Chapter 4

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I walk out my house and see the red haired boy from yesterday. He's bobbing his head to music and doesn't realised he's dropped his metro card.

"Hey!" I yell after him but he doesn't turn around. How loud is his music?

I see him walking to the same bus stop as me so I decide that I will give it to him when I get there. He stops at the bus stop still listening to his music so I take this chance and walk up to him.

"You dropped this," I say as I hold out his metro card for him. He starts to blush and quickly takes the card.

"Thank you," he mumbles and puts the card into his pockets.

I smile and put my headphones on listening to IU's song 'Twenty-three.'

The bus comes and everyone starts to enter. I can see that the bus is kind of crowded and I sigh. I'm the last person to enter the bus and I stumble and slightly fall. Before I fall, I feel someone grab my waist. I hesitantly look up and see the red haired kid looking at me. Our eyes connect and I blush and quickly look away.

"T-thank you," I mumble and grab onto the pole next to me without realising that his hand was there. I put my hand over his and blush a deep shade of red. I quickly take my hand off of his and put it on the bottom on the pole.

The bus ride was very unsteady and I would occasionally fall into the boy's chest and I would mutter a quick sorry whilst blushing.

When we reach the school, I quickly hop off the bus before him so I wouldn't have to face him. I was so embarrassed about what had happened and was cursing under my breath.

"Hey! Where were you on the bus this morning?" I turn around and see Truc yelling on the phone. Her face is filled with anger and worry. She calms down and starts quietly talking to the person.

"But didn't you tell me Mary hel-"she says. Mary? As in me? Was she talking to Xiumin about yesterday? I blush at the thought of yesterday and quickly continue walking. I was still very embarrassed that I kissed Xiumin.

I walked into my home room class and waited for the teacher to come in. I saw Stephanie come a little after with a small bottle of plain milk and a sticky note in her hand. She comes over to me and sits next to me whilst opening her bottle and drinking it. I snatch the pink sticky note from her and look at the small message and began reading the note silently. The note said: Drink this. It's healthier – M.Y.

"Secret admirer?" I say with my eyebrows raised. She slightly blushed and quickly took the note from me and put it into her pocket.

"I've been getting small bottles of milk from someone for the past week," she says. "But I wish this person knew I would rather chocolate."

"Well the note does say to drink healthier so this person must know about your love for chocolate milk," I say and laugh. She blushes and laughs with me.

The teacher, Mr. Jeon, comes in after and Stephanie quickly finishes off the milk and throws it out. She begins the lesson and I start doodling on my work book, wondering about Stephanie's secret admirer. I suddenly get a headache that only lasts a few second but it hurts like hell. I close my eyes together, tight and try to get the pain away. My headache leaves and I start to feel tired. My eyes start to feel heavier and I start to fall asleep.


I suddenly up, startled by the noise and slowly look up to see Mr. Jeon glaring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Mary detention after school," he says to me and walks back to the front of the classroom.

What! Detention! These teachers need to chill! I only closed my eyes for a few seconds! God!

I turn to Stephanie who's giving me a worried look and I shrug my shoulders telling her I'm ok, when really I'm not. I'm so pissed.

The bell rings for us to leave class; I get up and grab my books. I'm so tired. Thank god we only have one more lesson.

I tiredly drag myself to my next class and start to feel nauseous. My stomach feels weird and I start to feel dizzy. My legs aren't walking straight and my eyes start to feel heavier. My whole body turns off and I fall to the ground. I hear someone drop their books and run towards me. I turn to see pink hair running towards me and instantly know its Xiumin. I instantly close my eyes and allow the darkness take over me.

complicated ♡ b.bhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon