Nagikae Ch 18

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Hoi hoi!! Sorry these chapters are kinda turning to sh*t but it's because I know I'm getting closer to Koro~Sensei's death... Kk so let's begin!

Kayano's POV:
I woke up to Nagisa's sleeping face, he looked so peaceful it's hard to believe he had such strong blood lust. I brushed a stray piece of hair out of his face and planted a small kiss on his forehead "Huh?" He slowly opened one of his eyes "Oh sorry did I wake you?" He tiredly shook his head "Okay good" We both sat up and then the alarm went off "Oh! Hurry we're gonna be late for school!" Nagisa jumped out of bed and grabbed his uniform before disappearing into the bathroom "Hehe He doesn't know I set the alarm ten minutes early." I giggled and threw my legs over the side of the bed and scratched my arms. I waited a few minutes for Nagisa to exit the bathroom so I could go in and take a shower.

I finished my shower and got dressed, after I did my hair I walked downstairs and saw Nagisa on the couch. "Nagisa do you need me to do your hair?" He brushed his long blue hair behind his shoulder "Yeah I'm struggling to get it up." He smiled and I stood behind and began fiddling with his hair "Anndd DONE!" I pulled his hair into a high ponytail and wrapped a red ribbon around the base "Kayano this makes me look really feminine!" He said while looking in the reflection of a nearby mirror "No. You look adorable!" I hugged him from behind and he just sighed.

We both ate a light breakfast and waited untill it was time to go. Our walk to school was nice, no one from A class messed with us and we had a nice talk. Wr entered the class only to see an overly energetic Koro~Sensei "Fufufu~ Good Morning!" he continued laughing "Uhh what's happening?" Nagisa asked Karma who was talking with Okuda "I don't know we just came in and he was like this." I shrugged and we sat down and soon the bell rang. "Okay students I have some great news!" We all looked at him waiting for his answer "Since Karma scored second highest on the test we get to go to a reserved island for a vacation!" We all cheered and when we settled down we bagan quietly talking to each other. Not about the vacation but about how wr could use this to our advantage to kill Koro~Sensei.

Class went on as usual with Karma passing out in the back and all of our failed assassination attempts. Today I walked home alone because I had to pack for the trip.

Nagisa's POV:
I ended up walking home alone do Kayano could pack. The entire class discussed ways to assassinate Koro~Sensei but to be honest I don't know if I really want to kill him but I guess I don't really know yet.

I walked into my house and my mom was sitting at the table drinking some tea "Oh Hi mom!" She looked at me and eminently smile, she rushed over and pulled me into a big hug "Ohhh! You look so beautiful with your hair like that!!" she played with the ribbon in my hair "Uh yeah Kayano did it." "Yup she's a keeper! Don't lose her she understands me." Her tone changed and I broke into a cold sweat "I wont!" She smiled again and sat back down. Wow! Kayano made a good impression on my mom. I'm happy for her.

I went upstairs and began packing my suitcase. "Mom! Where's my swim trunks?" She walked upstairs "They should be in the wash, I found them on the floor so I assumed they were dirty." She then left and went to the laundry room and came back with some bright pink swim trunks. "Found them! Make sure to take lots of pictures!" Oh yea Koro~Sensei called our parents about the trip, I also forgot about my swim trunks being pink, I managed to convince her to let me have swim trunks but she picked the color.

I packed the bright swimmers (That's what I call them sorry if the term is wrong) and closed my suitcase before taking a quick shower and joining mom downstairs for dinner. Honestly Kayano changed my mom, she made a big dinner and she didn't bring up the whole 'you're my daughter so sit like a lady! And chew with your mouth closed!' she was smiling the entire time and we started a normal conversation. After we ate I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

I woke up refresed as usual and changed into a blue tank top and some shorts before grabbing my suitcase and running downstairs "Morning mom!" I sat down at the table with her "Morning sweetie!" we both ate breakfast and talked before I had to go "Bye! Love you" She gave me a quick kiss and waved to me while I left.

Instead of meeting at school we met at the train and I ran into Nakamura along the way "Nagisa!" Maehara waved "Hi guys!" Nakamura pulled me through the crowd and towards the class. "Wow you took forever" Toka teased "Don't blame me! Nagisa kept attracting creepy guys!" Nakamura playfully nudged me "Hey!" Everyone laughed and started some small chat until the train arrived. "Yay! It's here I was getting tired of waiting." Kayano cheered. We loaded into the train and Koro~Sensei following in his horrible disguise. We sat down in the seats and most of us passed out.

Sorry for delayed post but I ain't coming up with any excuses other than the fact I was lazy. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

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