Chapter 13

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Jon Good


It's been about six months since that STD incident and we're doing great. Jolie and I are talking about having another baby, but she is kind of discouraged. Especially with caring for Maddox. He's a handful! He's already attempting to walk, but he can't quite get it. I'm making my return really soon, but I don't want to go back. I'm a father now. I don't want to leave his side. "Jo, I need your help." She walked in the nursery and sat on the floor. "Are you trying to get him to walk? He's being stubborn." I smirked at her comment and helped Maddox stand up. She held her phone up to record him. "Go to mommy, buddy." He took a step forward and stumbled a little. Jolie's eyes got wide and she covered her face with her free hand. He got closer to her and almost fell, but he stood up straight and stepped quickly to fall in front of her lap. "You did it, buddy!" I clapped for him and crawled over to them. She put her phone down and hugged him. He laughed and grabbed her hair. I laughed and admired my beautiful family. I don't think I want to go yet. "Babe, what time does your flight leave on Monday?" "I don't think I'm gonna leave yet. They asked me if I wanted extra time off, but I'm not sure. I need to be here, but I want to be there." She nodded and ran her fingers through Maddox's hair.

"I miss wrestling. I think I might contact Steph. She wants me to come back, but I don't want to go back right away. I want to wait a little longer. Maybe after he turns one or two." "Two? That's a long time." She shrugged and Maddox crawled to me. He looks more like me everyday. "I've been wrestling for these last ten years and I never really took a break. We didn't even have a proper Honeymoon!" She laughed and shook her head. "I gave that company my everything every day. It almost broke us up and I lost friends over the years. I don't understand how they could just drop me like that." She seemed so sad and angry. She's still upset about it and Stephanie wants to get back at Vince by bringing back one of the greatest diva's of all time. "Just take your time, babe. Who knows? You could get pregnant within the next month and have to completely retire from wrestling." She scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. She's so stressed from being a mom, wife, and pro wrestler. "It's gonna be okay, baby. I'm gonna stay another month. Don't worry." She sniffled and nodded as Maddox rested his head on her chest.

"It's just so overwhelming, Jon. Wrestling is my passion, but being a mom is my life. I know he needs me. I don't want him to not have his parents around. I think I'm just gonna hang up the wrestling boots for a little while. I think I'll wait until he turns two." I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. "It's getting late for him. I think we should have a discussion about our future." I stood up and he reached up for me. I smiled and picked him up as he yawned. "I know, buddy. It's time for bed." I laid him in his crib and placed his blanket on him. He blinked slowly and started falling asleep. "We love you, buddy." She turned off the light and I followed her into the bedroom. "Is everything okay, Jon?" I kissed her passionately and pushed her onto the bed. "Are we doing this right now?" I nodded and jumped on top of her. "I just want to be inside of you." She ran her hand through my hair and kissed me. I took her pants off slowly, leaving a trail of kisses down to her feet. She looked at me with passion and lust in her eyes. I think she's ready.


It was about four in the morning when I heard Jolie crying. "What's wrong, baby?" She looked at me and sighed. "Jon, I'm pregnant." I sat up and grinned at her. She cried harder and shook her head. "Maddox is only eight months old! What the hell are we gonna do?" "We're gonna be okay, babe. I'm here." I pulled her into my chest and she calmed down. "You were right. I ended up getting pregnant within the first nine months." She laughed and I kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Jolie. When did you find out?" "Yesterday. I took it when you dropped Maddox off at Joe's place. I was too scared to tell you." She looked up at me and sniffled. "You shouldn't be. You know I want more children. Ever since I found out about those whores lying to me, I've been a little on the edge. It made me want to have children with you even more." Yeah, Danielle and Eva lied to me. Karlie's boy isn't mine. It was a lot to deal with, but we got through it. "I'm glad you feel that way. I'm afraid to tell my parents. I'm sure they would be excited, but I'm anxious." She blinked slowly and nuzzled my neck. "I'm really happy about it. We're gonna have to turn the guest room into a nursery." I groaned and sighed while she laughed. "I guess we're gonna have to put the bed in storage. Where am I gonna sleep when we have fights?" She laughed harder and kissed me. "You're so silly, Jon. I'm happy we're expanding our family."

I nodded and gave her an Eskimo kiss. She smiled and squinted her eyes. I'm so in love with this woman. I'm glad we're back together. Those distractions were not needed. "You okay, babe?" I blinked a couple of times and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about these last six months. What the hell was I thinking?" She closed one eye and kissed my chin. "It's okay. We're past that. It only made us stronger." I kissed her forehead and rested my hand on her stomach. "I'm eight weeks along." She looked at me and smiled. "Baby, we have to get you seen. I wanna know how my child is doing." She nodded and kissed me. "I'll schedule an appointment tomorrow. Maybe he can see us Thursday." She laid back and yawned. "Baby, I'm sleepy. I never really went to bed, actually." She turned to face me and smiled. "I'll hold you. Maybe that'll help." I pulled her really close to me and she inhaled my scent like a weirdo. "You're so weird, Jolie. Sniffing me like that." She pulled back and laughed. "You smell good! I'm sorry for admiring my husband." I leaned in to kiss her and she kissed back slowly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laughed into the kiss. I moved my hands to her waist and I started pulling down her shorts. She bit my bottom lip and laughed like an insane person. It kind of turned me on. She took off my boxers and I took off her underwear, sliding into her.


Jolie-Rotunda Good

After hours of earth shattering sex, we finally fell asleep. It was more like a cat nap for me, though. He's gonna be out for a little bit. He did all of the work. I went to check on Maddox to feed him since it was a little past 8:30. "Hey, baby! Aw, look at your hair." I ran my fingers through his short, dirty blonde hair and he smiled. He reached up for me and I picked him up. "Okay, lets get food in your little belly." I sat him in his highchair and he started smiling at me. Smiling, I made his rice cereal and placed the bowl on the tray. He was independent, so he fed himself. "I'll be right back, baby. Don't make a big mess." I walked to the bedroom and saw Jon getting up. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." I kissed him and handed him his boxers. "Is Maddox up?" I nodded and kissed him again. "He's eating right now. He's gonna forget about it when he sees you, so stay in here for a little longer." I smiled and he laid back down. "What you did earlier was amazing." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know. I try."

I flipped my hair and skipped out the room. I heard Maddox squealing, so that means he's done. "Okay, baby. Let's get you cleaned up! Jon, babe, you can come out." He ran into the kitchen and Maddox started smiling. He squealed as Jon walked over to him. "Hey, Maddox Moxley!" I handed Jon a wet napkin and he wiped Maddox's face. "He gets cuter every day." Jon said proudly and kissed our son. "I hope the next one is a boy, also." I nodded and kissed both of my boys. "What would we name him?" "Don't get mad, but what about Moxley Callihan?" I clapped my hands excitedly and Maddox did the same while laughing. "That's a great name! I love it! Why would I get mad?" "Because I thought you would have gotten tired of the name Moxley." I shook my head and kissed him. "No, that's such a cute name." He raised his right eye brow and smirked. "Amelia Rose?" "That's perfect." I nodded and kissed him again. Hm, maybe having another baby is good for our relationship.

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