Markell Køhler

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A/N: 2p!Denmark for you guys!! This is about the AU where the other soulmate will have to suffer the same pain the other is experiencing, something like that... And I promise I'll do that comment I had about scars and I will only hurt when both soulmates are near to each other, I'm just going to have this 2p! list I had to finished and then I'll go to the Nyo's list. I hope you understand. But I promise I won't neglect it! Oh and I will like to use that scenario for the others, cause I think always giving you the soulmate watch scenario and tattoos got you all 'boring' so yeah... 2p!Denmark is the exact opposite of 1p!Denmark. Enjoy!!!

Loving your all in many ways

"Yours or theirs?" Your friend asks as you place a blue band aid on your thumb.

"Theirs. Papercut." You sighed as you pondered worriedly to your soulmate.

You'll always had a scratch or bruise or little cuts on your body, every single day. Although its not all that a big of a deal. Since its only small or not permanent or incurable.

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