Nagikae Ch: 15

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I'm back baby! And my writing skills have improved and I know what I'm doin! Enjoy

Nagisa's POV:
Kayano and I sat on the bench by the sunset as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close, she smiled "This is nice." Kayano said "Ya I like it." I kissed her on the forehead and heard a small giggle behind us. We both turned around and saw Nakamura and Karma and a few other students badly hidden behind some bushes "We've been caught!" Isogai yelled "Book it!" Maehara said before a small chunk of students got up and ran.
Karma and Nakamura slowly stood up "What we we're all hanging out but then saw you guys we couldn't help it" Nakamura said while rubbing the back of her head. "You have to admit you do make a cute couple" Kanzaki chimed in while Okuda stood behind her "Ya I agree." Nakamura smirked "Not as cute as you and Karma though!" She picked Okuda up before pushing up against Karma, Nakamura and Meg took pics of Okuda blushing while Karma wasn't having any of it.
"Yup Karma and Okuda do make a cute couple." I said with a slight smirk "Hey it's my job to tease the couples!" Karma yelled before quickly covering his mouth "Aww so you and Okuda are a couple!" Kayano squealed before running down the hill to congratulate them, I followed slowly behind "Not really more like... Partners in crime" Karma turned his head and crossed his arms, Nakamura, Meg and Kanzaki just stood off to the side fangirling. "Either way this isn't about us it's about you two got it!" I smirked at Karma's words. "Are you sure about that, cause the girls are fangirling pretty hard to Karma x Okuda" Karma turned red "Shut up! This is a Nagisa x Kayano fanfic not Karma x Okuda!"Karma yelled" What?" Kayano tilted her head in confusion "Ughh nothing! Imma get you for this" Karma stormed off "Karma wait up!" Okuda ran after him.
"Aww he was so flustered. THAT'S RIGHT GO GET YO MAN OKUDA!!" I yelled to Okuda as Karma cursed to himself. "Okay, okay back to you what's the status." Nakamura said her breath hitched, she was trying to catch her breath from fangirling and laughing. "Taken!" Kayano said and hugged me "Umm I don't know, I've been doing all the work in this relationship." Kayano tugged on the hem of my shirt "Hmm mphf!" Kayano pulled me in for a kiss, Meg Nakamura almost had a nose bleed. "Kayano I was kidding you didn't have to do that, you know I love you." I hugged her and Nakamura nearly fainted "Aww look you broke her." Kayano teased "I broke her! You're the one who kissed me!" Nakamura stumbled around "Ship it..." was all she said before she collapsed into a puddle of fangirl-ness, Meg and Kanzaki grabbed her arms and hauled her away.

Kayano's POV:
"Well that was fun!" I said "Yup." Nagisa picked me up and set me on his back before walking "Where are we going?" Nagisa continued moving "My house, we have school tomorrow and I'm tired." Nagisa said. "Sounds reasonable." I laid my head on his back and slowly began to doze off. I didn't even realize when Nagisa set me down and wrapped his coat around my shoulders and picked me up bridal style.
My eyes slowly opened when I was lightly shook "huh?" I opened my eyes all the way and saw Nagisa Hey sleepy head wake up or you're gonna be late." I saw Nagisa was already wearing his uniform and I was still in my outfit from yesterday. "Why didn't you wake me earlier!?" I yelled down the stairs to him as I struggled to button my top. "You just looked so peaceful" I rolled my eyes and slid my feet into my loafers (I think thats what they're called)
"Come on if we hurry we can get pudding!" I grabbed my backpack and Nagisa was already waiting by the door "You mean YOU get pudding." I nodded and we left, we stopped at a small convenience store to grab some pudding "Thank you!" I said with a mouth full of pudding "You're welcome, now give me a bite." Nagisa opened his mouth and I gave him a spoonful of pudding. He took the spoon from me and continued walking with it in his mouth "Hey I can't eat without my spoon!" I whined, Nagisa took the spoon out of his mouth and stopped "Nagisa?" He turned around and gave me a kiss, it was passionate and I could taste the pudding on his tounge. He pulled away "What was that about?" I could still taste the pudding "I was gonna do that yesterday at the sunset bet we got disrupted." Nagisa handed me my spoon, I giggled "Okay."
We continued our walk to school and sat at our desks. "What do you think we're doing today?" Nagisa asked "I don't know, there isn't anything written on the board." I looked around for any sign of what was happening today but my thoughts were interrupted by Koro Sensei barging in. "Fufufu, Good morning students I hope you're all ready for testing!" Then it hit me our big test was coming up, I nearly smacked my head on the desk. I hated tests. The whole class groaned

Aren't tests great! I'm kidding they suck! Hope you like this chapter.

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