Nagikae: Ch 3

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  Hoi!!! Its me again sorry this chapter is a little late I had a girls day with my friends. So back to the main subject... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING your all so sweat (~'U')~!!!!!! you guys are amazing so pleas enjoy Chapter 3                                   XOXO Yanna~Chan

Nagisa's POV:

   I was looking through the woods for a dodge ball when I heard something rustling in the bushes, I slowly crept towards the bush and pulled away the leaves only to find a snake coiled around a dodge ball "Well it could attack is I remove it but I need the ball... I know! I picked up the snake and the ball allowing the snake to wrap around my arm as I pick up the ball "Great now to find a place to hide." I ran through the area trying to find a place to hide when I heard Koro Sensei shout "Attention remaining students I have to announce only 5 students remain!" I guess some people had an easier time finding a ball, I wonder who's left. While running around I saw someone quickly run past as they disappeared behind a big rock and I heard a girls voice as they tripped "Ow! Dang it!" I ran over to see what happened as I peered over the rock I saw Kayano had tripped and her ball rolled away she tried to grab it but her foot was caught between the rocks. I thought that it might have been a trap and she teemed up with someone to ambush me but I still had to help "Kayano are you okay?" I said as walked over to help her, I tried to remove her foot from between the rocks as quick as possible in case it was a trap. I freed her leg after a few minuets of struggling and ripped of some cloth from my uniform and wrapped it around her leg to stop the bleeding and grabbed her arm and put it over my shoulder and grabbed her ball and rushed her to safety. "Hey Kayano do you want to team up?" I asked turning my head teasing her with her and my ball "Fine. Just give me my ball!" she exclaimed jumping on my back attempting to grab the ball from my hands "Fine here" I said giving her the ball and and lifting her up higher on my back and continued walking.

  Hello my sweets! uhh . . . was that weird the whole sweets thing I was just trying something new I normally call people who like my writing or posts or what no Chanimals because I like animals and Chan is in my name ish I might stick with Chanimals. SORRY! I'm off topic please dont hurt me I do this a lot, but main subject Chapter 3 hope you enjoyed XOXO Yanna~Chan

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