Chapter 21

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We finally got Maddox back to normal, which is a relief! "Are you okay, baby?" I looked up at Jon and nodded. He sat down next to me and rubbed my back slowly. "I was so scared for him. I've never seen him that bad before." Jon kissed my cheek and pulled me into his chest. "He's okay, babe. Look, I'll even turn his baby monitor on." He switched it on and we saw Maddox and little Moxley on the split screen. I smiled and kissed Jon softly. "I love you so much, Jon. You went into Super Dad mode so quick and I'm proud of you." I nuzzled his neck and left soft kisses on it. "I love you even more, Jolie. You have no idea." I smiled softly and leaned up to kiss his lips. "Let's go to bed, babe." He pulled me under the blankets and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry about Maddox. He's okay now." He slowly ran his hand through my tangled hair and I felt my eyelids getting heavy.


"Get up, Mommy!" I groaned and opened my eyes to only meet the big, brown ones of Maddox. I smiled immediately and he wrapped his arms around my neck. "Hey, baby. Where's your Daddy?" I sat up and saw a note on the night stand. "Good morning, babe! I'm out right now getting breakfast for you. By the time you read this, I'll probably be back. I love you. - Jon" I smiled and got out of bed to brush my teeth. "Mommy, I'm hungry." Maddox tugged on my pants and rested his head against my leg. "Okay, baby. I'll make you something. Go check on your little brother." He ran out of the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. "Girl, you look like hell." I felt nauseated all of a sudden and I ran to the toilet. "Jo, I'm home!" Jon walked into the bathroom and immediately sat beside me. "What's wrong, babe? Jo? Talk to me." I looked up at him and shook my head. "I-I can't tell you." He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed my hair back.

"Are you pregnant?" I looked up at him and bit my lip. "I think I am." He smiled and pulled me into his chest. "Did you take a test yet?" I shook my head and put to toilet lid down. "I'm scared." He shook his head and smiled. "This is exciting. I know your body needs a break, but it's okay. We'll get through this." I nodded and flushed the toilet. "Do you want to eat? I got iHop." I smiled and kissed his cheek before standing up. "Did you see Maddox on the way up here?" "He's in Moxley's room." Jon stood up and played in my hair as I stared at my horrid reflection. "Yes, you're so beautiful, babe. Stop doing this to yourself." I smiled and rinsed my mouth out with water and mouth wash. "Daddy!" Maddox ran to Jon and hugged his leg. "Hey, buddy! We're you good while I was gone?" He nodded and made a kiss face to Jon. He bent down and pecked his lips. "Is Moxley still asleep, baby?" He nodded and grabbed my hand. "Let's go have breakfast, guys." Jon kissed me and gently pulled is put of the bathroom.


After breakfast, we relaxed in bed and let Maddox watch Little Einsteins. Moxley was in his baby swing, softly giggling. "Do you have a test or do I need to go out?" I caressed his cheek and smiled. "I have one, baby. I should do it right now, shouldn't I?" He nodded and kissed me. Maddox was completely oblivious to what was going on. I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and silently prayed as I found the box and opened it. "Heavenly Father, I'm not ready for another little one. But, if I am expecting, guide me through this. Amen." I opened my eyes and peed on the stick.











I'm sorry about this crappy update. I'll post again later, probably. I love you. :) ❤

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