Chapter 39

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The music was loud. Everyone was dancing. There were loads of people. I don't know how Taehyung got everyone to come here for a party for my farewell. I'm pretty sure I didn't know half the people here. Some people I've never talked to in my whole high school years suddenly greeted me and told me they always knew I was going to be a star and thought I was pretty cool.

Taehyung later left to party with some other guys in our grade. I wasn't really in the mood to party and just sat on the couch and watched everyone. Mary had disappeared somewhere with Stephanie and I haven't seen her since the beginning of this party. I blushed when I suddenly thought about the kiss and sank into the couch. I suddenly felt someone sit next to me and I slightly turned to see the awfully familiar pink hair.

"Didn't know you could sing so well," Xiumin says and I shrug.

"Didn't know using girl's feelings was something you did," I hear Xiumin awkwardly cough and I look down at my hands. His presence made me feel bitter even though he didn't really deserve it right now. Mary was happy and that's all that mattered.

"Look, I know I shouldn't be saying sorry to you or anything but I just kinda hope we can leave on the right note before you leave," Xiumin says and I scoff.

"Because of what? Because I'm going to be famous?"

"Because I never meant to hurt Mary's feelings. I feel guilty and I can't stop thinking about it even though I'm happy with someone I truly love."

"Well, then why are you here? Why are you talking to me when you could be talking to her? I'm not the solution to your problems."

"You're right you not but you could be the solution to Mary's heartache. Whether she still likes me or not-"

"She doesn't," I say firmly which leaves Xiumin slightly shocked at my outrage before continuing.

"I think we both know that between you two, there is much more than what we had."

"Really?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, I really do. I think that I will always care for Mary but not as much as you do for her. I think she looks much happier with you than with me." He says before leaving and going off with a girl which I assume is Truc.

I felt confused. I don't know how to feel. I'm about to leave and I still have so much left behind.

I got up the couch and went to search for Mary. I went to the kitchen and found her and Stephanie on the counter laughing. I smiled when I saw her smile brighten when I walked into the room. She immediately jumped off the counter and said something to Stephanie before walking towards to me. She seemed slightly shyer than usual and I knew exactly why. I smirked before grabbing her hand and leading her outside to the backyard which surprisingly was empty.

It was cold. I regretted coming outside because I was afraid the both of us would get sick. I was going to turn back and go into the house before she interrupted me.

"Are you enjoying the party?" I smile and nod. "Are you sure? I came in and saw you sitting on the couch by yourself. You didn't look like you were enjoying the party at all."

"It's not too bad," I say and laugh. "You don't regret our kiss, do you?

I don't why I suddenly asked that but I feel like there was something in the back of my mind, making me feel insecure and scared. I was scared she didn't really feel the same and I was in doubt.

"Would I be here if I did regret it?" She says before taking a small step to me.

The wind suddenly passes us and Mary slightly shivers. I didn't realise that she was only wearing a jumper and I mentally scolded myself. I was wearing a long big thick jacket and I wanted to scold Mary for being so careless about this weather. I was about to take my jacket off like a gentleman should do before she grabbed my hand and glared at me.

"No," she says to me and I chuckle.

"Why?" I say leaning closer to her face which soon begins to turn red.

"Because you'll get sick and it's so cliché," she says and I take a step closer to her. I wrap my arms around her, covering her in my jacket. My face was very close to hers and I could see her eyes widen. Her hands were clinging onto my jumper and she slightly smiled before burying her face into my chest.

"How's that for cliché?"

"You're making me shy," she mumbles and I laugh at her cuteness.

"You're cute when you're like this," I whisper in her hair and she scoffs.

"And I'm not when I'm not like this?"

"N-no that's not what I meant. I just meant you're just cuter I guess when you're shy like this because I know it's me who can make you this shy," I say proudly and I hear her snort.

"Yeah right," she mumbles before looking up at me. She smiles and brings her hand up to touch my cheek. Her fingers were small and cold. She is so fragile. I have this need to always protect her, like a body guard or something. She drags her finger across my forehead, down my cheek, along the bridge of my nose and down to my lips. I pucker my lips and lightly kiss it and she laughs.

"After one kiss and look at the effect you have on me," she whispers whilst drawing circles on my cheekbone. She bits her lip whilst caressing my cheek lovingly.

"But it can't compare to the way I felt when I first saw you," I say and she does a small squeal.

"You're so cheesy," she groans before laughing.

"Only for you," I say, slightly blushing whilst she rolls her eyes.

"What have I got myself into?" She mumbles to herself.

"I love you," I suddenly say. Her eyes widen at my sudden words, even though she knew how I felt it still must feel weird to hear it. I guess I'll have to make her get used to it.

"I love you," I say slowly. "I love your laugh and how you always throw your head back. I love that you even at your worst, you always know how to make yourself feel better. I love your eyes and how they always seem so fascinated when you see something you. I love you and everything about you."

Marys grabs my face with both of her hands and steps on the edge of her toes. She gives me a small peck on the lips before leaning back into my chest whilst smiling. I don't know what that meant but it made a small smile rise on my lips. I tightened my arms around her waist and rested my chin on the top of her head.

"I love you too," she whispers to me.

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