Chapter 24

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As I walked into school, I noticed that some students part of the school committee club were putting posters up for fundraisers but there was a poster that had caught everyone's attention. I wanted to know what had got everyone's attention and saw a talent quest held by SM TOWN. SM TOWN? Isn't that an entertainment group with groups like SNSD? Super Junior? Wow. Why would they want to hold a contest at a high school though? I brushed it off and started walking to class. I saw Stephanie at the end of the hall and ran after her.

"Hey, did you see the posters?" I say to her she nods.

"I heard they're in desperate need for some trainees," she says and my eyes widen.

"Desperate need? Is it that bad?" I say and she nods.

"I'm seeing posters everywhere. No one's listening to their music. They're all 'old'," she says whilst using her hands to make air quotations. I roll my eyes. Old? They're probably one of the best companies out there. Vocals are jaw dropping and dancing is amazing. What bullshit are they talking about?

"Well, I hope they find someone," I say and we walk into class just on time. I sat in my usual seat and was happy to see Baekhyun sitting in his seat next to mine. He waves at me and I sit down next to him. Just as I was about to start talking to him our homeroom teachers walk in and start reading the daily notices. When she started talking about the singing competition everyone started talking and pointing out people.

"Hey Seulgi you should audition," I heard one girl say. Seulgi was one of the best singers in the school and would participate in all the singing competitions and dominate them with her wonderful voice. SM wouldn't think twice about her.

"Maybe," I hear her say and I turn to look at Baekhyun.

"Didn't you say you could sing?" I say and he laughs nervously.

"I'm not that good," he shyly says whilst scratching the back of his neck.

"It can't be that bad. Why don't I come over to your place later? I really wanna see you sing," I say trying to be cute. I was being childish but I had a feeling he was really good. He looked a bit hesitant and I shook his arm and continued on acting cute.

"Fine but be ready to be disappointed," he says and sighs in defeat. I smile and sit back in my seat.

Class begins and we both head to the library for a study lesson. I sit near the back so I'm away from the librarians. Baekhyun sits in front of me followed by Taehyung.

"You auditioning?" I hear Taehyung whisper to Baekhyun. I shoot my head up to see Baekhyun's blushing face.

"I don't think I can. I'm not good enough. This is SM Entertainment we're talking about," Baekhyun says.

"But you're amazing," Taehyung whines with a unusual face.

"Is he really that good?" I question with a shocked tone. I can't wait to hear him sing.

"Nah, it's average," Baekhyun says and Taehyung punches him harshly which makes him groan in pain.

"Don't listen to him. His voice will blow you away," Taehyungs says and Baekhyun glares at him.

"Baekhyun sing for us. We can skip this study lesson and you can show us something. I really want to hear you sing, please," I say whilst putting my hands together to make it look like I was begging. Taehyung copies me and we both start begging. Baekhyun runs a hand through his hair and I watch as he stands. Taehyung and I both shot up, satisfied and start to pack our stuff. We follow Baekhyun as he goes into the student music room. No one goes in here so it seemed like the perfect place for us to see him sing.

Baekhyun walked over to the piano and sat at the seat, his back faced towards us. He began to nervously cough as he looked at the keys.

"Play whatever you want," I say to him. He begins to press notes and starts to play different chords, practising his piece. He slowly gets into it starts playing a song. I didn't expect him to play piano but I'm surprised he is. Musically talented, I'm jealous.

"When the rain falls and the music flows I think of you," he sang and I swear my heart stopped. His voice was so angelic it made me feel different. Something I've never felt before. His voice was so smooth and beautiful. There were no words to describe how I felt.

"The night when you left it was raining like this...
When the rain falls and the music flows I think of you...
The night when you left it was raining like this."

"Again, I stand in the rain today and let the day passes by...
Oh like a beautiful music like our love story
comes with pain just like flowing rain"

"Again, I stand in the rain today and let the day passes by...
Oh like a beautiful music like our love story
comes with pain just like flowing rain
Oh and thus the sad rain falls"

He starts to play the end of the song. The way his fingers moved on the piano made me mesmerised. They moved so smoothly and his eyes were closed as if he was in his own world. He put his heart and soul into this song, something I had expected from him. He plays the finishing chords and shyly turns to us. Taehyung and I begin to applause at his performance and jump up and down.

"Baekhyun that was beautiful, can't sing my ass," I say whilst punching him. He sheepishly smiles and blushes.

I never noticed how good looking he was either. I never understood true beauty until now.

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