Chapter 27

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I kicked the rock across the walkway as I walked into my street. It was silent which I usually liked except for today. I wanted something to distract me from the thinking about Zen and Mary. After that big scene between the two and that girl, Zen had pulled Mary somewhere else and I didn't get to see her for the rest of the day. The girl looked familiar though but I can't quite put my finger on it. I think I've seen her on a newspaper or something.

I walk into my house and go into the kitchen. I see my mum cooking dinner and I sit on a stool by the kitchen bench. I see a SM audition poster on the counter and groan.

"What's this?" I say, slightly annoyed to see another one of these posters. These were legit everywhere.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" She says and quirks an eyebrow up at me before continuing to cut the vegetables.

"I didn't think it was important," I mumble before getting up to grab a juice box from the fridge.

"Not important? Byun Baekhyun, I have practically trained you for this moment," she says sternly.

"I don't think I'm good enough," I mumble and poke the straw into my juice box. I take small sips out of it and listen to my mother rant on and on about how she's trained me for this and how I'll shock the audience and the judges.

"Music is a beautiful thing in this world and with your voice; you might be able to inspire others. I believe you can do that," she says and I smile.

"Baekhyun at least think about," she says softly and I look up at her. She has a small smile on her face before she goes back to cutting the vegetables. I go upstairs and lay on my bed whilst thinking about the audition. Maybe I should try. It's only for fun and maybe it'll help me boost my confidence...? Mary and Taehyung want me to do it as well. The competition is in a few months so I should start getting ready soon.


I walk into school and see Mary talking with Zen. She looked slightly uncomfortable with him whilst Zen is trying to lighten up the mood with an awkward smile. She sees me and her eyes lighten up at my presence. She begins to walk faster over to me with Zen slightly jogging behind her.

"Oh Baekhyun, I needed to talk to you about something," she says and I just nod. "I'll see you later Zen."

She suddenly grabs my hand and I'm shocked at the skinship. I look over at Zen who looks a bit pissed off but upset at the same time. He looks at me and slightly smiles before backing away. I look at Mary who looks like she's calmed down a bit and I squeeze her hand which makes her jump a bit.

"You okay?" I say and she just nods before giving me a reassuring smile. We head to class with our hands intertwined, slightly debating whether or not I should let go of her hand.

"You wanna tell me about what happened yesterday?" I say and she just laughs nervously.

"Well, that girl who slapped me was his ex-girlfriend or something and she hasn't gotten over their relationship or something," she explains with a slightly annoyed expression.

"You and Zen okay?" I say and she just gives me a small smile and begins swinging out hands. She doesn't say anything for a while and I have the urge to ask her again. She looked uncomfortable with my question and I softly squeeze her hand.

"You don't have to tell me," I say calmly. "For now at least."

We go into class and sit in our seats. I turn to Taehyung who's wiggling his eyebrows and looking at our hands. He flashes a smirk before turning to the front of my class.  I slightly blush as I remember Mary holding my hand. Her hand was so small compared to mine and felt soft against my dry skin. I turn my head to the front and saw Zen at the doorway, his eyes looking at our hands. He looks up at me and he looks tense. He quickly walks into class and sits in his seat. His face was emotionless but I knew something went wrong between the two but what?

"You wanted to do volleyball, right?" I suddenly hear Mary's voice and I turn to look at her.

"What?" I say and she giggles.

"Volleyball trials are tomorrow and I recall you asking to join?" She questions and I nervously chuckle.

"R-right," I mumble and feel slightly embarrassed at the memory. Now she's gonna expect me to do volleyball with her. I've never played it! What if I completely embarrass myself in front of her? Why was I so desperate to get close to her?

"I'll remind you to bring your sport's stuff later," she says and I nod before hearing the bell.

"Oh and Baekhyun," she whispers. I turn to look at her to see a light shade of pink on her cheeks and a small smile.

"Yeah?" I say and she nervously laughs. 

"Could you let go of my hand?"

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