Chapter 20

790 20 2

Jolie Rotunda-Good


After having an amazing weekend with Jon, we decided to go back home. We miss our boys too much. "We should have weekend get-aways more often, babe. That was fun." He grabbed my hand and kissed it while pulling into our driveway. "We're going to Miami next weekend." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him slowly. He pulled back and got out, walking to my side to open the door. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the front doors eagerly. "Daddy!" Maddox ran into Jon's arms and kissed his cheek quickly. My dad walked out and hugged me carefully before handing Moxley over. I kissed his face repeatedly and sat on the couch. "How were they, daddy?" "They were great. My grand boys are great kids." I smiled and Maddox sat beside me to look at his little brother. "He was doing that all weekend long. He would just stare at him. He loves Moxley." Maddox gave Moxley his finger and he squeezed it while looking at him. Maddox smiled at his little brother and looked up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes. "Mommy, my little brother!" I nodded and kissed his forehead. "Dad, we're gonna go unpack and get our bags ready for our next get-away." I smiled at Jon and my dad took Moxley from my arms. 


"Baby, I want you right now. I really do. You look so good in those yoga pants." I laughed as he kissed my neck and squeezed my butt. "We'll have a little fun tonight. Don't worry, baby." "I love you, Jolie. I love you so much." I smiled and kissed him sweetly. "I love you more, Jon. You're so amazing to me." I placed a bikini in my bag and he smirked at me. "That bikini is so sexy, babe." His voice was so deep and husky when he said that and it turned me on! I jumped on him and kissed all over his face. "What are you doing, Jo?" I laughed while kissing his lips. "Baby, your dad and our sons are downstairs. They're gonna hear us." I looked at him with a sad face and started kissing his neck. "Jolie, stop. We'll do this later." I jumped down and gave him a kiss before walking out of the closet. "What do you want for dinner?" I laid on the bed and sighed. "How about chicken quesadillas?" I nodded and he laid on top of me.

"Spread your legs like you did this weekend." I slapped his chest and laughed while opening them up. "I really had a great time this weekend, baby. You know how to treat your wife." He kissed me softly and ran his hand up my side. "Jolie, let's have another baby." I bit my lip and really thought about it. "Jon, let's be rational about this. I was struggling with both babies. You weren't here half of the time. I was lonely. I don't know, Jon." He nodded and kissed me before standing up. He gently pulled me off the bed and led me to the door. "You're a great father. I know you want to have a bunch of babies and I'm willing to carry all of them. My body needs a break, baby. But, within the next year, we will be pregnant again. Don't worry." He smiled and squeezed my hand before opening the door.


After dinner, Jon and I sat outside, just enjoying our sons. Jon was at the edge with Maddox while I laid on a lounge chair with Moxley on the deck. I noticed how Maddox looked sluggish. "Jon, it's getting dark. Do you want to put them down and come back out?" He nodded and smirked while getting out of the pool. I followed him up the stairs and changed Moxley into his onesie before running Maddox's bath. "Babe, do you mind bathing him tonight? I'll pick out his jammies to save time." He nodded and started taking off Maddox's clothes as I stepped out. I heard a gut wrenching heave and Jon gasped. "Baby! Maddox threw up!" I ran back into the bathroom and looked at my baby boy's red face. "Maddox! Baby! Come here!" He whined and reached up for me. I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead softly. "He's burning up, Jon. Can you-" "I'm on it, baby." He jogged out of the bathroom and made a b-line for our bedroom.

I quickly turned off the water and went to our bedroom. He came out of the bathroom with a medicine cup full of Robitussin and a thermometer. "I'm sorry, bud. We're gonna get you back to normal. I promise." He carefully placed the thermometer in his mouth and I ran my fingers through his hair while kissing the back of his head. "It's 101.4, Jo." I sighed nervously and Maddox cried out after taking the medicine and he started rubbing his head. I rubbed his back and walked around the room. "Should we call Dr. Saban?" I nodded and stepped on the balcony for fresh air. "Mommy, I'm sleepy." I kissed his cheek and sat on the lounge chair. "I know, baby. Just hold on." He nodded and snuggled into my neck. "Jolie, could you come here?" I stood up and walked back inside. "What's wrong?" He sat down and patted on the bed. "She's on her way over. Just for a check up. Don't worry too much. I'm gonna go clean up the bathroom real quick." Jon leaned over to kiss me softly and walked out.


Aw. Poor Maddox. I'm sorry about abandoning you guys. I feel like an asshole, but whatever. I'm gonna start updating more since Spring Break started yesterday! 

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