Heracles Karpusi

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We're the lazy ones

You're always so jealous about cats, always lazing around. Never to do anything except eat and be cuddled. Sometimes you think you want to try and be a cat too, for just a day.

Maybe, you can be freed from those stressful days you have.

After working you decided to stroll around the town. Since its quiet and a little windy, perfect for a slow stroll. (Wish I could do that: slow strolling and free time).

When you saw a small cafe shop full of cats, you didn't know your town had a shop like this. And because you're curious as to what's in store for you there you head towards the store.

And you're in cat heaven. All cats in different colors and sizes was there. And a lot of cats that foreign for your eyes are there.

So you decided to stay a bit more and drink tea while you play with cats. While you ordered your tea, you find the shop only had a few costumers. And a lot of the costumers are elders. Well, having a nice aura from the cats and the place is quiet relaxing for older people, but these days you think it's also common for young adults to also find some peaceful place.

Well, they might be in their rooms shutting out loud and noisy arrogant people. That, is peaceful.

A guy with droopy eyes took your order and has you sat down to wait for your drink, you unconsciously talked to yourself.

"I feel jealous, cats are so lazy." You pouted, when someone patted you.

"You think? Cats aren't lazy as you think, we're just like them. We sometimes might be lazy like the cats and cats can be as energetic as we humans do. We just can't see it. In fact we're the lazy ones, because we didn't even try to see if they're really what we think." You looked back to see the guy who took your order, and for the first time in awhile you didn't know that your town already had your soulmate.

You smiled at each other as the both of you realized how blind you are to not see the two broken green heart you both wear was now a full heart.


A/N: Just finished writing this story while commuting to work and I got on the jeep (Phil. Vehicle for commuting) 16:55 exactly and I'm still here at the jeep 17:08, the heck? I finished playing a game at least five 3 mins. song and made a new part for Soulmate AU. And I may do another. And the worst I'm still not an near my destination, I might have to not go to work, because I'm already late, like super late!!! Sorry for the rant. Its just hard out here!!

Update: Lol, sorry I didn't published it yesterday, my phone died after I tried to publish, I didn't know I only had 2% battery that time... Well I hope you enjoy it! And yeah, I made it home at 20:00

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