Chapter 41

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"Baekhyun." I felt a soft pat on my shoulder and heard someone sniffling. I groaned and slowly unwrapped my arm around Mary. She slightly groaned and moved closer to my chest. I look up to see my mum looking at me with sad eyes.

"Baekhyun, get up we need to get going soon," she says and I look at my watch to see it was 4:27. I sighed and started to shake Mary softly. She groaned again before slowly opening her eyes. She sat up and looked around before looking at me.

"You kids need to wash up, we need to head to the airport soon," my mum says before leaving.

"You're leaving," Mary whispers. She looks at her lap before sitting up from the bed. She begins to brush her hair with her fingers but it's no use as she has too many knots. She pouts before giving up. I quickly run into the bathroom and grab a hairbrush and walk back into my room.

"Come here," I say.

"No, you have to get ready," she says. I grab her hand and make her sit on the bed.

"I think I have enough time to brush my girlfriend's hair," I say as I begin to brush the knots out of her hair.

"You're leaving," Mary says, repeating what she had said before.

"I know," I say and kiss her cheek before resuming to brushing her hair.

"Please take care of yourself. I hear lots of stories about trainees who work too hard and stress themselves. Make sure to eat properly and do not work yourself too hard and –"

I place my finger her lips which makes her quieten down.

"I'll be fine," I say and pull her into a hug.

"I just want you to be happy," she whispers into my chest. I run my fingers into her now smooth hair and lightly chuckle.

"I'll be happy when I know that you're here thinking about me," I say and she smiles. She stands up and pulls me up with her. She begins walking out the door and stands there waiting for me.

"C'mon, we don't have time to waste. We need to get you on that plane soon."

"Eager to get rid of me?"

"No, I just don't want you to be late." I walk over to her and grab her face close to mine.

I peck her lips before walking to the bathroom. We both get ready to leave and before I know it, we arrive at the airport. I take deep breaths before walking into the elevator. I drag my suitcase with me whilst holding Mary's hand and Taehyung was behind us holding one of my bags.

I could hear my mum sniffling every now and then and Taehyung comforting her. I took deep breaths so I wouldn't cry and smiled every now and then at her. I turned to look at Mary who had a blank face and lightly squeezed her hand.

"You alright?" I say to her and she gives me a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

Once we had gone through check-in and dropped my stuff off, we sat down in the waiting areas. I could feel myself become nervous as I watched the minutes on the clock go by quicker and quicker. I sat next to my mum and Mary whilst Taehyung sat next to Mary. I held my mum's hand as we waited for my plane to board.

"Remember to wash yourself every day and wear warm clothes when it's cold. I heard it gets very cold and snowy there in winter so I'll send you extra jackets during that time," my mum says to me. For the past five minutes, she had been reminding me things to do and not to do." I packed some snacks in your bags so that you wouldn't have to starve. Byun Baekhyun you better not be eating instant noodles every day. That won't be healthy."

"Mum, I'll be alright. I promise I'll try to eat properly," I say and she slaps my arm.

"You will be eating properly. I'll try to send you money every month so you better not spend it on stupid things," she says and I laugh.

"Mum calm down will you? I'll be fine. I'll try calling all of you guys when I get there," I say and Mary lays her head on my shoulder.

Flight 4827 boarding to New York City now

I felt Mary instantly lift her head up whilst breathing very heavily.

"Baekhyun," she whispers and I hug her tightly.

"I love you, I'll come back. I promise," I say and I could feel her tears on my shirt but I couldn't care less. She lets me go so I can hug my mum.

"Baekhyun, please take care of yourself," my mum says. She kisses my cheeks and wipes her tears. "My beautiful son, I love you so so much."

"I love you too mum," I say and hug her again. I let her go and go to Taehyung. We hug and laugh a bit.

"See you there soon," I say and he nods before smiling.

"Safe trips," he says.

I turn back to Mary who's wiping her eyes. I grab her hands into mine and show her the ring I gave her.

"Hey, don't cry. Remember what I said about the ring," she nods before smiling. "I promise I'll come back soon love."

"You better," she whispers and laughs.

"I love you, Mary," I say. She lifts her head to connect her eyes with mine and she smiles softly.

"I love you too Baekhyun," she says before placing her lips over mine. I pull away quickly and look at how the line for boarding began to go shorter.

"I have to leave now," I whisper and she nods before taking deep breaths.

"Goodbye for now," I say before walking away. I wave to them and begin to walk to the plane. I stop and quickly drop my things and run to Mary. I quickly place my lips over hers and instantly she responded. She wraps her arms around my next and I put mine around her waist. The feeling of her lips against mine felt like heaven and was something I've never felt before and only something she could do to me. She pulls away slightly out of breath and brushes her thumb over my cheek. Her eyes were sad but she still had a smile.

"Come back to me," she whispers.

"I promise."

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