Chapter 32

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What was that? What's wrong with him? Has he gone crazy? Why do I feel so weird? I look over to the direction that he walked off to and felt disappointment when I realised he was no longer in sight. I suddenly missed the feeling of his arms on my mine but I don't understand why he did that? My heart was pounding and my face felt warm. Friends can go to lovers easily. What was he talking about?


It was Monday morning and I sat in class and waited for Baekhyun to come in. Taehyung and Stephanie were sitting in front of me talking about some maths folio that I was not focusing on. I bit my lip and watched as the door would open and close with a classmate of mine, but not Baekhyun. I sighed loudly which caught Stephanie and Taehyung's attention.

"What's up with you today?" Taehyung asks me and I look over to him and just shrug.

"I don't know," I mumble and look back to the door. The two continued their conversation and I completely zoned out. I tap my foot rapidly against the floor waiting for Baekhyun. I wanted to confront him about what happened on Saturday. I went through all the different options but none of them seemed to right.

The door opens and I sat up straighter when I saw Baekhyun walk in. My eyes slightly widened when I see his new grey hair. Taehyung turns and claps his hands.

"Woah, grandpa much?" Taehyung yells and Baekhyun chuckles. He looks over to me and slightly smiles but he seemed to tense up at the sight of me. I smiled back to hide that fact that I was a bit disappointed in his reaction.

"Thought I should try something new. Change is good," he says and sits at his seat with Taehyung. Stephanie pokes my arm and I turn to look at her curious stare.

"There's something wrong with you but you're not telling me. What happened between you and Baekhyun?" Before I could deny anything, she puts her hand up to stop me. "I'm not stupid, I saw the way he looked at you, something definitely happened."

"Nothing happened just forget about it," I mumble and she sighs loudly.

"The truth will come out one way or another," she says to me and I furrow my eyebrows. The bell rings and everyone begins to move to their usual seats. I look over to Baekhyun who was talking to Taehyung. He suddenly turns and sees me staring at him and slightly frowns before quickly turning away. Did I really do something wrong?


"Baekhyun! Wait!" I slightly jog over to him at the end of our second lesson. He continues to walk to his locker before stopping and turning.

"Yes?" I begin to feel nervous and my mouth feels dry. I had this all planned out, how come I can't say anything right now?

"Did I do something to hurt you?" I suddenly blurt out. He chuckles darkly before looking at me in the eyes. His stare seemed...scary. I looked down from his stare and continue to look down at the floor. His stare was uncomfortable.

"No, you didn't. I was stupid to say that to you on Saturday night. If I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry and I hope we still stay as friends," he says and I look up at him. I was so confused.

"What are you talking about?" I say. "Of course we will stay as friends. I just don't get why you're acting so weird and I want you to explain to me what you were talking to me about on Saturday. I don't understand."

"You just will have to figure that out yourself," he says to me before walking off. I wanted to run after him but I couldn't. My feet wouldn't move for a while until the bell went. What's going on?

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