Chapter 11

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I chucked my school bag on my chair and laid on my bed. I was proud of myself to stand up to Xiumin and confront him. I knew there wasn't something right! I knew, he still liked Truc. I wouldn't be shocked if he even loved her. I can't just watch Mary suffer like this. I have to do this but what? I can't interfere with her problems. I should just stay away from it as far as possible. I can just watch from aside. Maybe that's for the best.

My phone suddenly started ringing and I look at it to see my older brother's name, Suho.

"What is it?" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Someone's moody," he says and chuckles.

"What do you want?" I repeat.

"Could you somehow convince mum to not make the wedding such a big deal? Joana's doesn't want the wedding to be too big but mum wants the opposite," he says quickly and I sigh. I scrunch my eyebrows in annoyance and scratch my head.

"I'll try but I can't guarantee I can," I say mumble and he laughs.

"Try your best, see ya," he says before hanging up. I groan and roll around my bed. Just because I'm the younger brother, doesn't mean I have to do everything.

I hear the front door open and I walk down the stairs with a pout.

"Mum," I whine and pout as I sit at the counter.

"What is Baekhyunie?" She says sweetly as she starts making dinner.

"Suho says he doesn't the wedding to be too big," I mumble and mum sighs.

"Baekhyun I told you not to mumble; it's not a good habit," she scolds and I nod. "What was it that you were saying?"

"Suho doesn't want the wedding to be too big," I say clearly and she just nods. Why is she acting so calm?

"I'll talk to him about it tomorrow," she says as she puts the vegetables into the pot. I nod and walk back upstairs to study. I sit on my chair and begin studying when I suddenly get a call from Taehyung.

"What is it?" I mumble and I hear him chuckle.

"You still mad?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not mad," I say and he laughs.

"If you're not mad then are sad, depressed?" He says whilst listing different words that I could be feeling. I just ignored him until I heard him say something that caught my attention. "Or are you jealous?"

I just nervously laugh and there's only silence over the phone.

"I-I'm not jealous," I say and scoff.

"Shit man. You're jealous. Well I would be too if he stole my girl. The guy is a star student. He's pretty good looking, he studies well and everyone likes him," he says I scoff again. I think about the conversation I had with him earlier and roll my eyes. I don't know where I had the courage to do such things but I'm glad I did. I finally found out how much of a coward the 'star' student was.

"If only you knew," I mumble.

"Hm? What did you say?" I hear Taehyung say.

"Nothing," I say.

"Okay then. Well anyways I need to go. See ya," he says and quickly hangs up. I went to study and waited for time to quickly pass before going to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.


Again! That goddamn couple have to sit in front of me. Do I have bad luck or something? I hate that they're flirting in front of me. I hate that she chose him. I hate everything about him and I hate that she doesn't know how he truly feels.

I walk to my locker and I see Xiumin rushing to his locker and pulling paper out of his notebook and quickly writing something. What's he doing? I see him quickly walk over to someone's locker and I assume it's Truc's. Wait. Why would he even go there?

I watch as he quickly slips the note into her locker and walks to his next class as if nothing happened. What the hell is he up to now? But why should I care. It's none of my business but why wouldn't he just talk to her. I don't know why but my blood boils and I start to feel uneasy. I'm not jealous, right?

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