Chapter 28

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"Mine!" I ran to the ball as it came over the net and let it bounce against my arms.

I smiled in satisfaction as it went over the net and everyone cheered as it landed on the floor. My smile soon faded when I lifted my head to look up at the bleachers. Zen smiled approvingly and clapped his hands together. I gulped nervously and didn't realise the ball was coming over in my direction. As soon as I realised, I went straight for the ball but was too late and slipped.

"Ah fuck," I mumbled as I brushed my uniform. Some of the other girls snickered and flipped their ponytails.

"Just because you got one over doesn't mean your amazing," I heard one girl say. "I don't get why everyone likes her." 

I felt anger fume inside of me and I wanted to walk straight over to her and pull her shitty coloured hair that wasn't even done properly. But I kept calm, pretending not to care. I looked at her friends who were agreeing and rolled my eyes.

"Go Mary!" I turn to see Baekhyun in his sports uniform, cheering me on. His arms were in the air and he was smiling brightly. Taehyung came out after and cheered me on. I shyly smiled and gave them a small wave before resuming to my game.

The ball came over moments after and we successfully got it over with three hits.

"Okay, girls that's it for trials. The boys will come in right after so you don't need to bring down the nets," the coach says whilst writing some results onto her clipboard. I ran to grab my water bottle and watched as the boys ran onto the court. There weren't that many which didn't surprise me but I was surprised that Baekhyun wanted to join. Even though I never really talked to him before, I was surprised when he came up to me.

I went to quickly get changed and went to sit on the bleachers. I sat down and put my bag underneath the bench and watched the game. I smiled as I watched Baekhyun nervously jump around Taehyung who was focusing on what the teacher was saying. I suddenly felt the seat next to be get taken by someone and I turned to see Zen giving me his famous smile. It would've made my heart flutter before but now I could only blink blankly at him.

"Hey," he says and I just nod before turning back to the game.

"You did well," he says, trying to make small talk which I absolute hated. It just makes things more awkward.

"Thanks," I say, hoping he wouldn't say anything but luck wasn't on my side.

"Look Mary, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make things awkward between us and I really regret saying anything but I would rather if gave me answer yesterday instead of running away. I really am truly sorry," he says and I give him a blank stare, not knowing what to say. I start to feel guilty about running away but what else was I supposed to do? It was so sudden and unexpected.

"Zen, I'm sorry about running away. It wasn't my intention but I was kind of shocked that a guy like you would like me. I know it sounds so cliché but it's true. You shouldn't even be apologising anyways, I ran away and probably left you feeling embarrassed but I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way," I say. He just gives me a small smile and continues watching the game. 

"It's okay, at least I know how you truly feel," he says and I feel slightly guilty but it was the best thing for him. If I said anything else it could lead on to other things and I would feel guilty in the end. The truth is the best.

"No hard feelings though, right?" I say and we both smile at each. I laugh and continue watching the game. I see Baekhyun serving and it goes over the net. He begins to jump around the court, not realising the other team had hit it back over. I laugh and watch as Taehyung slaps him on the head as they lose a point. I smile and watch as Baekhyun locks eyes with mine and begins jumping around whilst waving his arms in the air. I give him a small wave before he went back to his game.


"I MADE IT! I MADE IT!" I turn to see where the noise was coming from and see Baekhyun jumping onto Taehyung. A few days after the trials, the coaches started to put people into teams and I made into one our school's best teams.

We were in the school gym whilst reading the team lists and Taehyung and Baekhyun were both jumping around crazily. I laughed and walked over to the two.

"Good job," I say and smile happily for him. Baekhyun turns to me and engulfs me in a hug. I was slowly getting used to these gestures but something would still make me feel weird in the pit of my stomach. Something I only ever experienced once with Xiumin but I simply shrugged it off and wrapped my arms around Baekhyun.

"C'mon let's get going, I'm starving," Taehyung says whilst rubbing his stomach. We all begin to walk to the cafeteria and see Stephanie waiting patiently at a table, drinking milk.

"You guys took forever," she says before placing her drink down.

"Yeah whatever," Taehyung says whilst rolling his eyes. He sits down next to Stephanie and Baekhyun and I sit across from them.

"Baekhyun, are you going to do the audition?" Stephanie says and Baekhyun nods. My eyes widen at his response and I unintentionally grabbed his arm.

"Really?!" I say whilst shaking his arm.

"Yeah, why not? It doesn't sound too bad plus I'm only doing it for fun," he says and Taehyung scoffs.

"With your voice, you might actually become a big star," Taehyung says. I smile and say something unexpected before the bell went.

"But Baekhyun will always be my star."

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