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Lol I bet yall thought I was joking about bringing it back! I am but it's my birth day! So I'm doing a small chat with Nagisa, Kayano, Karma, Myself and Drumroll please... (Ps: Karma=K)


Me: Hello everyone today I'm here with my sister RIVER!!!

River: Hi (Monotone voice)

Me: Party-pooper, I'm also here with Karma, Nagisa and Kayano (K,N,K) How are you two Nagisa and Kayano?

K,N: Were good.

K: I'm here too you know, I'm good.

Me: I was gonna ask you after I asked the couple. So Today we will read and react to some of the great comments on my NagiKae fanfic that you guys leave, yall are soo sweat! River will you read the first comment?

River: Where is it?... Which one?

Me: Any of the ones with a star next to it, start with chapter one.

River: Which one is chapter one? *Yanna points to paper* Oh. Kayano-Kaede.

Me: What did I tell you about Kayano-Kaede?

River: Uhh.. She is a she? *Whispers to River* Oh, That she's a writer and you're a fan of her writing. She said
"I gotta say you are an inspirational writer 😊😊"

Me: This is sooo sweat! I'm a big fan, This was an honor

Kayano: I didn't write that, they have my face and my name. But that was really nice!

Me: I know! Okay Kayano do you want to read the next comment?

Kayano: Sure! So OtakuLou13 said
"*hugs computer screen* sry thats as close as i can get"
Aww hugs! *Hugs Nagisa*

Nagisa: Yup hugs are the best! *hugs Kayano back*

Karma: I'm still here.

Me: *Hugs Karma* Happy, hey Karma wanna read the next comment?

Karma: Sure, so ASIANINDAHOUSE, nice profile pic😉. They said
"ahhhh... I was waiting for someone to write about Nagisa pulling a Karma sooooo goood :D"

Nagisa: I guess I could pull a Karma is I tried

Karma: You wish you could pull a me. But I do agree in that moment you did pull a Karma

Me: I guess I did write it like that, Nagisa you read the next.

Nagisa: Okay, another Karma comment. SomePersonReading said
"lol that evill karma... i love karma's attitude~:3"

Karma: Well thanks I'm getting the attention I deserve.

Me: Ya I think we all love that Karma attitude . ♥

Nagisa: I don't.

Me: Yea yea, okay last comment is from lordeek33
"We all know Nagisa's mom is not like that. She would be like 'MY DAUGHTER HAS NO INTEREST IN GIRLS SO YOU BETTE DO YPURSELF A FAVOR AND GET OUT OF HE LIFE!!!!!"

Nagisa: It's true. Im glad she was normal this time.

Me: True dat. So that was all for today River kinda died...

River: I'm alive.

Me: Mkay well say goodbye everyone. It was a pleasure having you three here you too River.

River: Bye eveyone.

K,N,K: Bye thanks for having us!

I hope you enjoyed that and I'm so happy for all of your support and have no fear NagiKae will have new chapters. And if you want you can leave some questions fo the characters and I will have them answer them or you could ask my sister some questions. Have a nice day


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