on his shoulder. "Your room is awesome. It the ultimate WWE fan girl's dream. Autographs from Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, Junkyard Dog, NWO, Bret Hart, and Owen Hart. Damn. What the hell?" I shrugged and laughed. "Well, my dad was in the WWE. He did that for me. I never asked for them, but I was happy to accept them." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I love you and our family." "I love you more, Jon. You're absolutely perfect." He smiled and ran his hand through my hair. "Don't ever change. Even when I'm dead and gone. I'm sure there will be someone waiting to have you." I furrowed my eye brows and pulled back. "Don't talk like that, Jon. I can't imagine living without you. Stop." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, babe. I mean, we aren't guaranteed tomorrow, so who knows." I felt tears forming in my eyes, so I held them back. I love Jon and I can't live without him. I don't want to live without him. I go crazy even if he's away for a day or so. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you." I sat up and nodded quickly. "Come on, we need to get Maddox home." I walked out the room and followed Maddox's laughter. I smiled and walked in the room. His face lit up and he walked as fast as his little legs could carry him. "Hey, Maddox!" I picked him up carefully and kissed his cheeks. "Are you ready to go home?" He rested his head on my shoulder and yawned. "Nap time." Jon placed his hand on my shoulder and kissed the side of my head. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. I love y'all." "We love you too, princess." We walked out and Jon buckled Maddox in. "Are you mad at me?" "No, you just scared me. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my other half and you're the only guy I want to be with." He turned on the car and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I won't do that ever again. I love you so much." "I love you more than life itself." He reached over for my hand and squeezed it as we headed home.

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