Chapter 6

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Jolie Rotunda-Good


I woke up from the feeling of pain in my stomach and I groaned quietly. I looked over at my family and friends as they were sleeping peacefully. A nurse walked in and looked over at them as well and smiled. "They were so worried about you. I kept telling that you were okay and just needed rest. Your husband didn't keep his eyes off of you." She whispered and laughed quietly with me. "My husband was the same way. I was in labor for 10 hours. It went smooth and I was so excited to meet our little girl. We named her Nicole." "That's my best friend's name!" I smiled and stretched my arms slowly. "You're up now!" Jon walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back, Jolie." I nodded and smiled at her. "You look so beautiful, babe. Everyone was worried about you. She kept reassuring me. Oh, and everyone else. The baby heartbeat monitors were scaring the hell out of me." I smiled and he leaned in to kiss me softly as the nurse stepped out. "He needs to get here. I'm so eager to have him. But, I don't want to push him out. Seeing how tall you are scares me, because he's probably gonna be a big baby." I sighed and placed my hands on my stomach. "I'm scared, Jon. I don't want to die or whatever during childbirth. I have to push him through my pelvis."

"You have a pretty strong pelvis. I mean, all of that yoga over the years helps. And, you know what else." He smirked and rubbed my stomach in amazement. "I can't wait to meet him. I was talking to dad about Maddox and he said he wants to spend the night when we bring him home. You know, to show me what to do and how to not get so impatient." I nodded and scooted over in this big bed. "Get in with me, please?" He gladly got in and kissed my head. "You're gonna be a great father. I can't wait to see him grow up and hopefully, he will become a wrestler. I'll just show him videos of your matches. Well, WWE matches. I don't want to scare the boy." Jon laughed and kissed my nose. "I think if he saw my matches from my indy days, he will not look at me the same." I smiled and nuzzled my face into his neck. "I love you, Jon. You're the best husband in the world." He rubbed my side and I felt him smile. "I love you more, babe. I try, you know? I can be a pain in the ass, but I try." I nodded and kissed his neck. "Hey, mom and dad. I need to see where Maddox is now." Jon got out the bed and I opened my legs back up. "It's time to push, you guys!" Once he said 'push,' everyone jumped up.

"Push?" They all said in unison and made me laugh. "Yes!" "Don't do that. We hear that enough at work." Colby mumbled and we all laughed. Dr. Snowden stepped back in and I started to freak out. "Oh my gosh. Maddox is gonna be here soon." I laughed and started to scoot down closer to the edge of the bed and my friends had to step outside. "Here we go, guys! Maddox Moxley Good is almost here!" Dr. Snowden smiled at me and my dad started taking more pictures of me. I put my hand up and rolled my eyes. "Dad, enough. I know you're excited. We all are. Stop." He put his camera down and walked to my side. "Daddy, I'm scared. I know it's gonna hurt." "Don't worry, princess. It's gonna be over before you even realize it." I started to cry and Jon wiped my tears away. "Please, don't cry. You're gonna be okay." He leaned down and kept his lips on mine for a couple of seconds. The doctor signaled for me to start pushing and I took a deep breath before everyone started counting.


Jon Good

It took three hours for him to arrive. He's finally here and he's absolutely beautiful. He looks just like me. Just. Like. Me. But, he has Jo's big chocolate brown eyes. Everyone's been dying to hold him, but I don't want to let him go. He's so precious and fragile. "Hey, Jon, we're gonna go back home and get some rest. See you tomorrow. Congrats, man. He's beautiful." I looked up at TJ and smiled. "Thanks, man. He's so perfect." TJ patted me on my shoulder and walked out with Nattie. I looked over at Jolie and she was waking up again. "Hey, baby. He's beautiful, isn't he? He looks just like you." She smiled and motioned for me to lay down with her. I carefully stood up and laid next to her, holding Maddox close to my chest. "You're so careful with him. It's so cute. You're a daddy, Jon. Look at you." She smiled and she was glowing. She looked the same way after we got married. "So, mommy, when are we having our next one?" She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Give me a couple of years. Carrying your child is ridiculous. He's a big baby." 

8 pounds, 7 oz, and 23 inches long. Yeah, he's big. "You know. I'm not even supposed to be here. I didn't picture myself being married and having a child at 28." She nodded and sighed. "I didn't either, honestly. I though I was still gonna be 'out there' and, well, a slut." I rubbed Maddox's cheek and he started to fidgit around. "Let me see him. I haven't held him since I delivered him." I reluctantly and carefully handed him to her and watched her as she held him close to her chest. He fell right back asleep and she smiled at me. "You're so cute, Jon. Give me a kiss." She puckered her beautiful lips and I kissed her softly. "Awwww, look at the happy family." Colby walked in and kissed Jolie and Maddox on their heads. "Hey, best friend. Did you get any sleep?" "Nope. I tried, but I just want to see my nephew." Jo smiled and handed him to Colby. "Be careful, guys. Colby, support his head." I stressed and Colby glared at me. "I got it, Jon. I've held babies before." Jo grabbed my hand and rubbed it softly with her thumb. "It's okay, sweetheart. I trust Colby with our baby." I kissed her and laid back, trying to sleep. She rested her head on my chest and I immediately felt relaxed. Jo's soft snores put me to sleep.


Jolie Rotunda-Good

I woke up first and looked over at Brie and Nikki cooing over Maddox. "He's so cute, Jo." Nikki whispered as they handed him back to me. "We're gonna go and get some sleep. It's been a long day. We love all three of you. Bye!" They kissed my cheek and left. Jon started to stir in his sleep and turned over to wrap his arms around my waist. "Hey, baby." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I thought you were gonna be out for a while. I just can't put him down. I see what you mean now." He smirked and started to rub my arm. I love him so much. "I'm ready to get him home. He's so precious." "I think I might leave the WWE for the first year of his life and then I'll go back." My eyes got wide and I shook my head. "No, baby. That's your life. You can't do that. I have my family here. Don't worry." "But, you guys are my family. I need to be at home with him." "You know you're gonna have to vacate your titles." He looked down and then back at me. "It's worth it if I'm home with the two of you everyday."

"You're gonna go crazy if you don't wrestle." 'I'm already crazy. It won't make much of a difference." He bit his lip and shrugged. "Four months off." "Six months off." "Eight and that's it." "Deal!" He kissed me and kissed Maddox's head. "I guess they'll write you off. Probably a bad injury. You know how they do." He nodded and started laughing. "Don't blame me if you end up pregnant by the time he's eight or nine months old." I scoffed and laughed with him. "No sex for the first month after I have him." His jaw dropped and he sat up. "No sex for a month?" I nodded my head and laughed softly, trying not to wake up Mad Mox. I like that, actually. "You're gonna survive. I'll do other things for you, if you get what I'm saying." I winked at him and he licked his teeth. "You're so hot, Jon. You're killing me." He laughed and I touched his cheek. "Your dimples are so cute. I hope he has them. But, then we'll be fighting off girls all the time." "He's already a ladies man. First you, then the nurses, then the girls. He picked up a trait from his old man." I scoffed and playfully rolled my eyes. Maddox started to wake up, so I kissed him. "Hey, Maddox. You're so handsome, man." He grabbed my finger and stared into my eyes. "Jon, he looks so much like you. It's crazy." "I know, but he has your gorgeous eyes. Man, he's great." We continued to play with him until all of us fell asleep.


Maddox finally arrived!! Leave comments and votes, please! It would mean the world to me! I love you guys!

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