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Images of the last two hours ran through my mind, keeping it busy. Those two hours were the craziest hours I've ever lived, the craziest. First, the parade which was fun but not too fun. Second, the vampires roaming around town square. Third, the fire and how Bonnie lied to us.

And fourth, the kiss Damon and Elena shared just a few minutes ago.

It had stayed put in my mind since it happened and I can't possible get it out of my mind. I mean, why would Elena kiss Damon? She's with Stefan, and she loves him. But I also have to admit the small pang of hurt in my chest when I opened the door and interrupted them.

I had sat in my room and thought about it, and the more I thought about it the more my mind reached it's explosion level. So, I decided to go to Damon and ask him myself. Face to face.

So, I made my way out the house and through the woods; since it was an easier path.

I was now half way through the woods and I was already tired from walking. I stopped walking and placed my palms on my knees, taking deep breaths. I then straightened up and looked at the short path that lead to the Salvatore's house.

I sigh and started walking, but stopped when I heard a low growl from behind me. A lump formed in my throat as my heart pulled at it's strings and fell. I prayed that it wasn't what I thought it was and that I was just hearing things.

I slowly turned around but regretted it once I spotted the animal a few meters away from me, growling at me. The wolf moved it's leg, indicating he was ready to jump on me. I instantly twirled around and sprinted, running away for my life.

I cried out when the wolf jumped on my back, sending me flying on the ground. I landed on my back and the wolf jumped on top of me, clawing at my chest. I pushed the wolf away, sending it away and I took the chance to get up. Once I was up, I fell down again from the pain that erupted in my hip.

I took a hold of the leaves on the ground as I felt the wolf's presence leave. I whimpered as the pain exploded in my body. Changing every cell in me, every human left of me. A sob bubbled out of my mouth as I sat on my knees, holding on to the tree as I stood up.

It took every ounce of my body to pull up my shirt and see if it really happened, to prove that I was daydreaming. I lifted up my shirt and looked down, crying out once I saw it. The bite. It covered half of my side and blood was oozing out.

I covered it with my shirt and limped forward, towards the Salvatore's house. Tears continued streaming down my face as I crawled to the house. Everything that happened in the last hour left my brain, leaving me only with what happened just now.

I cried out as I fell against the front door, barely knocking on it. A few seconds ago, the door pulled open and I went falling forward but arms wrapped around me, holding me up. "Woah, what's wrong?" Damon asks, chuckling.

I looked up at his face, "It hurts." I whimpered as his face changed into concern, "What's wrong?" I bubble out a sob as I lift up my shirt, showing him what laid behind it. Damon's eyes widened as he looked at me and I continued sobbing on his chest.

"Who did that?"

"A w-wolf." I answer, crying out. "Oh no!" He whispers before placing his hand under my knees and pulling me up, carrying me bridal style. He sped to the living room, placing me on the couch as he lifted up my shirt. "I don't know what to so, I've never dealt with this before."

"C-Cover it u-up." I say, whimpering. Damon nods before speeding away, coming back with the first aid kit. He pulls out the alcohol bottle and pours some on the towel before patting it on the wound.

I cry out as my back jumps up from the couch, but Damon places his hand on my stomach pushing down. "Hold on, Lia." He whispers, continuing his aid. I silently whimper as he wraps the gauze around the wound, taping it.

"Okay, we're all done." He whispers, kneeling in front of me. I look at him and he smiles softly, and that was the last thing I saw before my eyes shut close and something dark takes over me.

♡ ♡ ♡

"Is she going to be okay?"

"I hope so."

"It's all my fault, isn't it."

"Mia, please wake up."

Soft whispers surround me as I move slightly on the comfortable sofa under me. I groan lightly as I open my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust my blurry vision. "Mia?" Elena whisper, rubbing my hand with her fingers. I look at her and she smiles sadly, tears dry on her face and new ones slide down her cheeks.

"Hey," I croak out, smiling softly at her. "Oh, thank god." She cries out, kissing my hand. I look around the room at the familiar faces and I smile, but it soon falls when memories of last night haunt my mind.

I jump up, sitting as I pull my hand out of Elena's and I lift my shirt up, looking down at my gauzed hip. "Mia," Elena calls out softly as I snap my head towards her, "Whatever is behind this, we're going to help you. You're going to be okay, I promise." I nod before looking down at the gauze.

I hold the tip of the tape and carefully peel it of, closing my eyes once it was off. I take a deep breath, opening my eyes as I look down at my hip. It was clear like a crystal, with no sign of blood or teeth marks. Just skin.

My eyes tear up as I gulp, a soft whimper coming out. I look up at the faces that are looking down at me sadly, and Elena jumps into my embrace. "You're going to be okay, I promise." She whispers in my ear, rubbing my back.

Sobs bubble out of my throat and I end up in a sobbing mess on Elena's shoulder. She tightens her grip around me and Jeremy jumps in, wrapping his arms around us both.

I knew nothing was going to be okay, nothing at all. My life has changed into the worst, fate choosing this for me. I'm not going to be the same person as I am right now. My life is going to turn upside down in a few days. It's all change now, and as much as I'd like to go back in time and change what happened, I cannot.

I don't want to turn into a supernatural creature. I don't want to turn into a werewolf. I don't want to turn into the abnormal. I don't want to turn into a bad person.

I don't want to turn into a Monster.


LAST CHAPTER!!! I'd like to thank you guys for all the support and how much I appreciate it, so thank you so much.

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WereCoyote | Damon Salvatore [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now