Nagikae Ch: 16

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So I can't post regularly because of dumb house stuff but trust me I will start again on the first of May when I'm settled in the new house.

Kayano's POV:
We were untold of a test, I groaned with everyone and faceplanted on the desk. "Don't worry everyone this us just a practice test to see what you need work on before the big test. Fufufu" Some kids sighed in relief but but I kept my head on the desk. Koro Sensei began passing out practice tests, the class was silent while we filled out the test all you could hear were the pencils on paper and Koro Sensei getting tyring to dodge Irina Sensei's attacks outside.
A half an hour later everyone was finish and was crossing their fingers to see their scores.
I sat impatiently outside "Ugh!! I probably bombed it!" I flopped on my side and let out a long groan "Calm down Kayano it was just a practice test."Nagisa said. I continued to groan, he let out a small chuckle" Are you guys just gonna lay there?" Irina Sensei asked "No Kayano's just anxty for results." Kayano sat back up "Okay so Nagisa did you get any new notes on the octopus?" I shook my head "Sorry, I didn't get anything." She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled it into her chest "Come on you can tell me~!" I squirmed around "Professor Bitch let go! You already did this once!" She sighed and let go before walking off. "Geez I hate when she does that." He rubbed the back of his head "I do too! She's always showin off her big breast it's annoying." we both laughed and Koro~Sensei called us back inside. We walked inside and sat back down at our desks and waited for the results, Koro~Sensei walked in and passed back our tests I looked down at the red B+ and a big smile crept across my face "Yay! I did it! Nagisa look!" I showed him my paper and he smiled "I guess we both did good" He held up his paper and I looked at the big re A- "Aww your gradebis higher than mine!" I whined
He chuckled "What did you get Karma?" I looked over at him, he had his feet on his desk and his paper still face down. Nagisa picked it up and imediently put it back down "What happened?" I whispered "He has a perfect score!" The class stared at us then at Karma. I sat back as everyone gathered around him "Nrfufufu now class sit back down amd wait till you're dismissed." We all turned and began shooting "Now now class no firearms inside." Koro~Sensei said while dogging all the shots and taking our guns. We all sat back down while we waited, once he let us go we bagan walking home some of us staying together to talk about what we're doing over break "So do you guys have any plans?" Nakamura said "We were just gonna hang out" I said "I was gonna play games" Karma said "Oh I know I found this!" Nagisa pulled out a poster of some sort it was advertising the upcoming festival "Ya that sounds fun!" I jumped "Sure." Karma shrugged "I'm in!" Nakamura squealed "Alright I'm so excited! Nakamura lets go kimono shopping!" I took Nakamura's hand and we ran off

Nagisa's POV:
After Kayano and Nakamura left we ran into some more friends and told them about the festival. Aftet convincing almost all of the class Karma and I decided to just have a guys day. We went to the arcade where he beat me at almost every game "I win again, you owe me lunch" Karma teased "Ugh! Fine I was getting hungry anyway." We left the arcade and went to the food court and ordered food "Are you and Okuda going to the festival?" I asked "Depends, are you taking Kayano?" Karma said as he took a sip from his soda I smiled "Nice to know you two are getting along" Karma rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah now lets go play more games" I sighed "I am not playing anymore games after out dodge ball tournament." Karma laughed "You still remember that, I guess I would to if it wad your first time winning." He joked, I had half the urge to walk over and punch his arm "Shut up. Either way I'm done eating and I'm heading home. And I left

Karma's POV:
"Wait!.... You left me with the check."

Hope you like this chapter sorry if it's short but like I said I have to deal with house things.

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