Chapter 9

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I waited at the bus stop the next morning and tapped my foot to the beat of my music. I look around every now and then to check if the bus is coming and I suddenly stop and stare at a couple wearing the same uniform as me. Holding hands. They looked very close. I watched as they slowly walked over to the bus stop and my heart stops. Mary? And Xiumin? Holding hands? I felt my heart start to break as I watched the two stop in front of me. I thought he liked Truc. What happened? I watched as he held her hands into his and put it into her pocket.

I turned away from the couple and my heart felt like it was being ripped out of me. My eyes land on a short girl with glasses and I instantly knew it was Truc. She has fire in her eyes but I could see she was about to cry. She looked upset but angry. She had one tear go down her cheek which I think she didn't notice and her hand was tightly clenched in a fist.

The bus finally came after waiting for what felt like hours were just a few mere minutes. I scan my card and sit down near the back of bus which I had later regretted right after the newly couple sat in front of me. Out of all seat on this bus, they wanted to sit there. Luck was definitely not on my side today and to make it worse, Mary laid her head down onto Xiumin's shoulder whilst he held her hand and put his head on top of hers. Fire was burning inside of me as I watched the two. I couldn't look away from them. Each time I looked away, I would always find my way back to looking at them.


I silently poked at my food whilst Taehyung rambled on about some random girl he saw at a café. All I heard was that he saw her sitting alone whilst reading a book. He was describing about how elegant and pretty she looked but I couldn't listen to him because from across the cafeteria Xiumin and Mary were sitting together. They were being all cute together which made my blood boil with anger. I couldn't stand watching the two but some reason I still did.

Something made me unsure about Xiumin.I had a bad feeling about him but why should I care.

Stephanie had come into the cafeteria and saw the two together. Xiumin turned to see her and I could see he felt bad for stealing her best friend away. Xiumin looked over at our table and connected his eyes with mine. He looked at me curiously and I quickly turned away from him in anger.

Stephanie came over to our table and sat next to Taehyung. The two whispered to each other about the couple and I could clearly hear them.

"I didn't really think he liked her. I wonder what happened," Stephanie said with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe he never really did like Truc. Everyone just assumed that. It wasn't ever confirmed by the two," Taehyung said and took a quick glance at me.

They continued talking and I couldn't take it anymore. I clenched my fist and I stood up from my seat. I left the cafeteria whilst Taehyung yelled after me.

"Hey! Baekhyun! Where are you going?" Taehyung yells. I simply ignored him and stomped my way to the bathroom.

I held the sink tightly and looked at myself. My eyes were full of anger and my jaw was clenched. I felt like I was going crazy. I messed up my hair and all I wanted to scream. I was frustrated with everything. But why am I doing this? Why am I doing this over some girl? There are so many other girls out there but what is so special about her? What is it that is making me lured to her? Why doing I need her so badly? She doesn't even know me!

I hear the bell and start walking out the washroom to my next class and see Xiumin at his locker. I stop and walk over to him but slightly walk past him. I turn my head to look at him and clench my fist.

"Do you really like her?" I say and I can see that his eyes widen. Widen in shock that I'm asking him such an odd question? Or is it because I found out his plan? Is he just using her? I start to feel angrier by the second and turn to him.

"Are you using her?" I say and I try to calm myself down from not punching him.

But how? He's using a girl but I could be wrong but I just know deep down inside that I'm not. Mary doesn't deserve someone like him.

He stays silent for a while and I begin to realise maybe I am right. He's looking down at the ground and I can see that he's trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation.

"So you are?" I say and he looks up at me. His eyes are full of regret and I badly wanted to punch him.

I pull my fist up so it looks like I'm going to punch him but I stop and smirk.I look at him and he looks so much smaller than he actually is.

"Do you know how much pain my hand will be in if I punch you? It's not worth it especially if it's for you. You're definitely not worth my time," I say and turn away to walk to my next class.

"Do you like her?" Xiumin suddenly says. I smirk and turn to him.

"So what if I do," I say and I shrug. "It's not like you can stop me."

And that was the end of our conversation. We went our separate ways to our last few classes of the day. Throughout the rest of day I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation. What an asshole.

complicated ♡ b.bhМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя