Chapter 43

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"Sorry Mary, talk to you to tomorrow."

I hang up the phone and place it on my bed.

"Could you not wait for another minute?" I say whilst glaring at Yixing.

"I don't want to get scolded again. He's really scary. Anyways, bring your phone, Mr. Kang called everyone for an urgent meeting. Apparently, they're checking our phones," Yixing says and my eyes widened. I quickly pick my phone up and delete my recent calls and messages with Mary. From other people, I heard if they see messages that give information out about the company that they get kicked out.

"Thank God you told me or else I could've gotten told off," I say and walk out of our dorm. We walk into the training room and see people lining up with their phones out in front of teachers.

"Mr. Byun, phone please," Mr. Kang says and I pass him my phone. He checks my phone before passing it back to me without any other words. I sigh in relief even though I knew I deleted everything.

"Attention please." Everyone's head turns to the back of the room and sees one of the SM managers come out with a clipboard.

"We will begin randomly checking phones like we have done today," she begins to say. "This is so the privacy of SM entertainment is not exploited."

"We will also be checking into your private life, as in your relationships," another manager says. People begin to start talking over each other and I frown. My privacy isn't for them, why must they interfere?

"Silence!" Someone yells. The room goes silent. "We do not have time for distractions. We are here to debut groups with as much success. Isn't it everyone's dream to debut?"

Everyone yelled out yes' and the managers smile amongst each other. I gulped nervously as I thought about Mary. I can't let anyone find out about her. I can't leave her because of my dream. They're making me pick between my dream and her. Why can't I have both? Is that too selfish of me?

"Today was your last warning. Everyone is dismissed. You guys can have the day off. You've worked hard but we're expecting you to work harder tomorrow morning," he says and everyone begins to run out of the room happily.

"We haven't been able to look around the city much, let's go," Yixing says. I see Sehun walking around by himself, looking a bit lonely and awkward. He hasn't made many friends which was a surprise because of how popular he was back in school but I know many of the girls like him.

"Sehun!" I call out. He turns to me and I wave him over to us.

"Come join us," I say once he was in front of me. I only just realised how much taller he was compared to me and gulped nervously. Mary was right when she said he was tall.

"Sure," he says and we all leave the practice room.


"I can't believe they're just going to check our phones randomly now. Do they know the meaning of privacy?" Yixing begins to complain.

"They must really want to see if we're dedicated enough," Sehun says whilst taking a bite out of his burger. Before arriving here, Yixing had been told about how good the New York burgers were and said we should try one. They're not as bad as they look.

"I wonder what happens when you get caught though. Do you get kicked out?" I say whilst taking a sip from my thick shake.

"Dunno, but my cousin was a past trainee and said they're really strict here. He said that when someone got caught it would have to depend on how bad the situation was," Yixing says whilst munching on his fried.

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