Nagikae Ch: 19

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So ya umm I'm back after forever... I was being a lazy ass and almost gave up but yall still love my stories so imma hopefully end this as chapter 20  so I can move on to my YAOI ONESHOTS! I'm sure you're all excited for that so ya that was a small thing I wanted to say so LETS GO!

Karma's POV: (Eyyyy I it's back!)
The ride seemed quiet except for my excessive buttom clicking from the game I brought along, everyone else was asleep. The ride was long so after a while my thumbs grew tired and I took a nap like everyone else because time seems to go faster when I sleep and it did. I woke up in what felt like seconds and we were there we all left the station and went to find the resort.

We were greeted by a server who looked awfully familiar but I thought nothing of it. We walked along the island before actually going into the hotel and getting our rooms. Unfortunately I ended up having to share a room with Ryoma and that sucks... For him. I set all my stuff down before joining the class downstairs for our planned assassination attempt.

(Time Skip brought to you by tiny Koro~Sensei ball)

I sat at a table and played my game 'till I saw Kayano and Nagisa "Hey over here!" I waved and they walked over and joined me. The same waiter from earlier brought over some drinks "Ugh. We were so close to killing that dumb octupus." I groaned and sat back in my seat "Ya I guess it was my fault we missed." Nagisa said as he rubbed the back of his head. Mr Karasuma came out with a bag holding the ball that Koro~Sensei had turned into so I started poking at it. Everything was calm besides Koro~Sensei yelling at me to stop when students began falling on the floor in fits of coughing "What's happening?!" Kayano yelled "Call a medic!" Karasuma yelled while leaving the octopus ball in my hands "Well hello~".

Kayano's POV:
A medic got here and started helping me care for the students while Mr. Karasume took an unknown call on the other side of the dining area. Karasuma hung up and came over in a rush "I'm gonna need all the heathy students to come with me!" We began walking to an unknown destination asking questions along the way. We arrived at the base of a tall cliff and without asking anymore questions we climbed. It seemed almost impossible but we made it and it only got worse from there. We had to go through several obstacles proffeser bitch had to play piano which was pretty fun ti watch, karma... Well.. Ya. And then thw snipers had their moment but it was so much just to get to the top. A tall buff man waited only wanting Nagisa. "Be careful!" I yelled as he stepped closer to him. I've always loves watching Nagisa fight but when it came to this I was scared, I wanted him to be safe.

I almost fainted when I saw Nagisa drop his knife "What are you doing!" he didn't respond but what he did next almost killed us all. He clapped. He went right up the retired gym teacher (forgot his name) and clapped, the man fell to his knees and Nagisa took the antidote before tazing the man. He stepped back to make sure his job was done and when the man didn't move we all burst into cheers and I ran over and hugged him "You scared me!" he hugged back "Sorry" we went back to the resort and treated everyone
"So much for a vacation." I said as I layed in bed "You're telling me" Meg said and she flopped on her bed. I couldn't sleep well that night but all I knew was when we got back we had to end Koro~Sensei.

Nagisa's POV:
I was exhausted from the "Mission" we went on that as soon as we got in the room I passed out on my bed. But I was thinking the same thing ad everyone else.

"When we get back to E class, we have to end Koro~Sensei."

I didn't want to wake up the next morning because I knew I had to go home. I rolled out of bed, quite literally and fell on the ground "Ughhh." I got up and packed my stuff then went to meet the others downstairs. "Morning..." I rubbed my eye "Took you long enough you lazy bum!" Karma smacked my back and chuckled "Ow!" we all laughed and took a seat so we could wait for the others. After everyone arrived we got back on the horrid train and rode back home with the same question on our minds.

"How will we kill Koro~Sensei?"

Little did we know all that would have to come sooner than expected.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I'm sorry! I am a terrible person! That means next chapter it's all over! Plz forgive me for not posting and when i did telling you that i would end it soon!

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