Chapter 10

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Jon Good


I've decided to surprise Jolie and pick up Maddox early. She's been dying to get him back and I know she's gonna freak out. She's still sleep, so I made breakfast for her. I laid Maddox in his bassinet just to hear her reaction. "Jon! When-Maddox is here! What the heck!" She started to cry and ran into the kitchen to hug me. "These are for you." I handed her a bouquet of White Roses and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. She sniffed the roses and grinned at me. "You didn't have to, baby. Thank you." She put her gifts on the counter and hugged me again. "I'm gonna go hold my baby. I missed him." "Be careful, though. He's a little fussy." I followed her into our room and watched as she picked him up carefully and held him to her chest. She smiled and looked at me with a look of happiness. She's so gorgeous and I can't believe I married her. She's definitely the woman of my dreams. "You're making that face again! What's on your mind?" "You." She laughed softly and kissed Maddox's forehead. I stepped closer to her and kissed her softly. "Your breakfast is on the table. I forgot to tell you."

She shook her head and smiled as she walked out. "What? I saw you and totally forgot about the food." She sat down and winked at me. "You're too sweet, Jon." I carefully took Maddox from her and she started eating. "This is incredible, babe. You made this?" I nodded proudly and started warming up Maddox's bottle. "My mom must have taught you how to make these pancakes. They taste just like her's." I chuckled and nodded my head. "Yeah, she showed me this morning. I picked up pretty quickly, to be honest. I'm glad you love them. A happy wife equals a happy life." She raised a eye brow and smirked. "That's right. Don't forget it." I started to feed Maddox as the door bell rang. "I'll get it. Just stand there and look perfect." She winked and answered the door. "Oh my gosh! Come in!" She walked in the kitchen with Sami on her arm. I smiled and walked over to them slowly. "What's up, man?" He pinched Maddox's cheek softly and laughed. "Jon, my boy. I can't believe you're a dad. You better take care of my boy and my girl." He wrapped his arm around Jo and made a serious face. "You know she's the only girl I like out of all of those girls you've dated. They were trashy." I made a disgusted face and thought about those tramps. "I agree." She smirked and looked up at Sami as if she admired him. I kind of got jealous, but I know she means no harm.

"What made you stop by?" "I wanted to see my nephew. Oh, and you guys." Jolie laughed softly and walked over to me. "Let me hold him, Jon!" I furrowed my eye brows and carefully handed him over. "God, Jon. He looks just like you. And, he has your beautiful eyes, Jo. A very handsome kid." Jolie smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist. I tensed up and moved from her embrace. She took the hint and sat on the counter. I looked at her and she had a look of pure hatred on her face. You could cut the tension with a knife. "What the hell is going on?" She looked at him and did a low growl, kind of scaring me. "Don't fucking worry about it." She said in a almost-demonic voice. I started stepping out of the kitchen. "Where are you going?" She jumped down from the counter and followed me into the room, closing the door behind her. "Look, I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but you need to stop it."

She growled and slapped the hell out of me. I yelled and pushed her against the wall with my hand underneath her chin. "I'm tired of you doing this to me. I love you so fucking much, but you keep fucking with me. There are girls back home who are dying to get with me." She looked at me with sad eyes and looked away. "Why would you say that?" For the first time in our relationship, she actually didn't fight back. She looked like a lost puppy. "Shit, Jo!" I punched the wall beside her head and walked to the closet. "I'm leaving for a little bit. I need to get out of here." She started crying and holding onto me. "Please, don't leave me. I'm nothing without you. Please,  baby!" She started bawling and I felt like shit.

"I can't do this. I will die for you. You are my husband. I married you for a reason!! I fucking love you!!" I dropped my bag and quickly pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry. I'm a terrible husband. I don't deserve you. You're perfect." I felt tears forming in my eyes, so I tried to hold them back. "Jolie, don't get mad with me, but I do need time away. I'll be back soon. I promise. It's not you, I just feel like I'm going crazy again. I don't want to go back to the old me. You know how I was." She looked up and furrowed her eye brows. "No, no no! It's not you making me feel this way! I guess not traveling is making me feel like this. I miss being around the guys, also." She nodded and walked out slowly, leaving the bedroom.

Jolie Rotunda-Good


I wonder where all of this is coming from. He seemed fine these last couple of weeks, besides that episode he had the last night. It scared me, because it was pretty much a flash back from his childhood. "Is everything okay?" I looked up and saw Sami sitting on the couch. "Yeah, he just needs to get away for a while. I understand. He said he misses the guys. Being a husband and father is overwhelming to him, I guess." I sighed and sat on the lounge seat across from them. I closed my eyes and tied my hair up. "You know, Eva came over last night." Sami's eyes shot from the TV to me. "What!? Why?" "She wanted to see Jon. I told her to leave my home and she smacked me. So, I delivered my forearm smashes."

"Jolie, no." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "She wasn't even ready, Sami." We heard the room door open and we looked at each other. "I'll be back later. I'm not going that far. Don't worry and don't stay up too late tonight." He kissed me and picked up Maddox. "I'll be back later, buddy. I love you." He kissed his forehead and handed him back to Sami. "I love you, baby." He smiled at me and picked up his keys. "I love you too, Jon. No matter what, I want our relationship to work. Maybe this will help us." I smiled sadly and sat back. He sighed and nodded. "See you later, Sami." He waved and Jon walked out. "I hope he doesn't do anything crazy." "Well, knowing Jon, he just might."

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