Chapter 44

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Straight after school, Taehyung brought me to Baekhyun's house. His mother was surprised and delighted to see the two of us. She invited us in her home and began to explain what had happened.

"Well, the company told me and said he was caught texting someone," she says whilst pouring some tea into a cup for me. "He was meant to be at some party with everyone else but he had left early and was caught. His phone was confiscated and can only call me with a limited amount of time."

"Has he called today?" Taehyung asks and she shakes her head.

"If you kids want, you can take the call later today," she says and we both try to refuse.

"It's ok, you can just send a message from us," I say and she laughs.

"No, it's really ok. I think he would rather hear from the both of you instead of my nagging," she says and we just smile.

"He should be calling soon," she says and looks over to the clock. "He usually calls around this time."

"How is he?" I ask and she sighs.

"He-" She gets cut off by the phone ringing and smiles. "That must be him."

"Baekhyun?" I hear her say followed by a laugh.

"You won't believe who's here right now," she says before waving us over. "Mary and Taehyung came by to ask how you are. I'll give the phone to them."

Taehyung puts the phone on speaker before yelling out a loud hello.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung! Do you want me to be deaf before you come here," I hear Baekhyun say and I smile. It felt like ages since I last heard his voice.

"Baekhyun," I say.

"Mary," I hear him say in a happy voice. I smile and laugh a bit.

"Are you tiring yourself out?" I say worriedly and I hear him nervously laugh.

"Baekhyun," I hiss.

"I promise I'm not."

"You always say that," I mumble with a pout.

"I heard Oh Sehun is there," Taehyung says and Baekhyun mutters a yeah.

"We became pretty close. We were given a break yesterday so we explored around the city. It's really nice here. I wish you guys were here though," he says.

"So do you know when you're going to come back?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. I don't even know if I'll be able to debut soon but I promise I will. They said they're making a group to debut now but I'm not sure when. They said we're only here for extra learning, stuff they can't teach back at home. I'll be back in a year or two."

I take a deep breath and tried to keep a smile in front of Taehyung. He grabs my hand for a bit of reassurance and I'm a bit taken back by his action and give him a nervous smile.

"Are you in trouble because you were caught?" I say.

"Not really. They only took my phone away so I can't really talk to anyone besides my mum on their phone. I only get ten minutes before the line is cut off."

"That's so harsh," I say quietly.

"It's better than nothing. I mean they don't know you're here and they don't listen to my conversation so it's ok."

"Are they making you work harder as an extra punishment?"

"Well the teacher that caught me is making me work harder but I'm...fine," he says before sighing. "My time is almost up so you guys better say something quickly."

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