Chapter 2

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"Hey Mary, can you re-read my English essay for me later?" Stephanie says to me after maths. I roll my eyes and nod, already knowing how bad it's going to be. Stephanie and I have been friends since our first year here and we were pretty close.

I hear laughter from the back row and I glance behind me, to see Truc and Xiumin together. I sit there silently jealous of the two. They fitted each other well but I couldn't help to feel heartbroken seeing them together. Why am I jealous you may ask? It's because I've had a crush on Xiumin for a while. It started only last year when he helped me with pick up some books which Stephanie had made me dropped.


Stephanie and I were holding our books for our next class which was English. I was walking when Stephanie bumped into me and made me drop them. Being the blind and deaf person, she didn't notice that I had stopped walking next to her and walked straight into the classroom.

I rolled my eyes and began to pick up the papers that fell from my book when I saw a shadow over me. He bent down and helped me pick up my things. He had pink hair which was weird for guy but he suited it. He was pretty cute and my heart was beating way too fast. He handed me my books and smiled. I felt my cheeks start to heat up and I looked away.

"T-thank you," I say to him.

"No problem," he says and leaves me and walks to his next class.


I had later learned that he was in my art class and science class. I never talked to him much after that because I was too nervous to try to make conversation with him. Even just small conversations with him made me stutter and made me become an awkward mess.

I start to get up from my seat and go to my next lesson which was science. I was in deep thought about Xiumin when I had hit into a hard chest and fell backwards. I looked up regretting leaving my hair down that day. My hair was all over my face and my books and papers were scattered all over the floor. I began to pick up my things and felt a bit of déjà vu from this. Weird.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," the boy says to meas he starts to help me pick up my things.

"It's fine, don't worry," I say to him. I pull my hair away from my face to take a better look at his face.  He has dark red hair and was slightly nervous. His cheeks were slightly pink.

He helped me up but pulled me a bit too hard. I hit into his chest again and I feel my cheeks slightly start to heat up.

"I'm s-sorry," he stutters

"It's fine," I say to him and give him a reassuring smile.

"Her smile is so pretty," he suddenly says out loud.

"What?" I said with my eyes widened in shock.

I only just this met this boy and he's complimenting me already. Wait. I think I've met him somewhere else though.

The red haired boy blushes bright red and his eyes widen with embarrassment.

"I have t-to g-go feed the c-cat n-ow," he stutters and then starts running down the schools halls and goes to his next class.

"Hey!" I yell after him. "What a lame excuse," I mutter to myself. I start walking to class thinking about what had just happened.

I quickly walk into the classroom before I'm late. I just made it. I sigh and sit in my usual spot which was behind Xiumin. He isn't here yet though. I bite my lip and look around the room. I sit in my seat and lay my head on my arms and wait for class to begin. The teacher walks into the class and begins the lesson. I look around and realise that Xiumin still isn't here.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was helping the new student," I snap my head to the door to reveal a tired Xiumin. The teacher nods and tells him to sit down.

The lesson was extremely boring and I nearly fell asleep. Before I could fall asleep,someone taps my table and I begin to feel nervous. Crap. Is it the teacher? I peak my eyes open slightly and see Xiumin looking at me

"Do you have a pen I could borrow?" he whispers to me. I nod and hand him a pen. His hand slightly brushes against mine and I slightly blush.

"Thank you," he says and gives me smile. My heart is beating too fast and I can't seem to control it. I hesitantly nod and a try going back to sleep.


Finally. I get up and pick up my books.

"Thanks for the pen," I look up and see Xiumin handing me my pen back.

"You're w-welcome," I say and he walks away.


The bell rang for everyone to go to school and I couldn't be any happier.

"See ya Mary," I turned to Stephanie and waved bye to her. I put my headphones on and listened to Taeyeon's song '11:11.' It's a really good song.

I started walking to a convenient store and went straight to the drinks aisle.I grabbed a packet of lollies and went to pay for my food. When I got the counter, I turned to the side and saw Xiumin leaning against the counter talking to Yoongi. I blush a little and was quite embarrassed that I'm seeing him here.

"Hi Xiumin," I say. I realise that he hasn't responded yet is looking at me carefully. I don't think he knows who I am. I feel slightly sad and start to feel awkward after a few seconds.

"It's Mary. I'm in your maths class," I say with a shy smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you for a minute," he says.

"It's fine, really. Have you done the science prac yet?" I say as I try to make conversation with him. This would probably be the first time I will actually have a conversation with him.

"Ah, I'm almost done but I don't think I did it right," he says with a cute pout.

"If you want, I-i could help you," I offer and I start to feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"Oh really! I would really like if you could help me. Ah! I think I brought it with me."

He hands me his work and we sit at a table together. I start to feel nervous,thinking that I will say something wrong.

By the time we finished, Yoongi had told us to go home because he was starting to pack up.

I walk out the store with Xiumin and offers to take me home because he thinks "It's not safe for a girl like you to be walking home by herself."

We start walking to my house and talk about ourselves. He shows me a cute photo of him when he was younger and gosh was it adorable.

"We can stop here now. Thank you for walking me home, Xiumin," I say and look down at my feet.

"It's fine," he says and gives me a smile.

I feel a sudden boost of confidence to do something that I wouldn't be able to do later on. I stand on my toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. I can see from the corner of my eyes that his eyes are wide open. I start to panic and rush inside my house. I feel my cheeks become very heated and I start to become nervous. I just kissed Xiumin...on the cheek!

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