Nagikae Ch:9

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HOI!!! Sorry I didn't update yesterday my computer was broken so I had to wait until it turned back on, it wasn't real broken just refused to turn on so enjoy.

Kayano's POV:

I was at Nagisa's house and knocked on the door and he answered "Oh hi Kayano come in !" He seemed pretty normal to me, I walked in and placed my suitcase against the couch. "Hey umm Marisa how have you been all day because of the potion?" I wanted to make sure the lack of attention I gave him didn't affect him n any way "I-I'm fine don't worry about Me" he continued cooking as I sat on the couch. I turned on the tv and waited till Nagisa came over and sat next to me, he rested his head on my shoulder "Is everything okay Nagisa?" "Yea everything's okay thanks for worrying... Its Just that, nothing it's fine." I was skeptical "No I don't think your Okay!" I looked at him eyes full of worry, I starred into his eyes full of lust and questionability (I think thats a word😀) "Kayano... Its getting late you can sleep in my bed kay..." I grabbed his hand "No! You take the bed I will sleep down here!" he stood up "Fine! Then we can sleep in the bed together okay!" he didn't blush but I did "W-what! This is the potion talking right!" He grabbed my hand and began hauling me up stairs "I don't know mabey but I have to figure out if I can control the effects of the potion" we arrived at his room and he grabbed his pajamas and went to the bathroom to get changed, he came back out and laid in the bed "you can have the left side." I turned off the light and climbed into bed next to Nagisa. I tried closing my eyes yet knowing what was happening I couldn't, a few minuets later it bagan raining and a the loud crash of thunder scared me and I huged Nagisa expecting him to comfort me. Nagisa turned over and wraped his arms around me forehead to forehead "It's okay Kayano it's just thunder I'm here for you." his words were sweet and his voice was calm I guess the potion was wearing off I think. I passed out in Nagisa's arms and the next day I woke up calmly just as Nagisa did and he kissed my lips softly "Morning Kayano did you sleep well?" "Yea thanks" Nagisa sat up over me "See that wasn't so bad!" Nagisa said as he placed one arm over me so he was directly on top of me as I blushed and he bent down and kissed me again. Nagisa got up and walked downstairs and quickly ran back up "My mom came back for a day she doesn't know were together and I don't want her thinking I slept with you and she didn't know!" " WHAT!" I yelled " Shh she will hear you besidea it's only for today!" He said as he put his hand over my mouth "Comeon we can leave through the window" I said as Nagisa opened the window "Wait for me on the roof!" I jumped to the roof just as Nagisa's mom walked in "Were you just talking to someone?" "N-no Mom!" I waited till Nagisa came up "Hey Kayano sorry about that, so do you want to go out somewhere till my mom leaves?" I thoughr to myself for a while "Sure lets go to the park!" Nagisa nodded and grabbed my hand as we jumped from roof to roof until we arived at the park "Lets go to the swings!" I said happily as I ran over. Nagisa came over and sat on the swing next to me, we swung for a while and decided to go out to get food "So Kayano what do you want to eat?" I happily spun around "Umm, mabey pancakes." We walked to the nearest diner and decided to get a seat.

Hoi guys sorry about the whole no stories bit now I am writing on my phone so sorry if things are misspelled but I tried my hardest.

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