Chapter 21

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His hands touched her waist as he tied the apron string around her. She blushed at his touch as I watched from afar. He had a smirk plastered on his face and I wish I could have the courage to come up to him and punch that smirk off but I couldn't. I was beyond jealous. I don't think they realised that they had got the attention of the whole class on them at their 'sweet' moment. Everyone was whispering about the two.

"Oh my god, do they know each other or something?"

"I'm so jealous I wish I was her."

"He better take his hands off her soon or I'll beat his ass."

"Xiumin and now the new kid. What's so good about her that makes all the guys go after her?"

At that comment, I turned to see a group of girls gossiping among each other. They were rolling their eyes and flipping their hair back as if they were better than everyone else. I rolled my eyes at their childishness and turned my attention back to the two.

Mary's eyes suddenly connected with mine and she looked confused. I turned away and focused on the recipe in front of me. I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me and turned to see Taehyung's childish face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss and he smiles with that stupid rectangular smile. I roughly push him off and he chuckles.

"You pissed?" He says and I glare at him. Of course I was pissed. I was jealous and angry. I couldn't stand seeing her with another guy. I couldn't stand that all the guys had fallen for her. I hated that I knew I didn't stand a chance.

"What do you think?" I say coldly and he looks a bit taken back by my tone.

"Woah chill," he says whilst waving his hands around. "Jealousy getting to you?"

I begin to ignore his stupid comments and try focusing on making the cake.

"Are you jealous that I might stand a chance?" He says which suddenly catches my attention. I turn to give him a cold glare but he chuckles.

"Let's not let this girl get in between our friendship, okay?" He says and I start to feel guilty about my attitude towards him. I can't let Mary get between our 10 year friendship. Taehyung has always been there when I needed him and he's done the same for me. I can't do that to him.

"Sorry man. Everything's been stressful lately," I say and he just pats my shoulder.

"I heard about your brother, don't worry," he says. "And, about Mary. Don't worry I won't take her from you. I know how much you like her plus it's just a small crush nothing big. I have someone else on my eye."

"The café girl?" I say and he just nods.

"Anyways, Stephanie and I are going to the café again today so why don't you tag along and bring Mary?" He says.

"Yeah sure. I'll ask Mary later," I say.

We continue on doing our work and finish up at the end of class satisfied. Now I just need to get through the rest of the day.


It was lunchtime and Mary and I were sitting at a lunch table together in the cafeteria. Mary was planning to tour Zen around until he met Jumin Han, one of the richest guys in our geography class. I didn't expect them to get along but whatever, I got to spend more time with Mary.

I looked up from my food and saw her eating her rice and spring rolls. I just smiled and continued to eat my sandwich. I hear some girls whispering behind us and turn to see the girls from my home economics class. The ones who were talking crap. They were whispering but I could easily hear what they were saying.

"Xiumin, Zen and Baekhyun? Did she seduce them all?"

"I heard Namjoon and Kang Joon like her as well."

"My god why is she getting all their attention? There's nothing good about her. Hmph."

"I can't believe she's got all of their attention. There are so many other girls who are way better."

"She is kind of pretty though."

"Shut up Jenifa."

I decide to stop listening and turn to see Mary still eating. Thank god she was more focused on her food then everything else.

"So how did you meet Zen?" I say with a bit of curiosity. It had been bugging me the whole day about how they met.  She looks up at me with a bit of rice on her lip. I chuckle at her cuteness as she licks it off.

"I met him when I was getting school stuff. I was too short to reach for my book so he came out of nowhere and helped me," she says and I just nod.

"Is the stuff with your family alright?" She says and I just shake my head.

"You know how my brother was getting married to Miss. Truong, right?" I say and she just nods. "Well, she called it off."

"Really? How can she do that to him? Your poor brother," she says with a pout. I just smile and look across the cafeteria to see Mr. Jeon and Miss. Truong laughing together at their own table. How can someone smile like that after breaking someone else's heart? That's just plain cruel.

"Hey, are you free after school? Taehyung and Stephanie wanna meet up at a café later," I say as I remember Taehyung wanting to meet up.

"Yeah, I'm free," she says and I smile brightly.

"Okay meet me after school by the front gate," I say and she nods and continues on eating her lunch. Lunch ends and we go our separate ways and head to our last few classes.

Once school had finished which felt like forever, I went straight to the front school gate and waited for Mary. She was taking a while and I was wondering why. I decided to walk back into the school and see what was going on and found her talking to Woo Bin in front of her locker. Everyone liked him because he was filthy rich but overall, he's just an asshole. A snobby teen who pays his way out of everything. It didn't help that he was a model for his dad company either. 

Is he competition as well?

complicated ♡ b.bhजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें